18 Of the Cloth

Use these charts to help players visualize different ways to play a character whose religion is a major theme.


One of the major ways religion gets expressed in a game is how you choose to answer a divine calling. Your alignment only tells you what effect you want to have on the world. This chart will tell you how to approach those goals.

images Choose how you answer a divine calling:


You hope to grow your religious order and convert the faithless. You feel you are on the right path when you welcome new people to the flock.


You want the wisdom of your faith and your god’s message to be present in the world, but you don’t need dedication from the people you deliver your message to. It is fine to have someone be faithless or worship another god so long as your message is one of comfort.


Your work is primarily to right wrongs and soothe suffering. For right to triumph, the world must be able to erase the effects of wrong.


You proactively seek to conquer what you see as the ills of the world. You upset status quos and try to make changes according to your values.


Religious characters do not all feel the same way about their religions, and not all deities treat their champions in the same way. Even within the same faith, two characters can have a radically different experience of what that faith means.

images Choose how you practice your faith:

images Devoted

On this end of the spectrum, you are unshakably committed to your beliefs—the sort of person who dies suffering and gets named a saint.

images Questioning

You are skeptical of aspects of your faith or church. You are the sort of person who inspires a reformation or weeds out corruption.

images Favor

Your deity is a comforting presence that admires your work. You find fortune in hardship and receive help when you need it.

images Trial

Your deity constantly tests your faith and asks for sacrifice. It wishes to see you emerge victorious but never makes it easy.