Reprograming your Belief System
Our belief system is part of our unconscious mind, we don’t really understand or even know it existed until we face them by brainstorming and writing them down. We act accordingly to our belief system, so there is no way you can master the art of minimalism if you don’t choose to take control and alter your beliefs. All of these may be time-consuming but believe me, it’s definitely worth the time and energy. You can also apply them to other areas of your life.
Here are some steps on how to go about it:
1) Write down at least five beliefs. What does it mean to you for a particular situation? For example, what does decluttering means to you?
Here are some examples of positive beliefs:
A. Decluttering means fewer things and less overwhelmed so that I can focus on things that really matter
B. Decluttering is easy
C. Decluttering means true liberation from things that pull you down
D. Decluttering is what successful people do and this is a smart move
Here are some examples of negative beliefs:
A. Decluttering means wasting money and it’s dumb to do so. I need to spend extra money to buy something that I actually own before
B. Decluttering is only for lazy people. It’s an excuse for those who are lazy to tidy up their house. It means less stuff, less tidying for them.
C. Decluttering means throwing away stuff that is connected to my inner soul. Once I throw them away, I will lose my identity or lose this particular memory that I am truly fond of. It’s like part of me is gone.
D. Money is so hard to earn. I spent a fortune buying all these stuff and now you want me to throw them away? This is crazy because if I do that, I am putting my hard earned money to waste.
2) Once you have identified your beliefs, change your negative beliefs! Whenever you focus on them, you direct energy towards these negative beliefs. Imagine you focusing on them on a daily basis and how much energy and influence they hold towards you? There is no doubt that they will soon take full control of you one day. You will be no more than a puppet dancing for the marionettist who is negative beliefs by then. Remember you must really believe in them and don’t try to fool yourself.
Richard P. Feynman once said, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”
We all have a reason why we do what we do, why we believe what we believe. These beliefs protect you from pain. They are conditioned in your mind based on your past history and cultural mindset you inherited. But the beliefs that protect you also imprison you, it gives you a false sense of comfort, that everything is going to be ok. Comfort is never something bad, but to much of it takes away the purpose to thrive. It prevents you from changing.
These negative beliefs may be true, but in order to change for the better, you have to give up these beliefs that are limiting you.
For example:
My old belief:
Decluttering means throwing away stuff that is connected to my inner soul. Once I throw them away, I will lose my identity or lose this particular memory that I am truly fond of. It’s like part of me is gone
My new belief:
My identity is not build based on things, but at how much I have learned, how much I have grown, and how much I have become. Nothing in the past is irretrievably lost, but instead, they are irrevocably stored and treasured deep within me. Nothing can ever change that. Keeping these things that no longer serve any function only creates clutter and nothing more. So, it’s time to let go of them.
3) Add a meaning or emotion to your new belief. Human emotion is an extremely powerful tool. It can start a war, marriage, divorce or even cause a person to stay up all night to pursue his passion. Emotion is an amplified and energized version of your thought, because of its overpowering charge it can easily take you over. So, be sure to take advantage of this God-given gift.
4) Remind and affirm yourself from time to time. We tend to get distracted easily by the world around us especially with all the negative things going on. Because of that you must be disciplined and set up some principles or rules. For example, I will chant my new beliefs every morning in the shower room. You can also buy a piece of whiteboard, write them down and hang it at a place that you frequently visit.