77 Five Commandments

There are five rules observed by creatures in your service. They are the first lessons you teach and the foundation of any world shaped in your image. This helps you construct your character’s vision for a future influenced by your will.

1. Always

This is the most important thing a person has to do to live by your ideals. If someone ever experiences doubt, he should be able to look to this to center himself.

images Examples: Always . . .

images Ease suffering where you find it.

images Search for truth where it could be hidden.

images Trust your instincts to guide you.

images Focus yourself on serenity.

images Move before you set roots.

2. Never

The commandment is designed to prevent people from losing their way. It forbids an activity or way of thinking that you believe could lead them down a harmful path.

images Examples: Never . . .

images Trust a person whose only achievement is wealth.

images Trade freedom for safety.

images Kill for something you cannot hold.

images Lie to a lover.

images Break an oath made with blood.

3. Sacred

There is a place, concept, or thing that you believe holds divine importance. It should be something your followers are encouraged to seek out and protect.

images Examples:

images Freedom

images The forest

images Beer

images Music

images Sex

4. Sin

There is one crime you believe to be worse than all others. It is something your followers should work to remove from the world—something that would not be possible in a universe you controlled.

images Examples:

images Theft

images Dark magic

images Harming a child

images Killing in anger

images Selling out

5. Self

The final commandment is to define a follower’s relationship with herself. If someone is to live by your example, how is she to treat herself?

images Examples:

images Sacrifice is the key to righteousness.

images Care for yourself so you may care for others.

images All for one, one for all.

images Heroes never run.

images There is no you before me.