With all the possibilities a fantasy world contains, you may find it difficult to determine what challenges you should take on. All too often heroes shy from challenges beneath their capability or charge headlong into situations they are not prepared for. Following is a guide that provides a rough idea of what you should be able to accomplish. It is possible for powerful characters to be unlucky and make mistakes or for weaker characters to be prudent and fortunate, but generally, this list will provide you with a starting point for your level.
• Survive a relatively unlucky day
• Survive an encounter with a fairly dangerous animal
• Win a bar fight
• Hunt a large nonmagical beast
• Fend off a coordinated bandit attack
• Compete in a gladiatorial arena
• Hold off a squad of trained soldiers
• Defeat a giant monster terrorizing a community
• Unseat a corrupt governor
• Recover an ancient and powerful secret
• Match wits with a deviously intelligent monster
LEVELS 11–15
• Become a champion in a massive competition
• Have your actions declared miraculous
• Avert a natural disaster
• Unseat a powerful tyrant
• Seal an ancient evil
• Battle an army with a small party
• Settle a cosmic dispute
• Destroy an interplanar threat
• Defy a god