
Do as the Empathic Do


To promote more meaningful connections with key people in your life.

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60 minutes

Working with a coach, each individual discusses the value of focused listening and how to understand another person’s reality. The client will choose a specific relationship in which he or she wants to strengthen his or her connection using empathy, create a reminder card, and practice the new behaviors.



Facilitator Competencies image



Time Matrix

Activity Estimated Time
Value of listening discussion 20 minutes
Practice paraphrasing the meaning 15 minutes
Practice reflecting the feeling 20 minutes
Create practice card 5 minutes
Total 60 minutes


1. Give the client the Do as the Empathic Do Handout, which contains a case study.

2. Ask the client to read the case study; then ask these questions:

3. Now have the client focus on his or her situation. Ask the client to select one or more of the relationships in his or her life in which he or she wants a more meaningful connection.

4. Discuss what is lacking in that relationship currently and ask the client how the other person(s) might perceive it.

5. Ask the client to review his or her current schedule and behavior patterns and decide when in the day it will be most efficient to engage with this person(s) and give him or her the time and attention that focused listening requires.

6. To help your client learn the powerful value that paraphrasing gives to communications, compose some model statements to practice paraphrasing until he or she feels comfortable. Suggest that your client use the following types of introductions as a way to help get the hang of it: “So you’re telling me. . . .” “What I hear is that you want (need). . . .” “Okay, it sounds like. . . .”

7. Have your client practice suggesting how others feel about what’s happening, using patterns like, “And that leaves you feeling pretty. . . . “Wow, you must feel . . . about that.” “And so naturally you feel kind of. . . . ” Reassure the client that if someone doesn’t feel the specific way suggested, the person will usually correct the suggestion by describing his or her actual feeling more accurately.

8. Tell the client that if he or she needs help remembering, make a card on which the new behaviors are described clearly and briefly, including who specifically the client will be practicing with and the times he or she has committed to use the new behaviors.


Case Study Points