35 Five Scars

Adventuring leaves a mark on anyone who adopts the lifestyle. Scars create a visual history for heroes. The following prompts describe scars your character might carry. Select details and use them to create scars for her or him.

When you were young, you were injured doing something innocent or routine. You recovered and were left with a mark that has been part of you so long you cannot imagine yourself without it. You have told the story a thousand times with a laugh around campfires, in a whisper between bedsheets, and over a stiff drink in taverns.

images Where? Chin, cheek, brow, or ______________________

images It: (choose one)

images adds charm to your smile

images makes you look serious

images hides behind your hair

images Do you have a nickname for it? ______________________

When you were studying your current profession, ambition drove you to a challenge you were not prepared for. That day taught you a measure of humility. Occasionally, your fingers run across this mark when you are facing a daunting challenge.

images Where? Arm, hands, neck, or ______________________

images You: (choose one)

images never tried something like that again

images were more careful on your second attempt

images found the strength to try again when the moment was right

images How many drinks does it take to get you to talk about it? ______________________

In a confrontation with a hated rival, you suffered a wound that still causes you pain from time to time. Healers told you it did not mend properly. It makes you slower, weaker, and vulnerable to foes who know you well. You have worked hard to compensate for this injury—you may have even conquered it—but the phantom pain and psychological injuries always find a way to return.

images Where? Shoulder, knee, eye, or ______________________

images Did you win the fight? Yes/No/Doesn’t matter (choose one)

images How long did it take to heal? ______________________

You received this mark from someone you loved and trusted. It may not be physical, and it may not be the result of a wound, but it is a part of who you are, and that is obvious to someone who takes the time to look.

images What? Broken heart, tattoo, piercing, or ______________________

images She or he: (choose one)

images still waits for you to come home

images wouldn’t spit on you to put out a fire

images must be out there somewhere

images Does someone you truly love need to know this story? ______________________

You don’t remember how you got this. When you tell that to some people, it troubles them. Others nod in recognition, for they also bear marks without name or origin. Some healers have told you that it can be removed, but you have yet to find the motivation to go to that trouble over something so small.

images Where? Chest, back, thigh, or ______________________

images This mark is: (choose one)

images crooked and deep

images an unusual shape

images not much larger than a fist

images Can you see it when you go through your morning routine? ________