Every great hero has to forge a relic; it’s tradition. Being an experienced adventurer, you know that if you make something too useful, you’ll end up with a team of adventurers breaking into your home to steal it.
Roll a d20 to determine the primary function of your artifact and see if you can come up with a secondary effect that would ward off unwanted intruders.
1 Turns lead into gold
2 Grants eternal life
3 Grants wishes
4 Can imprison a powerful soul
5 Allows the user to see people as they really are
6 Cures any ailment
7 Reshapes mountains
8 Returns to its original shape, no matter how it is damaged
9 Answers any question
10 Navigates by the stars
11 Travels between realities
12 Controls the flow of time
13 Swaps the bodies of two creatures
14 Allows its owner to freely speak with the dead
15 Grants the power of a god
16 Makes the user invulnerable
17 Erases the wicked deeds of whoever uses it
18 Allows someone to experience his or her past anew
19 Can kill an immortal being
20 Allows omnipotent control over a separate dimension
Given the function of your creation, what would make someone think twice about stealing it but not totally rob it of value?