Since you’re a living legend, people are interested in your movements. When you pass through a town, dozens of stories pop up with varying degrees of accuracy. Part of that comes from people twisting stories, but the root is based on the details different people notice. Use the prompts to consider what a stranger might see when she, he, or they looks at you.
Tasked with maintaining peace and safety, a watchman must be skilled at identifying someone who poses a threat. Truly gifted watchmen have to know who is beyond their ability to police with force.
When someone eyes you with suspicion, what does he find?
Servers survive by judging who can tip and what they need to do to charm a profit.
What does a person see when she watches you drink and feast?
Pickpockets want money and to avoid getting caught.
Are your wealth and power obvious to someone assessing you as a target?
Those with royal blood are accustomed to subservience and to thinking in terms of the good of the state.
When someone born with power looks in your eyes, do they find a threat, a resource, or something else?
Children are learning about their world, protecting a delicate interpretation of reality. They are open to noticing impossible details that adults dismiss.
What does a person who embraces the impossible see in you?