Special Quartz Points
I’ll always remember the first clear quartz point I acquired. I was around nine years old; my family and I were touring a local cave—one of many we have in Missouri. There in the gift shop, I found a tiny double-terminated point. Examining it more closely now, this point also has a place in the center where it appears it once intersected with another crystal—it looks like the stone was broken here at one time, but seems to have repaired itself. Metaphysically, this is a “self-healed” crystal. Once I learned more about these special types of points, I had to study each one in my collection to discover its characteristics.
You are probably familiar with the various types of special quartz points cited in many crystal magic reference books. Here I will explore some of the most popular forms and ways you can use them. In addition, I have included a dedication you can use for each type. The descriptions in this chapter refer mainly to clear quartz, although you may find them in other colors of quartz and other types of minerals. Where these formations occur in types of quartz other than the clear variety the properties of that crystal also apply. For example, an amethyst record keeper may have a deeper spiritual potential than clear quartz, or perhaps it has other lessons to teach that involve addiction or anxiety.
Irregularities that occur during crystal formation create fascinating specimens. You’ll find hundreds of terms to explain these variations—some describe the unique growth pattern of the crystal; some have been created with New Age practices. There are far too many to cover here, so don’t get too caught up with all the different types. Just remember that these formations give the crystals a “personality” or specific characteristic we can use in our metaphysical practice. And, naturally, there are specimens that defy category. In fact, we can probably create a special category for just about every type of shape that exists—everything from points that appear to be gently fused together to those that seem to have collided with each other. The combinations of markings are almost endless. In this chapter, we’ll take a closer look at a few of the most popular forms of quartz points: the window crystal, the generator, channeling crystal, double-terminated point, Isis point, self-healed crystal, “rainbow” crystals, and the record keeper. The chants provided can be used to help you cleanse and dedicate your crystals. Once you notice these different faces and features, you’ll be compelled to examine every point you have and the ones you buy in the future. You just might find some unique specimens in your collection you didn’t even know you had.
Many crystals are chipped at the top so they don’t reach a perfect point. These are still fine to use in magic. Sometimes you can find irregular or flawed quartz points for a bargain price—these are great to have on hand for creating grids (see chapter Ten). Most crystal points are not perfectly water-clear. In fact, inclusions and imperfections make some very interesting specimens.
Quartz Point
First let’s consider the standard quartz point. They usually have six sides on the base and six faces on the point. The faces are almost always of irregular shape and size and often one face will dominate and be largest. Sometimes the other faces can be very tiny. Each “face” of the point has sides of a varying number—count the lines—there will usually be from three to seven, sometimes eight. This is one of the features that determine many of the special points listed in this chapter.
Window Crystal
Window Crystal
These crystals have one or more diamond-shaped “windows” where the base meets the point. In some cases, the window is a stretched rectangle, not a diamond shape. These are often called windows to the future (leaning forward) or past (leaning back), or “timelines” so you can contemplate and explore what to learn from the past and what to prepare for in the future. Some sources refer to these stretched “rectangular windows” as activation points that can be used to help stimulate left and right brain functions. However you decide to use them, these window crystals can help attune your mind and insight.
Window crystals are good to use in divination—hold them while you read tarot cards or keep with your deck. They are useful for engaging your third eye and excellent for self-reflection and contemplation. Try sleeping with one under your pillow to gain insight from dreams. Before using your window crystal for a specific purpose, dedicate it by visualizing your need and focusing your intent.
Window help me see, make it crystal clear,
Window let me know, allow it to appear.
Generator Crystal
Generator Crystal
On these crystals are six (almost even) faces that meet at a point. These are rare in nature and are often cut and polished to form a perfect point. These cut stones may still be used and are not inferior to natural ones, although it certainly is special to find a natural generator. The cut ones are usually shaped so they can stand on their own on a flat base, with the point directed upward. Some natural generator points are polished, too, to accentuate the crystal faces. It’s useful to have a couple of different types for your collection.
Generator points are intended to magnify and evenly direct energy flow, so they’re also a good addition to a grid (chapter Ten) or other layout. Consider placing one in the center of a group ritual to help project the raised energy—first pass the stone around the group so everyone has a chance to hold it. Often these types are used as wand points, but you can simply hold them in your hand to aid in directing energy.
To dedicate your generator point, hold it in your projective hand and visualize the energy flowing from within you, through your arm, hand, fingertips, and finally, through the crystal, where the energy picks up power and is focused into a beam—a beam that emanates from the point like a laser. Use this same visualization when using the crystal. During dedication, use this chant:
Through my body and the stone,
energy we share, not own,
flowing forth with pure intent,
with this stone my will is sent.
Channeling Crystal
Channeling Crystal
These points have one large face on the point that has seven flat edges. Ideally, there should be a triangular face on the opposite side. Some generator points have perfect symmetry—three faces with seven sides and, in between, three faces with three sides. Since this crystal is associated with the number seven, it is perfect for mystical and spiritual pursuits, and it can be used to help you gain wisdom from within as well as without.
If generator points send energy and help with the flow, channeling points are used to receive energy—these are especially well-suited for meditation that is focused on a specific issue. I have a large channeling point that happens to be smoky quartz. I find this type especially useful for meditation.
Uses for a Channeling Crystal:
Hold the stone against your third eye (use your receptive hand) or point it toward you; be open to accepting whatever insight you receive. Listen.
Moonlight is especially effective for charging a channeling point. Here’s a chant to get you started:
For good of all I will allow,
Let the way be open now.
I accept and I believe
that what I need I will receive.
Double-Terminated Crystal
These crystals have a point on each end, and while they’re often carved this way for pendants, you should be able to find some natural ones. These points are good choices for use in astral projection, meditation, and for dream magic. Try sleeping with one of these in your pillowcase to receive the answer to a question. In addition, these crystals are sometimes used as pendulums. Try this chant to get the energy moving:
Flowing forth and back again,
energy both out and in.
As I need and do intend,
energy receive and send.
These points are excellent choices for use in grids (chapter ten) since they increase the flow of energy. These can also be used between two people or in groups to facilitate the movement of energy.
Isis Crystal
Isis Crystal
This is one of the more difficult point variations to find. In this case, the largest face on the point has five sides arranged in a very specific shape. The lines don’t need to be perfect, but the shape still needs to be present. Use this point to get in touch with your inner goddess—it contains strong feminine energy.
Since this crystal is associated with the number five, it is also useful in spells for healing, comfort, dealing with emotional issues, fertility, and love (see chapter nine for other numerological associations). This is the best of female power, nurturing and strong. Use this chant to attune to this energy:
Strong and wise, goddess rise,
help me see, with your eyes.
Self-Healed Crystal
Self-Healed Crystal
There are two main types of self-healed crystals. One type appears to have been broken and then grown back together again. These types usually display a cloudy area where the fracture occurred and the point may no longer be perfectly straight. Sometimes the growth changes angles and the crystal looks crooked. The other type of self-healed or regrown crystal lacks the jagged bottom where it was separated from its base. Instead, it has a smooth base with the emergence of several triangular points. There may be dozens or even hundreds of these; they may resemble record keeper points layered on top of one another. In this case, after the point was broken from its base, it experienced a chance to begin growth again.
These self-healed points are good for any type of healing work. Hold these in your hand or place them on the area where you wish to receive healing energy. Visualize the specific healing you need and repeat this chant:
Renew, repair, heal with care.
You can also wrap these in a cloth and conceal them beneath your clothes, if you wish, or find a way to wear them as jewelry.
“Rainbow” Crystals
Sometimes when you turn a specimen into the light a certain way, bands or swirls of colors often resembling rainbows appear inside the stone. This is caused by a fracture inside the crystal (sometimes these form as the crystal is growing; sometimes they are caused during the mining process). These “flaws” often create a lovely appearance. Meditate with rainbow crystals for spirituality or to increase joy and happiness.
Record Keeper Crystal
Record Keeper Crystal
Cited as one of the most mystical and rare of special crystal forms, record keepers have tiny triangles on one or more of the crystal faces. These markings can vary from easily visible, prominently raised shapes
to ones that are so smooth they’re almost impossible to see unless you’re looking for them. Record keepers are said to store ancient knowledge; some say they hold the secrets of the universe if one can but unlock them. Whatever the reason for these triangles, they are rare and exciting to find.
My experience with record keepers began with one large clear point and one amethyst cluster. I wasn’t looking for them—they “found” me, as record keepers often do. I didn’t know the clear point was a record keeper when I bought it; I purchased it at a rock swap, along with several other points that were being sold at a very low price because they were “flawed.” In this case, the triangles are very small and subtle; some of the faces of this point are rough and scaly, probably the reason it was considered imperfect.
My amethyst record keeper was given to me by a fellow rock enthusiast. This particular amethyst cluster contains hematite giving the stone a rusty, reddish-brown appearance (sometimes called red amethyst). It turns out that at least four of the points in this cluster are record keepers!
Allow me to digress for a moment to share a record keeper story.
One day I noticed my red amethyst record keeper cluster had accumulated quite a bit of dust; it had been sitting on a shelf and had become neglected. After I had carefully cleaned it, I spent some time with it that day, meditating. I realized that I had never fully appreciated this stone because of its unusual color.
Later that night, I picked up my most recently acquired quartz point. Exactly one month prior, I obtained this gorgeous specimen in a trade. It was my first Isis point; a clear point that’s almost nine inches long. I just happened to turn the point into the light and suddenly discovered it was a record keeper! It had a few very tiny triangles on several of the facets, and I never noticed before.
Maybe my eyes were better trained or maybe it was the angle of the light, but I then decided to recheck all my other quartz points. I’ve had some of these points for decades, crystals that I’ve studied and worked with many times. Sure enough, three of them turned out to be record keepers! How could it be that I never noticed? Perhaps it’s true that these special points are made known to someone when they need to receive knowledge. Or, perhaps my work with one of them earlier that day activated my awareness, or activated the stones. Whatever the reason, I’m delighted to have these stones to work with.
The lessons to take away from this experience are: give your crystals some time—it may take years for you to be ready for what they have to offer; revisit your stones periodically to clean and study them; and pay attention to subtle signs.
When you’re trying to identify a record keeper, first wipe the stone clean with a soft cloth. Be sure there are no fingerprints on it. Turn the crystal facets so light shines across them creating an almost mirror-like surface; examine every side of the point. Unlike the more obvious raised triangles, you won’t see this type of marking if you look at the crystal straight-on. Also, you may want to use a magnifying glass if you have very small points to examine. And remember that sometimes the triangles are almost like an outline drawn on the crystal—you won’t be able to feel them with your finger. You may find a single triangle, or dozens, or more than you can count. Sometimes they even overlap each other. They may appear on only one face or several.
Another interesting feature among my record keepers is that of the six I have, three of them were acquired without the exchange of money—they were either gifts or obtained through trade. Of these three, two are extra special: the red amethyst cluster and the Isis point; the others are regular clear points—they don’t have any other special characteristics. I believe this is significant because it shows that sometimes stones that “find” you are often extraordinary and really do have a purpose. It may take years for you to realize it, but keep an eye on those stones—their purpose will eventually be revealed to you. You may even have some of them right now and aren’t yet aware of their presence.
Here’s another interesting point to note. Three of my clear quartz record keepers are self-healed at the base. The base of each has numerous triangle shapes stacked together. In my collection of more than thirty clear quartz points, only these three record keepers display the self-healing pattern. Obviously, these shapes are part of the natural crystal growth pattern but it made me wonder: perhaps this type of self-healed crystal has something to do with the formation of record keeper crystals. So, check the base of your points and, if you see these self-healed markings, check the facets of the point to see if you have a record keeper. A self-healed record keeper could hold even more power and insight for the user. And if your self-healed record keeper has other special features it’s truly a treasure. Whatever the reason for these little pyramids, they’re interesting and rare.
To “activate” your record keeper, you can try several approaches. Meditate with it, sleep with it near you or under your pillow, or carry it with you. Hold the stone and rub the tiny triangles with your finger or fingernail. Be open to receiving messages. Try this chant:
Mystic shape of lines beneath my touch,
make your secret knowledge known to me.
Help me learn the wisdom that I seek—
let me know what I am meant to see.
Visualize the tiny triangles opening up to reveal information. You can also use this stone to work with your third eye chakra, visualizing your ability to “see” what the crystal has to reveal. Hold the stone to your forehead if you wish. You can imagine one of the triangles as a doorway—walk through it.