40 My Friends

One of the greatest gifts players can give each other is to buy into each other’s character stories. It’s easy to get wrapped up in your own narrative, but finding a place for yourself in a companion’s story makes both characters more dynamic and fun to play. This exercise will help you chart another character’s story so you can find ways to interact with it.

images Companion’s name: ______________________, the:

images Kindest

images Wisest

images Most formidable

images Most resourceful

images Cleverest

images Most tragic

images Bravest

person I have ever met.

images Where are he, she, or they from?

images Where did the character learn his, her, or their skills?

images Why is she or he traveling with you?

images What is the drive for the character’s quest?

images Intellectual

images Emotional

images Spiritual

images What five things does the character need to complete the quest that she, he, or they lack now?






images What three talents do you have that your friend lacks?




images Which of your talents is best suited to getting the character one of the things she or he needs to complete this quest?

images Why does your character care about this?

images What is your plan to further this mission next session?

images What can you do to counsel the character through the tasks you cannot aid?