Here’s an exercise to help develop the ways in which your core motivations spur your decisions. Answer the prompts to create deep motivations for your character.
You are at death’s door. Your breath is shallow and ragged. Your joints cry and ache. Every physical part of you longs to lie down and rest, come what may.
What image appears in your mind that inspires you to keep fighting?
The trail is cold. Following every clue has led you back to the same place of uncertainty from which you started. You can feel icy dread creeping over you as you consider the possibility of reexamining everything that brought you to this point.
What physical object do you instinctively reach for in this moment? What comfort does it bring?
In the pursuit of righting wrongs, the line between good and evil has become blurred. You have done things you could never have imagined doing before, but you are not sure if that crossed a line.
What words guide you toward your moral center? Who said them?
You are faced with a locked chest deep within a dungeon. On your journey down, you have faced many clever traps and seen valuable rewards.
What treasure that could be hidden inside makes you want to open the chest?
You and your party are facing a serious problem and cannot agree on a solution. You have argued until you are blue in the face, and the temptation to go your own way is strong.
What moment from your past makes you try again to reach the other members?