44 A Traveler’s Taste

For each place you visit, you’ve found one local product or delicacy that you look for in other lands. Finding one of these is a tremendous boon. Pick details and answer the prompts to create hard-to-find treats that occasionally tempt you.

Something Sweet

It doesn’t cost much, but it is hard to come across. When you do discover it, you buy all you can carry.

images It’s . . . (choose one)

images A fruit

images A confection

images A spice

images You recognize it anywhere by . . . (choose one)

images Its vibrant color

images The unusual design on its wrapping

images Something left over whenever it is eaten

images A flag the peddlers carry on their carts

images Who introduced it to you?

Something Strong

It’s expensive even in the place it came from, but a drink like this is worth a little indulgence.

images It’s . . . (choose one)

images A spirit

images Brewed from something roasted

images A sort of tea

images It creates a feeling of . . . (choose one)

images Bubbly happiness

images Deep focus

images Relaxed serenity

images Welcome slumber

images What might this drink make better?

Something Soft

Only the wealthiest people can afford this material. You dream of owning something made from it.

images It’s . . . (choose one)

images An animal skin

images A fleece

images Something woven from fibers

images It has an amazing property . . . (choose one)

images Under certain conditions, it is lighter than air.

images It is stronger than steel.

images It can quickly seal a wound.

images A small piece can stretch farther than any rope you own

images When did you first touch it?