Examine your character’s inexperience by examining items that really don’t belong in an adventurer’s pack.
1. Growing up, you were taught that a specific item was important to your identity. On the road you have found little use for it. Every time you see it among your belongings, you make an excuse to keep it, though each time, those excuses are harder to find.
What is this, and where did you get it?
2. This was part of an old superstition you were taught as a child. It has since proven to be untrue.
What is it, and when did you try to use it?
3. When first venturing out, you grabbed this. It seemed like something useful you would need on the road. You are still waiting for the perfect opportunity to pull it out.
What is it, and when do you plan to use it?
4. You purchased this intending to learn how to use it. You keep putting off that learning experience. Now throwing it away would be admitting you will never gain that skill.
What is it, and how long would it actually take you to learn how to use it?
5. This is an article of clothing for which you have a sentimental fondness. It is damaged to the point of being unusable, or it could be replaced by a more suitable item.
What is it, and who made it?