– ONE –

for Crystal Magic


As with any magical technique, there are preparations that need to be made both for the tools and for the practitioner. Your stones and your state of mind must be clear and focused. It’s tempting to simply rinse the stones quickly and begin, but I think you’ll find it’s worth the effort to make time for cleansing and charging—the very act will eventually become a trigger for your magical awareness.

You’ve heard the terms “cleansing” and “charging” before, and you probably already practice these techniques. And I’m sure you understand why you do it—cleansing rids an item of unwanted energy and charging (or programming) is used to project your intent onto an object. Often these words are used interchangeably, so I would like to offer some clarification. In this chapter you will find specific rituals for cleansing, charging, programming, and dedicating your stones, as well as detailed definitions of these terms.

Cleansing and Charging: Defined and Demystified

Cleansing can be both a literal cleaning of a stone and the removal (clearing) of other “energy” it may have been exposed to. The practical cleaning of a stone is a good idea for many reasons—the main reason is to remove dust and dirt. Plus, in a way, you’re making the item your own by way of symbolic cleansing. Clearing of energy is a bit more intangible. Most practitioners of magic and other metaphysical arts believe that items can pick up energy from other sources and hold it for some time; this is why cleansing your stones is an excellent idea and a perfect first step when you acquire a new one. I like the use of the word cleansing to include both the literal and metaphysical cleaning of a stone—it implies a sense of renewal so the object is ready to be used for a new purpose.

Charging or programming is more difficult to define. The idea is that you can, and should, give your stone a focus before you use it—you define its purpose based on your intent and then use the stone as a tool to focus that intent in spells and rituals. And when you’re done, the charge eventually wears off or is “erased” by cleansing. Also, if you consistently program the same stone for the same purpose, you reinforce your intent so that each time you see that stone, you instantly feel the focus.

Some magical practitioners believe that when you charge or program a stone, you’re inscribing your thoughts into the very essence of that material. If that imagery is what helps you focus your intent, visualizing your thoughts inscribing the stone, great. Do it. Use whatever method works for you.

For charging or programming, choose the visualization you’re most comfortable with. I like to imagine connecting with the stone on a mineralogical level—we’re both (more or less) made of minerals. I visualize making a connection with a particular stone for a specific purpose at a particular moment in time. I visualize this connection as a bond, linking my intent with the stone. There are many different ways to do this, and I will offer some methods here—of course, feel free to create any way that works best for you. And, of course, you don’t have to use the same method every time (although some people find that consistency helps with focus and intent).

The process of dedicating implies that you intend to use the stone over and over again with the same charge or program. Dedication can be essential, especially for a stone or piece of jewelry that you know you’re going to use consistently for the same purpose. This is because the action helps the mind focus—and the mind is the seat of magical intent. This process is part of the aspect of ritual that draws us to magic. These actions are carried out with meaning that help us focus our intent and announce our purpose. Here’s the way I break it down:

Cleansing: Washing away physical impurities and also a symbolic cleansing, marking the stone as being refreshed and renewed. This act removes unwanted energy from the stone using visualization and other techniques, often combined with physical cleaning. I use the word cleansing to refer to this combined process—cleaning and clearing of energy.

Charging/Programming and Dedicating: Charging and programming really mean the same thing—you charge a stone with specific intent for use in a spell or ritual; you dedicate a piece that you plan to use again and again for the same goal (or in a permanent talisman, piece of jewelry, or amulet). Dedication is simply repeated use of a stone for the same purpose. This can happen by charging the same piece over and over again, or by using a specific dedication ritual (or both).

Should you cleanse the stone immediately after the spell? It depends. I do cleanse stones before using them again; the timing is up to you. It mainly depends on the energy you’re generating with the spell or ritual—you may not want to think of that energy lingering around. Or, you may want it to, if it’s for a prosperity spell, for example. Crystal healers always cleanse and clear stones before and after use, so if you already practice this you may wish to use the same routine for your magical work.

Cleansing Methods

Not all cleansing methods should be used with all stones. Soft stones should never be soaked in water, and stones that have the tendency to crack or fade should never be charged in sunlight. Remember to use visualization techniques during the process. See the stone being cleared or erased, like a chalkboard, ready to receive your intent. These techniques are intended to remove unwanted energy from the stone. I have included a chant to use for each method. To save time, you may wish to cleanse multiple stones together.

For practical cleansing—removal of dirt or dust—clean your stone with gentle hand soap or toothpaste using cool or lukewarm water. For clusters, use an old toothbrush or cotton swab to reach between all the crevices. Dry with a soft towel or let the stone air-dry. This method also works for jewelry—of course, you may wish to use a special jewelry cleaner instead or a cloth designed to remove tarnish from metals.


As the name suggests, this method uses the four classical elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to cleanse the stone. You will need something to represent each: a dish of soil, a burning candle, burning incense, and a dish of water.


Dip the stone in the water, then pass the stone quickly through the flame (don’t burn your fingers!). Next, pass the stone through the incense smoke, and, finally, place the stone in the dish of soil.

As you perform each task, visualize that element removing any un-wanted energy from the stone: Water renews and washes away; Fire burns; Air blows; Earth absorbs.


Water, Fire, Air, and Earth,

Cleanse this stone, give rebirth.


This method uses smoke from incense or burning herbs to dispel negative energy and purify the object. The most traditional choices are sagebrush or frankincense, but use what you like best. You can hold the stone in your hand and pass it through the smoke, or place the stone on a table or other type of stand and allow the smoke to drift over it. I like to use a tall candle holder designed for a pillar or taper candle. Most stones will fit on top and then you can place the incense below or beside it, allowing the smoke to drift over the stone for a longer period of time.


Smolder, smoke, blow away,

Cleanse this stone, clear the way.


When cleansing with water, it’s nice to use water collected from a natural spring or spring-fed stream. If you don’t have access to this, use distilled water or plain tap water if you’d like. You can even make a special cleansing elixir (see chapter four).You can allow the stone to soak in the water for a period of time in sunlight, moonlight, by candlelight, or you can rinse the stone under running water. It’s up to you, and you may find that your preference often depends on the stone’s intended use. Some people like to use salt water, which is fine as long as the stone you’re cleansing isn’t too soft.


Rushing water running clear,
old intention disappear.

Water cleanse and clear this stone,
until its future purpose known.

Sunlight or Moonlight

Simply place the stone where it can sit in sunlight or moonlight for an extended period of time. You may wish to use this in combination with water cleansing; rinse the stone, then use light to complete the process.


Sunlight/Moonlight, as you cleanse this stone,
By your light make it my own

Earth Cleansing

Place the stone in a container of soil for 24 hours.


Soil of the Earth, renew this stone’s true worth.

Music and Sounds

Sounds can be utilized for cleansing by ringing a bell, or using a gong or singing bowl. Sing these lines or chant while you make sounds or play music:

As this sound does reach my ear,
I declare this stone is clear.


As described in the water cleansing method, you can use salt water for some stones. A bed of coarse sea salt crystals is also an excellent choice for cleansing. Allow the stone to sit on the salt overnight, throughout the day, or for a 24-hour period.


Purify and clear this stone;
Its intent shall be my own.

Using Quartz Clusters or Other Stones

Allowing a stone or piece of jewelry to rest on a large cluster of clear quartz is one of the easiest methods of cleansing. Kyanite is also a good mineral to use for clearing energy from other stones. Allow the stone to remain on the clearing crystal(s) for at least 24 hours.


Stone on stone, neutralize,
Clear away all prior ties.

Charging and Dedicating

Charging (or programming) is the term used for establishing temporary intent—for example, you use a piece of amethyst for a restful sleep spell, and later cleanse it and charge it to use for meditation. Perhaps you use a piece of tiger eye for a prosperity spell, and use it again in the future for a grounding ritual. This method of cleansing and charging over and over again is perfectly fine.

However, you may wish to keep a particular stone or piece of jewelry for one purpose. In this case, use dedication—your intent to use this piece permanently (or for an extended period of time) for a singular purpose—a protective amulet, for example, or a crystal ball for divination.

Methods of Charging and Dedicating

The most important thing to remember when charging is to clearly visualize your intent. See what you want; focus on your goal. Ideally, you’ll use the same (or a similar) visualization during the spell or ritual to reinforce your intent. Hold the stone in your projective hand during the charging process or hold your projective hand over the stone(s). It may help you to speak your intent aloud or even write it down on paper and place the stone on top. If you have several stones to use for a spell, you can charge them together, even if they serve slightly different purposes. They will be united by your goal in the spell.

Also, remember to consider your need; your goal with a spell may be general or specific. For example, rather than focusing on general prosperity, you can focus on your specific need, such as paying off debts or making more money. You could also use a visualization where you can see yourself in the situation you desire. In some situations, you need to remain general and open, such as when seeking love. Don’t neglect how you might limit yourself—think of it kind of like surfing the Internet: when you’re doing a search, sometimes you need to be very specific but other times you want all options revealed to you.

All-Purpose Charging Chant:

Now I focus my intent

Hear me as my goal is sent.

I connect it to this stone

Making my true purpose known.

Let this tool now work with me

As I will so shall it be.

State your purpose for the spell. To dedicate, add these lines:

With this chant let all be told

Let this dedication hold.

Other Methods

Just as sounds can be used to clear energy, they can help with programming and dedicating as well. Play a particular type of music when you’re visualizing your intent. You will come to associate this sound with that stone and your purpose. You can also use bells, singing bowls, drums, or other instruments.

If you work with essential oils, you may wish to add a few drops of oil to a carrier solution and apply this to a crystal. Again, use caution that the stone won’t be damaged. Choose a scent associated with your purpose, and you’ll be reminded of your goal each time you detect that particular aroma.

Dedicating Crystal Clusters

Most people I know who collect stones for any reason are fascinated by clusters. They seem to be a world of their own, like a mountain range, a world you could get lost in. Some have more crystals that you can count. And they sparkle like no other natural form. They make lovely decorative pieces and they’re excellent for magic.

Magically, clusters are often used to create a sense of community or harmony in a room, or during group magical practice. They also make beautiful symbols for the center of an altar.

Here’s a chant you can use to dedicate a cluster for a general peaceful environment.

Crystal cluster represent
harmony and good intent;
peacefulness upon this space
by every shining crystal face.

You will also find clusters of other varieties of quartz and other minerals as well. The meanings for those will correspond to the meaning of the mineral. For example, a cluster of amethyst might be used to enhance the spiritual atmosphere; citrine would be useful for a harmonious and successful work environment. Whatever the mineral, think of the cluster as having an extra boost of energy specially tailored for a community or group.


These are excellent for individual work as well, since a cluster is visually stunning and appealing. Placing one in a room can help you with individual needs—visualize the energy being projected all around you, from every point of the cluster.

Centering and Grounding

These are important aspects of magical work with which you are undoubtedly familiar—though perhaps they are confusing. If you find the process challenging, you may wish to dedicate specific stones to always use for centering and grounding. Remember, repeated use for the same purpose over time is a kind of automatic dedication. This dedication process may help you form a method for reaching these desired states. Here are some suggestions for these practices using stones.

Centering Ritual

To be centered means to be balanced physically, spiritually, and in all the subtle bodies as well. This concept is a bit intangible—most of us simply know the feeling when we reach it. To use stones to aid centering, select those used for meditation, to stimulate the mind, and those recommended for spirituality. Clear fluorite is a good choice for this task, and clear quartz is always appropriate. In addition, hematite is one of those rare stones that are good for both centering and grounding. Hold the stone(s) while you meditate, practice breathing exercises, or use sound (music, bells). You can also gaze at stones and practice centering this way. In addition, using prayer beads can help one become centered and focused.


Body, mind, and spirit now align,

center, focus on this goal of mine;

subtle bodies balanced to the core,

Clear and strong I’m ready to explore.

This chant can help create a sense of connectedness:

To the sky, spirit rise
lift my voice, lift my eyes,
See the sun, moon, and stars,

Touch them all, mine and ours.

Grounding Ritual

When you are well-grounded, you are cleared of excess energy. You are properly connected (think of a power cord), so any excess energy flows into the earth. Lack of grounding during magical practice can result in nervousness, restlessness, short temper, fatigue, and even illness (since you may be exhausted and your immune system might weaken). Other symptoms are dizziness, an unbalanced feeling, being confused, chakra imbalances, and subtle energy disturbances in the aura or other subtle bodies.

To select stones for grounding, think “heavy”—especially metallic ores like lodestone, galena, and hematite. Bronzite and barite (“desert rose”) are less commonly used but are both heavy and also good choices for grounding. Dark-colored stones like black tourmaline, smoky quartz, and onyx can also be used. Experiment with several to see which ones feel right for you. Hold the stone in your hands, cupping one palm inside the other. A popular visualization for grounding is to imagine yourself as a tree, roots digging into the soil. You can also visualize yourself as a stone.


To the ground, I am bound,

see my roots reaching down,

feel the weight of the stone,

one with Earth, flesh and bone.

The Mundane Stuff: Shopping for Stones

The discussion of preparation would not be complete without a few words on obtaining stones. Nearly everyone who works with stones for magic knows these items can be purchased at a variety of shops and various online outlets. In addition, don’t overlook gem and mineral shows, if these events occur in your area. I have found these to be an ideal place to find raw and tumbled stones, supplies, and jewelry. In some cases you avoid the “middle man” at these shows and purchase directly from a supplier—plus, there are no shipping costs.

When you attend a gem and mineral show, there are different shopping approaches you can take. If you’re looking for something in particular, study the entire room first before you buy. Often dealers will have similar objects at very different prices. I recently saw three vendors with the same massage wands at three different prices—one had them for half the price of the others—and they were exactly the same. If you are simply browsing, walk in the room and let your intuition be your guide, leading you to what you need. Of course, if you feel “drawn” to something or an overwhelming urge to buy a stone, you should probably listen to your inner voice.

I was once looking specifically for a clear quartz sphere, the “classic” crystal ball. The first vendor I approached had two, both reasonably priced. One was clearly of better quality than the other, and it was exactly what I was looking for. My mind said I should look around first, so I started to walk away. But then, my intuition kicked in and said—you should buy it now! So I did. And it’s a good thing, because no other vendor at the event had clear quartz spheres I could afford; still, years later, I have yet to see another of equal quality for the price I paid.

You may buy stones you’re attracted to for no apparent reason only to research them later and realize you have a need for them at that moment in your life. Or you may simply want a pretty piece for your collection. Don’t you love it when you unexpectedly find something that you need but weren’t actively looking for? This often happens when you intuitively shop for stones. (Chapter Eight explores personal power stones in detail.)

Be aware that there are often many types of vendors at these events—jewelry suppliers, stone cutters, metaphysical store owners, geologists, and more. Some offer very nice pieces but you will undoubtedly encounter some poor quality items. Good mineral specimens are usually accompanied by an information card of some kind bearing the location where it was found, or the information is displayed near the items. A good dealer will be able to answer all your questions and will be honest about synthetic pieces. I once found a piece that appeared to be tumbled cat’s eye (cymophane) in with some other natural stones that were shaped into spheres. When I asked, I was told that the cat’s eye was in fact fiber optic and not natural. Real cat’s eye is quite rare and expensive.

The more you know about minerals, the better shopper you will be. If you know a stone is common or rare, for example, you can be a better judge of the price. You may encounter some overpriced pieces, but you can also find some very good deals. When in doubt about identifying a stone, ask. Most vendors are avid collectors, often investing a lifetime of study into minerals—they know what they’re doing. And most of them, like us, have a passion for rocks.
