28 My Grimoire

Every wizard has a spell book, but very few look anything alike. A spell book is a versatile tool, and for many wizards, it is designed to fit specific needs. Pick details to inspire you to answer the prompts and add personality to your spell book.


On the outside every book has a particular feel. Sometimes this is based on where the wizard was taught; sometimes it’s built around an image the wizard wants to project. Others just evolve naturally based on the magic they contain.

images The two most prominent descriptors for my spell book:

images Grandiose

images Elegant

images Ancient

images Animalistic

images Foreboding

images Worn

images Ethereal

images Utilitarian

images Mysterious

images Captivating

images What material is the cover made of? ______________________

images What do the pages feel like? ______________________

images What feature signals to even lay observers that this is no ordinary tome?


Based on your areas of study, your book has picked up a specialized property. Consult your GM when selecting a property.

images Choose one based on your school:


images The pages of this book resist most spills and accidental damage.

images The cover is strong enough to repel a shot from a longbow.

images It occasionally counters cantrips from casters it does not like.


images Bookmarks and highlights appear and disappear spontaneously.

images A usable quill can be pulled from the spine; it disappears after not touching the book for ten minutes.

images Once per day, a mundane spell component can be found between the seventy-seventh and seventy-eighth pages.


images The book will serendipitously store itself in the least vulnerable place among your possessions.

images Occasionally, new spells appear on the pages in your handwriting before you even master them.

images With an hour-long ritual, you can fill a page with a detailed account of events that took place within twenty feet up to twenty-four hours ago as though you had written it.


images The book can implant the impulse in intelligent creatures to read the ninety-ninth page upon seeing the book laid open.

images Once per day, with a silent command, the book will emit a smell repulsive to unintelligent creatures.

images An unauthorized person who touches the book will feel a powerful urge to do something.


images This book resists damage from an element of your choosing (fire, acid, cold, etc.).

images Tearing a page and expending a spell slot will create a thrown weapon that does damage 1d4/level when it comes in contact with a person or thing.

images Once per day, a minor elemental phenomenon can be trapped between its pages and will be released when the book is opened again.


images This book appears to be a mundane object unless it is specifically sought after.

images When an unauthorized reader opens the book, certain words jump and swim across the page.

images This book shifts in color and style to suit your mood.


images Slapping this book on the chest of a dying ally will grant you advantage on attempts to stabilize him.

images Bothersome insects within ten feet of this book spontaneously drop dead.

images Once per day, you can write a note to a creature in a plane of the dead.


images A beverage placed on the cover of this book will come to a pleasant drinking temperature within seconds.

images Water that runs along the spine of this book will be safe to drink unless affected by a major curse.

images Tearing a page from this book and expending a spell slot will transform the page into a material of the caster’s choice as thick as the page. Exotic materials require higher spell slots.


Spell books are not alive, but magic is. Grimoires tend to develop quirks and personalities based on the wizards who use them and the spells contained within them.

images Choose one:

images This book detests periods of inactivity and deliberately maneuvers itself into precarious positions.

images This book prefers to be placed on the table during social events and becomes finicky if it feels as if it is missing out.

images This book prefers you to keep certain company and forces you to interact with certain people.

images This book detests small animals and will act against them when it can.

images This book loves music and behaves better during a musical performance.

images This book is vain and transforms mundane writing in its pages into illuminated text.

images This book fears the dark and glows when it is in shadow.

images This book respects strength and resists when someone attempts to turn a page.

images This book loves peace and resists violent spells written in its pages.

images This book craves secrets and hides new information from prying eyes.

images This book loves to teach and will seek potential wizards to instruct.

images This book holds the soul of an old spellcaster who occasionally speaks to the current holder.