59 Getting to Know You

We learn a lot about our companions by traveling with them. However, some information needs to be uncovered intentionally. This game invites you to pick the party member you know the least about and challenges you to learn ten things about him or her. To add a challenge, you have to roll to determine which method you will have to use to find your answer.

images What will you discover? (roll a d10)

1 What qualities make this character respect a person?

2 Whom does she trust most?

3 Where would he rather be?

4 Who raised them?

5 What secret does he wish to uncover?

6 Whom does she consider an enemy?

7 Have they ever fallen in love?

8 What is her most strongly held belief?

9 What does he think of children?

10 Does she consider you a worthy companion?

images How will you discover it? (roll a d6)

1 Directly asking him

2 Sharing information about yourself to get some in return

3 Enlisting an agent to find the answer for you

4 Finding an answer based on careful study

5 Using magic or divine divination

6 Using deceit or trickery