3 Holidays

Where you come from, people celebrate a holiday not observed in other parts of the world. The coming of that day reminds you of home, but it is also something of an obligation. This exercise will help you create the structure of an unusual holiday you celebrate.

images Roll a d6 four times:

This day celebrates:


1 Something you should actually be ashamed of

2 Fertility

3 The poor

4 A fallen hero

5 A great kindness

6 The harvest

1 A feast

2 A dance

3 Fasting

4 A sacrifice

5 A contest

6 An intimate ceremony


1 It takes materials expensive in this region.

2 You need your whole party to do it right.

3 People have to dress a particular way.

4 You have to hunt a specific beast.

5 It requires a mating ritual.

6 Everyone must tell a story.

And if you don’t celebrate:

1 You won’t be respected as an adult.

2 You will be considered a blasphemer.

3 You will be cursed with bad luck.

4 You will sink into a depression.

5 You won’t be able to look your parent in the eye.

6 You will be overcome with supernatural rage.

images This holiday is called _______________.

images It is . . . (check all that apply)

images Cultural

images Civic

images Religious

images Enforced magically

images Write your companions’ names in the roles for celebrating the holiday, roles you think they would be best suited for:

____________________ would be perfect to help prepare decorations because of his, her, or their eye for detail.

____________________ has the voice of an angel and must sing.

There is no better partner than ____________________ for the most difficult task before me.

I will tell ____________________ first because he, she, or they will best understand my need for this.

I cannot do this without ____________________’s strong arms.

This must be a surprise to ____________________, or everything will be ruined.