Your allies have the power to split mountains, part seas, and walk between raindrops. What gift could be worthy of them? Here’s an exercise that prompts players to think of their companions and use that to craft items and gestures for them.
To restore what was sacrificed: In order to live with their choices, heroes often convince themselves that they are somehow different, that they don’t have the needs of ordinary people. This gift reminds your friend that she is human. It should fulfill a need that your companion denies herself.
To give life to a memory: Sometimes good memories can be the only possessions a hero can call his own. This gift is a totem that brings sweet memories closer. It should be small, something your companion could easily afford but would never think to get himself.
To demonstrate understanding: Being an adventurer means leaving the comforts of home and often passing through new worlds as a stranger. Returning to places that she once called home simply underscores the type of stranger a hero has become. This gift will show that someone knows and appreciates who she is. It should be personal and probably handmade.
To make an apology: Working together in life-and-death situations necessitates a strong professional relationship. Sometimes little offenses need to be swept away so the mission can succeed. This gift represents the apologies that were left unsaid. It should be something that sets aside pride and focuses on joy.
To restore wonder: Unraveling the mysteries of the unknown and facing the abyss every day creates a need to harden yourself against horror. Psychological self-defense can also limit access to joy grounded in awe. This gift embraces the strange and otherworldly beauty that both of you encounter day to day and opens your companion up to wonder. It should revolve around supernatural power and rare knowledge.