Constantly on the road, most adventurers split their time between staying at inns and camping in dangerous places. Even for the most hardened nomads, an inn can feel sterile and cold without some homey touches. Answer the prompts to discover what your character does to make a strange room feel like home.
During the months when the cold stings even indoors, inns tend to skimp on the sheets.
What do you bring to keep yourself warm?
Although there are hidden gems everywhere, most inns don’t pride themselves on culinary delicacies.
What do you always keep with you to liven up a bland meal?
Wood, thatch, pitch, and mud—the materials most inns are built from—are warmer than a tent but aren’t exactly pretty.
What colorful thing cuts through the monotony of most inns?
An evening of carousing often leads to singing and swapping stories.
What tale or song do you bring to an evening of revelry to warm your homesick heart?
Not every hero gambles his or her treasure, but almost all adventurers play games to pass the time.
What is your favorite thing to play?
For some adventurers, taking a bath is the ultimate luxury.
When you’re not scrubbing away the dirt of the road, how do you make the most of the experience?