These are five lessons your character learned growing up and in training that helped shape his or her identity as a hero. Answer the prompts to discover what they are.
1. Growing up you experienced something that you never wish to revisit. It could be the desperation of extreme poverty, the isolation of social rejection, or even the guilt associated with having done something wrong.
What have you learned should be avoided at all costs? What measures do you take these days to avoid this?
2. Before you truly understood your abilities, you unintentionally caused harm with them.
What did you break or whom did you injure? How did you make up for your mistake? What did this situation teach you about managing your strength?
3. As an adolescent you stood up against something stronger than you to fight a perceived injustice.
What did you lose in pursuit of your ideals? How did this event shape your response to wrongdoing as an adult?
4. When you were a child, someone close to you hid a truth from you. As an adult you realized that person’s deception.
How did the lie shape you? Did the truth hurt you? How do you approach deception as an adult?
5. During your training you risked your life for something and were rewarded for it.
How close did you come to death? What was the nature of your reward? What do you take into consideration when risking your life these days?