95 Apprentice

Heroes who reach a certain level of mastery often want to pass on some of their knowledge. Others find that they are inundated with offers from potential students whether they want them or not. Dream as you might, there is no such thing as a perfect student.

images Select the qualities of your apprentice, ensuring he, she, or they have at least one A, B, C, D, and E.


images A. You have never met a person as gifted as your student. She understands something intuitively that you grappled with for years. With careful instruction she could change the world.

images B. He takes in new information with easy grace and understanding. Even difficult lessons are mastered within a short amount of time.

images C. Like any journeyman in your field, they demonstrate moments of brilliance and others of inscrutable foolishness.

images D. This student has no natural knack for this sort of work. Left to his own devices, he would never reach any level of mastery.

images E. You have never met anyone who struggles with basic principles as much as this student does. Any other master would have written her off as hopeless long ago.


images A. This student possesses an almost supernatural humility. They do not revel in success or status. Their only desire is learning.

images B. She is a generous and loving soul. It is incredibly rare to catch her in a moment of self-satisfaction, and when you do, it is more charming than worrisome.

images C. You have to walk a careful line of praise and criticism to keep him in the best condition to learn. Like most people he could walk many paths given the proper treatment.

images D. They are a victim of crippling self-doubt. They are not confident even in areas in which she is truly gifted.

images E. He is easily the most arrogant creature you have ever met. He could be a danger to himself and even the world if left unchecked.


images A. She is consistent and trustworthy. You’d feel comfortable entrusting her with monumental responsibility that even you could not shoulder.

images B. There is almost no task you would hesitate to give this student. However, you can allow your trust to go only so far. The darkest secrets must be kept safe.

images C. When directed carefully they are capable of a great deal. Without that direction they could easily find trouble. Perhaps they will grow in time.

images D. She requires almost constant attention to accomplish even simple things. You are careful to keep even simple temptations away from her.

images E. This person is a walking disaster. Without care and attention he will find a way to create catastrophe out of even simple situations.


images A. Her dedication is awe inspiring. She constantly pulls off miraculous feats of academic dedication.

images B. He is feverishly committed to study, often at risk of personal health and safety. It’s mostly good, but it can get out of hand without your intervention.

images C. While some areas of your craft capture her attention easily, you work hard to keep her focused on the complete scope of her studies.

images D. They don’t seem to be interested in most of what you have to teach. You often have to trick or mislead them in order to get lessons across.

images E. This is the most insufferably lazy person you have ever met. She does not seem to understand that one has to work in order to learn.


images A. This is a living saint. He is not tempted by even minor vices and has a patience and love for other living things that is truly beautiful.

images B. This is a good and righteous person with few flaws. You do worry that, presented with the wrong circumstances, it is possible that could change.

images C. They carry vice and prejudice like many who are born into an imperfect world.

images D. He is a dishonorable, reprehensible lowlife. Many would call him a monster, and perhaps he will become one.

images E. You have never met a more terrifying individual in your life. She is relentlessly and carefully dedicated to wickedness. Perhaps even you do not know her true nature.