
Abdur-Rahman, Amina, 105, 111

Abrams, Bob, 166

Abyssinian Baptist Church, 147

Abzug, Bella, 89

African National Congress (ANC), 289, 291, 302, 309

AIDS epidemic, 8788, 103, 107108, 256258

Ailes, Roger, 156

Aivars, Elizabeth, 242

Alexander, Cliff, 37

Alexander, Fritz, 39, 40, 50, 57

as deputy mayor for public safety, 176

as judge, 43, 169

as president of the Carver Democratic Club, 42

Allied Federal Savings & Loan Association, 40

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), 100, 128129, 290

District Council 37 of, 135

Amsterdam News, 76, 89, 113, 313

and campaign for mayor (1989), 154

Ancient Order of Hibernians, 299300

Apollo Theater, 136138

Arafat, Yasser, 159

Archer, Lee, 19

Armao, Joseph “Joe,” 248251

Ashe, Arthur, 274275

Association of Tennis Professionals, 276


Bacon, Nora (grandmother), 2

Badillo, Herman, 99, 116, 153

and campaign for mayor (1977),

and campaign for mayor (1985),
9697, 126, 129

Baer, Ellen, 175, 286

Baer Jr., Harold, 248

Baird, Zoe, 79

Baker, Bertram “Bert,” 61

Balamaci, Nick, 112

Baraka, Amiri, 70

Barbaro, Frank, 128

Barnet, Thomas, 340

Barrett, Wayne, 347

Barry, Marion, 170

Baucus, Max, 79

Baum, Joe, 265

Beacon schools, 212, 214, 261

Beame, Abraham “Abe,” 153, 158, 170

creates deputy mayor for planning, 7677

and Dinkins, 7982, 84

as first Jewish mayor, 7576

and fiscal difficulties, 89, 173, 178

Beatty, Vander L., 92

Belafonte, Harry, 130, 170

and Mandela, Nelson, 297

and South Africa, 290

Bell, Jim, 163

Bellamy, Carol, 106

Bellevue Avenue Colored School (New Lincoln School), 6

Benoit, Mark, 112

Bethune, Mary McLeod, 48

Bevona, Gus, 135136

Black Americans to Support Israel Committee (BASIC), 312

Blackburne, Laura, 228

Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (BLACA), 108

Blackman, Abe, 218, 219

Black Panthers, 64, 65, 70

Blackwell, David, 2526

Block, Herbert “Herbie,” 113114

and Crown Heights riots, 325

See also Youth Advisory Board

Bloomberg, Michael, 75, 206, 215, 286

and homelessness, 190

Bogues, Leon, 97

Bond, Julian, 70

Boriken Neighborhood Health Center, 108

Botha, Pieter Willem, 305306

Bradley, Tom, 354

Bratton, Bill, 200, 202, 206, 220221, 223, 348

as police commissioner, 254

Breslin, Jimmy, 342343

Bridge Street Church, 165

Broadway on Broadway, 265

Brown, Calvin, 8

Brown, James, 136138

Brown, Ken, 62

Brown, Lee Patrick, 169, 207, 210, 222, 341

and Crown Heights riots, 320, 326, 328, 329331, 333334, 349

Brown, Michael, 256

Brown, Roscoe, 19

Brown v. Board of Education, 26, 44, 57, 70, 82

Browne, Paul, 238

Bruce, Lenny, 40

Burrows, Daniel L. (father-in-law), 3435, 52

political support of, 5657

Burrows, Elaine (mother-in-law), 34

Bush, George H. W. (and administration of), 156, 159

as CIA director, 289290

and Mandela, Nelson, 290

Bush, George W. (and administration of), 256


Callahan v. Carey, 118

Carnegie, Andrew, 262

Carroll, Brian, 249251

Carson, Sonny, 7072, 336

and campaign for mayor (1989),
157, 158159

and Family Red Apple, 225, 227,

Carter, Jimmy (and administration of),
5, 191, 276

Carter, Joan “Joanie,” 37

Caruso, Ken, 159

Caruso, Phil, 343

Carver Democratic Club, 41, 44, 58, 66, 85, 91, 168

as job provider, 42

location of, 43

and petitions, 4950

Carver, George Washington, 48

Cato, Angela, 319320, 324, 328, 334

Cato, Carmel, 323, 330, 337

Cato, Gavin, 319320, 323, 324, 328, 334, 335337

Cavanagh, James, 76, 7980, 8182

Central Trenton High School, 6

Chabad-Lubavitch. See Lubavitchers

Children’s Health Fund, 115116

Chisholm, Shirley, 60, 61

and National Black Political Convention, 72, 73

Churchill, Winston, 138

Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York, 120

City Clerk, 8384

and Marriage Bureau, 8588

civil rights movement, 64, 69, 76

Clark, Kenneth, 44, 57, 70

See also Brown v. Board of Education

Clark, Kildare, 324

Clarke, Una, 342

Cleaver, Eldridge, 65

Clinton, Bill (and administration of), 79, 138, 176, 189, 230, 235, 255, 308, 354

Coalition for a Just New York, 96

Coalition for the Homeless, 118, 119, 185

Coffey, Diane, 155

Committee on Character and Fitness of the Appellate Division of the First Department for Manhattan and the Bronx, 3839

Communications Workers of America (CWA), 129, 135

community boards, 109112, 186, 280, 281, 284

Community Patrol Officer Program (CPOP), 211

Community Preservation Corporation, 121

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 64, 72

Congressional Black Caucus, 72

Connors, Jimmy, 98

Cornfield, Leslie, 249

Council of Black Elected Democrats, 61, 91

Crain’s, 271

Crown Heights, 117

and campaign for mayor (1993),

and Public School 167, 323, 326, 328

riots in, 243, 316317, 320328

Crown Heights Youth Collective, 321,

Cuite, Tom, 84

Cuomo, Andrew, 149

and homelessness, 188, 189

Cuomo, Mario, 170, 171, 178179, 191, 215, 239, 246, 291

and campaign for mayor (1977), 89, 92, 126, 153, 351

and campaign for mayor (1993),
349351, 353

and Crown Heights riots, 348349

and Safe Streets, Safe City, 215216, 219

Cushman & Wakefield, 271


Daily News, 153, 167, 172, 199

D’Amato, Al, 270, 302

Daniels, George, 176

Daughtry, Herbert, 225, 226, 227, 298

Davis, Benjamin O., 19

December 12th Movement, 225

de Clerk, F. W., 302

Dee, Ruby, 75

DeLeon, Dennis, 107

as chair of Human Rights Commission, 175, 227

Dellums, Ron, 70

Delsener, Ron, 297

Democratic National Committee, 41, 80, 141

Democratic National Convention (1992), 261, 264266, 308

Democratic Party (New York), 41, 66

and Burrows, Daniel L., 35, 42

See also Carver Democratic Club

Department of Parks and Recreation, 198, 261, 277, 281

DeSapio, Carmine, 126

Dickens, Inez, 44

Dickens, Lloyd, 45

Dickstein, Paul, 258

Diggs, Charles, 70

Dinkins Jr., David “Davey” (son), 3738, 157, 169, 294, 360

as athlete, 67

birth of, 36

childhood of, 5254

education of, 53, 6769, 359

Dinkins, David N.

and abandoned vehicles, 200201

and AIDS epidemic, 8788, 107108, 256258

and Alpha Phi Alpha (APA), 29

and anti-apartheid sanctions,
290292, 297, 302303, 305308

birth of, 1

and Brooklyn Law School, 3536

and budget deficit, 177

and campaign for Manhattan borough president (1977), 9092

and campaign for Manhattan borough president (1981), 96

and campaign for Manhattan borough president (1985), 9698, 114

and campaign for state assembly,

and California primary (1968), 6465

childhood of, 29

as City Clerk, 8388

and Civilian Complaint Review Board, 338339, 341

and community boards, 109112

as district leader, 74

as election district captain, 45

on the English language, 2325, 138139

as father, 5254, 6769, 9395, 360361

and GI Bill, 21, 22, 25

and gorgeous mosaic, 161162, 170, 242

on governing, 101, 255256

and Harlem, 2, 3, 3455

and healthcare, 190198

and homelessness, 117124, 180190, 258

at Howard University, 2123, 2829

as insurance salesman, 3032

and Jewish community, 76, 159,
164166, 312

as lawyer, 3841, 45

as liquor salesman, 36, 40

management style of, 171

on Mandela, Nelson, 289298

and Marine Corps, 1520

as mathematician, 2526, 2930

and National Black Political Convention, 7073

nomination as deputy mayor, 7682

and personal income tax, 7879, 158

on petitions, 4849

as president of Board of Elections, 66

and the press, 117, 362

on running for office, 98

and Rutgers University, 29

and St. Patrick’s Day parade, 299301

as State Assemblyman, 5863, 78

sworn in as mayor, 169170

on tennis, 98, 153, 174, 208, 272288, 360361

and Trenton Country Club, 1013

vision of government, 87

on voting and voter registration,
139140, 161

and young people, 112114, 120,

Dinkins, Donna (daughter), 169, 294

birth of, 50

childhood of, 52, 5354

education of, 53, 6869, 9293, 361

in Peace Corps, 9396

Dinkins, Joyce (sister), 2

and Alpha Kappa Alpha, 29

health of, 5455

at Howard University, 29

Dinkins, Joyce Burrows (wife), 50, 169, 287, 291, 294, 355

as bookkeeper, 54

and campaign for mayor (1989), 127

and Delta Sigma Theta, 29

at Howard University, 2829, 32, 34

Dinkins, Joyce Burrows (wife) (cont.)

as mother, 3738, 5154, 93, 361

Dinkins, Sarah “Sally” Lucy (mother), 12

Dinkins, Jr., William “Bill” Harvey (father), 1

as barber, 2, 4

and Tuxedo Club of Trenton, 140

Doak, David, 149

Doe Fund, 120121

Doherty, Joe, 163

Donohue, Beverly, 188

Dorsey, Sam, 27

Dowd, Michael, 246

Drug, Hospital, and Health Care Employees Union

Local 1199 of, 133135, 154

Dubinsky, Dave, 63

Du Bois, W.E.B., 42, 48

Dukakis, Michael, 156

Dukes, Hazel, 354

Dumpson, James, 121, 123124

Dunham, Lee, 299

Dyett Alexander & Dinkins, 40, 45

Dyett, Alexander, and Phipps, 39

Dyett, Thomas Benjamin “Mr. D,” 3840


Eldridge, Ronnie, 91, 92

Ellington, Duke, 42

Emergency Assistance Units (EAUs), 186

Emery, Richard, 119

Esposito, Meade, 149

Ethical Culture and Fieldston Schools, 53, 6869

Evans, Herbert “Herb,” 4344, 248


Family Red Apple, 225230

Farmer, James, 72

Farrakhan, Louis, 70, 164165, 313316, 335

Farrell Jr., Herman D. “Denny,” 9697

Fashion Week, 264

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 282284

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 255256

Feinstein, Barry, 127, 128

Feldman, Sandra, 129

Ferer, Freddy, 297

Fernandez, Joseph, 259

Fields, Virginia, 44

Fife, Barbara, 8687, 116117, 169170

and campaign for mayor (1989), 131, 153, 155, 160

and campaign for mayor (1993), 347

as deputy mayor for planning and development, 174, 175

and transition team, 171

Final Call, 313

First Chicago Corporation, 269270

Fisher, Richard, 270271

Fishlow, David, 159

Florio, Jim, 291

Ford, Gerald (and administration of), 248

42nd Street Development Project, 266

Fox, Jim, 252

Freedman, Helen E., 187

Friedman, Stanley, 149, 155

Fuchs, Ester, 347


Gallagher, Thomas, 322323

“Gang of Four,” 97

Gantt, Harvey, 128

Garaufis, Nick, 282

Garcia, Jose “Kiko,” 338340

Garth, David, 157

Gaspard, Patrick

and campaign for mayor (1989), 137, 140141, 167168

and Jackson, Jesse, 136

Gay Men’s Health Crisis, 107

Geithner, Timothy, 79

George Washington Carver Democratic Club. See Carver Democratic Club

Gerulaitis, Vitas, 98

Gibbs, Linda, 215

Gibson Jr., Paul, 82

Girgenti Report, 348349, 351, 352

Girgenti, Richard H., 348349

Girl Scouts of America, 272

Giuliani, Rudolph “Rudy”, 215, 254, 286, 302

and campaign for mayor (1989), 130, 144, 147148, 156160, 162167

and campaign for mayor (1993), 247, 343, 346348, 353, 355

and crime, 205207

and healthcare, 197198

and homelessness, 190

Golden, Howard, 105

Golden Venture, 240242

Goldin, Harrison “Jay,” 104

and campaign for mayor (1989), 129, 132, 133, 149, 151, 155

Goldman Sachs, 135

Goode, Wilson, 128, 170

Goodman, Roy, 92, 216

Gordimer, Nadine, 303305

Gore, Al, 126127, 308

Gotbaum, Betsy, 281, 286

Gotbaum, Victor, 135

Graves, Earl, 65

Green, Mark, 354355

Green, Richard (schools chancellor),

Green, Richard (community organizer), 321322, 328329, 332333

Greenberg, Jack, 82

and Black Enterprise, 64

Gregory, Dick, 313

Gribetz, Judah, 76, 77, 79

Griffith, Maxine, 100101, 105

and community boards, 110112

Guinier, Lani, 79


Haitian Centers Council, 107

Haitian Economic Development Association, 225

Halperin, Richard, 358

Hamburg, Margaret A. “Peggy,” 196, 299

Happy Land Social Club, 231233

Hargett, Lottie Lee “Sis” (stepmother), 6, 21

Harlem Lawyer’s Association, 48, 66

Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited (HARYOU), 57

Harnett, Joel, 89

Harrington, Donald, 63

Hart, Laura, 112

Hartman, Skip, 287288

Hasidic Jews. See Lubavitchers

Hatcher, Richard, 70

Hawkins, Yusef, 150152, 155, 159, 228

Hayes, Robert, 118, 119, 184

Haygood, John, 342

Hayling, Hartley “Bill,” 5, 26, 36, 50, 273

at Howard University, 22, 25

Hayling, Leslie “Les,” 5, 6, 89, 10, 13, 26, 27, 273

at Howard University, 22, 25

Healy, Timothy, 271

Held, Gerald, 226

Herbert, Bob, 245

Hernandez-Pinero, Sally, 102, 107, 169

as deputy mayor for finance and economic development, 174

Hester, W. E. “Slew,” 276

Higginbotham Jr., Aloysius Leon, 5, 10

Hill, P. J., 6

Hill, Stanley, 125, 128

Hirsch, Michael, 108

Hispanic Gay Forum, 107

Hogan, Frank, 248

Hoge, James, 153

Hoggard, Jamal (grandson), 361362

Hoggard, Jay (son-in-law), 361

Hoggard, Kalila (granddaughter), 361362

Holmes, Larry, 9

Holtzman, Elizabeth, 204

homelessness, 117124, 180190, 258

and “A Shelter Is Not a Home,” 122

and NIMBY, 186

Horton, Willie, 159

House of the Lord Pentecostal Church, 225

Houston, Alice Jackson, 2324, 139

Howard University, 2123, 2829

Humphrey, Hubert, 6566, 80

Huntington High School, 1


Increase the Peace Volunteer Corps (IPVC), 242245

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Local 237 of, 127, 128, 135

Institute for Mediation and Conflict Resolution, 228

Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization (ILGO), 300


Jack, Hulan, 40

Jackson, Bernie, 5758

Jackson, Jesse, 70, 130, 138, 159, 164166, 169, 297

and campaign for mayor (1993), 346, 353, 354

as presidential candidate, 125127

Jack’s Rathskeller, 27

Jacobson, Mike, 210, 215

James, Richard, 108

James, Sharpe, 170

Jensen Jr., Hilmar Ludwig “Junky Joe,” 5, 7, 910, 16

at Howard University, 22

Jim Crow, 15, 17

Joel, Billy, 297

Johnson, Bill, 127

Johnson, Bumpy, 35

Johnson, Lyndon (and administration of), 43

Johnson, Peter, 240, 347, 354, 358

Johnson, Robert Walter, 274

Jones, J. Raymond “the Fox” or “Ray,” 42, 43, 60, 74

as kingmaker, 44, 45, 56, 58

and NYC Council, 4547

Jordan, Barbara, 70

Jordan, Hamilton, 276

Jordan, Vernon, 358

JP Morgan, 269

Judge, Mychal, 241

Jujamcyn Theaters, 268


Kelling, George, 200

Kelly, Jack, 167

Kelly, Ray, 202, 206, 207, 210, 341, 344

and Crown Heights riots, 331332, 334335

and Garcia, Jose “Kiko,” 338339

and Golden Venture, 241

and World Trade Center bombing (1993), 237238

Kennedy International Airport, 291

Kennedy, John F., 248

Kennedy, Robert “Bobby,” 6365

Kennedy, Ted, 125

Kerick, Bernard, 40

King, Billie Jean, 274, 286

and USTA Tennis Center, 288

King Jr., Martin Luther, 29, 133, 136, 244, 322

assassination of, 6465

King, Rodney, 245

King, Sharon, 105

Knobler, Peter, 220

Koch, Ed, 173, 215, 230, 246, 319, 335, 344

and AIDS epidemic, 107, 108, 258

and Board of Estimate, 104

and campaign for mayor (1977), 89, 92, 153

and campaign for mayor (1985), 97

and campaign for mayor (1989),
126127, 129133, 135136, 141, 143, 144145, 148150, 154, 155

and crime, 205, 234

and healthcare, 193

and homelessness, 118124, 181, 184, 189

and Jackson, Jesse, 126127

management style of, 170172

and Office of Gay and Lesbian Health Concerns, 107

and racial tensions, 151, 315316

Koppel, Ted, 294259

Kovner, Victor, 169

Ku Klux Klan, 26


LaGuardia Airport, 281

LaGuardia, Fiorello, 75, 126, 155

Lankler, Roderick, 248

Lapp, Katie, 211, 215, 249250

Lappin, Michael, 121

Lazard Freres, 174

Lechner, Melvin, 77

Leichter, Franz, 57, 58

Lenox Restaurant, 2728

Leventhal, Nat, 171

Liberal Party, 63, 66, 85, 92

Liberia, 9396

Lifsh, Yosef, 319320, 327, 335336

Linares, Guillermo, 339

Lincoln, Abraham “Abe,” 171

Lindsay, John V., 63, 75, 82, 155, 170

LoCicero, John, 155

LoJack Corporation, 235

Louis Armstrong Stadium 276, 279, 281

Lower Free Bridge “Trenton Makes Bridge,” 1

Lubavitchers, 319, 331

and black community, 324326

early presence in Crown Heights,

as Hasidic Jews, 318

Lucy, Bill, 290

Lynch, Jr., Bill, 124, 182, 300, 357

background of, 99100

and campaign for mayor (1989),
125135, 140, 141, 146147, 149,

  154, 155, 156, 157, 160, 163, 164, 167

and campaign for mayor (1993),
346347, 352353, 354, 356

as chief of staff, 100, 102, 103, 106

and Crown Heights riots, 324327, 329, 333

as deputy mayor for intergovernmental relations, 174, 191192, 246

and Family Red Apple, 227, 228

and homelessness, 187

and Jackson, Jesse, 125, 127

and Mandela, Nelson, 290, 292294, 297

and South Africa, 298, 302, 306,


MacArthur, Douglas, 138

Macmillan Handbook of English, The,

Madison Square Garden, 164, 220, 274, 279, 313

Maher, Patricia, 107

Malcolm X, 64, 136, 316

Maloney, Andy, 252

Maloney, Carolyn, 106

Maltese, Serphin, 216217

Mandela, Nelson, 261, 289298, 306,
307311, 362

and anti-apartheid sanctions, 307308

on apartheid, 293

in Harlem 295296

and South African Communist Party, 295

ticker-tape parade for, 292

See also African National Congress

Mandela, Winnie, 291

Manes, David, 149, 155

Marchi, John, 75, 216

Marine Corps, U.S., 1520

Marino, Ralph, 216, 218

Markin, David, 277, 283285

Markowitz, Marty, 127, 322

Marshall, Helen, 71

Marshall, Thurgood, 29, 42, 48, 82

Martin, Jules, 232, 240, 299, 329330

Maslin, Paul, 167

Mason, Jackie, 163164, 346

Mays, Willie, 29

Mazur, Jay, 129

Mbeki, Thabo, 308

McCabe, Jewell Jackson, 91

McCall, Carl, 71, 94, 298

McCarthy, Eugene, 65

McDonald, George, 120121

McEnroe, John, 274, 275

McGillion, Alice T., 150

McHenry, Donald, 9495

Medicaid, 190191, 193194, 197, 345

Meili, Trisha, 151

Merrill Lynch, 269

Messinger, Ruth, 99, 106

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 31, 34

Metropolitan Transit Authority, 129

Michaels, Phil, 213, 215

Michetti, Felice, 181182

Miller, Carroll, 21

Miller, George, 48

Miller, Henry, 264

Miller, Mel, 350

Mills, Everett, 15, 16

Mills, Julius, 15

Minority Task Force on AIDS, 107, 108

Molinari, Guy, 349

Mollen, Milt, 284

background of, 209210

and Crown Heights riots, 326, 330

as deputy mayor for public safety, 176, 208211, 246, 320

and New York Police Department, 246251

and Safe Streets, Safe City, 214219

Mollen Commission, 246254

Montford Point Marines, 16, 20

Morales, Diane, 111112

Morgan Stanley, 269272

Morgenthau, Robert M., 248, 251

Morris, Regina, 211

Moses, William, 306307

Motley, Constance Baker “Connie,” 44, 58, 128

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 270

Muhammad, Abdul Wali, 313

Mulheren, Brian, 240

Munce, Bernice, 6

Municipal Assistance Corporation, 89

Municipal Building, 77, 86, 101102, 114

Murdoch, Rupert, 167, 226

Murphy, Richard, 211212, 261, 323, 332333


Nadler, Jerrold “Jerry,” 97, 98

Nation of Islam, 70, 313

See also Farrakhan, Louis

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 2728, 58, 66, 82

and National Black Political Convention, 73

and Percy Sutton, 48

National Black Political Convention,
7073, 225

and Gary Declaration, 72

National Council on Churches, 107

National Review, 234

Nederlander Organization, 268

Nelson Jr., Lemrick, 336

New Amsterdam Theater, 268

New Era Democratic Club, 45

Newfield, Jack, 97

New Jersey Civil Rights Bureau, 27

Newsday, 167, 246, 342

Newsweek, 163, 167

New York Bar Association, 3839, 66

New York Board of Regents, 44

New York Children’s Health Project,

New York City Board of Education, 258259

New York City Board of Elections, 4950, 116

New York City Board of Estimate, 8889, 103105, 112, 173

New York City Commission on the Homeless, 188, 189

New York City Commission on the Status of Women, 244

New York City Council, 4546, 83, 89, 104, 342

and city clerk, 8485

and community boards, 109110

and homelessness, 186

and libraries, 263264

and “reform movement ,” 4647

and Safe Streets, Safe City, 213214

New York City Department of Homeless Services, 188189

New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), 181, 183

New York City Department of Youth and Community Development, 211212

New York City Economic Development Corporation, 264, 277

New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA), 118

and homelessness, 123, 181, 183, 186, 189, 258

New York City Partnership, 121

New York Civil Liberties Union, 119

New York Commission on Human Rights, 175, 227, 229

New York Community Trust, 121,

New York Court of Appeals, 43

New York Fire Department (NYFD), 198, 199, 218, 231, 241

and World Trade Center bombing (2003), 237

New York Knicks, 273

New York Legal Aid Society, 118, 184, 185, 187

New York Mets, 273, 280

New York Observer, 167

New York Police Department (NYPD) 202, 234235, 241, 245

and Civilian Complaint Review Board, 338339, 341

corruption of, 246247, 252253

and Crown Heights riots, 321323, 333334

and Garcia, Jose “Kiko,” 339341

rioting by, 341344

and Safe Streets, Safe City, 205223, 328

and World Trade Center bombing (1993), 237238

See also Bratton, Bill; Brown, Lee; Kelly, Ray; Mollen, Milt; Mollen Commission

New York Port Authority, 239

New York Post, 153, 167, 205, 226, 231, 233234, 246, 334

New York Public Housing Authority, 182, 183

New York Public Library, 261263, 271

New York Rangers, 273

New York State Black & Puerto Rican Caucus, 62, 96

New York State Constitutional Convention (1967), 63

New York State Department of Social Services, 183, 191

New York State Financial Control Board, 173, 177178, 201, 221222

New York State Legislature, 35, 281, 350

Assembly of, 56, 5863

and Safe Streets, Safe City, 213215

New York State Social Services, 184

New York Sun, 265

New York Supreme Court, 43

New York Times, 35, 8182, 151, 167, 227, 238, 245, 293, 301, 312, 341, 342

and campaign for mayor (1989), 153, 157

and Crown Heights riots, 325, 334335

on homelessness, 119, 120, 181, 182, 184

New York World-Telegram and Sun, 209

New York Yankees, 273, 280

and Yankee Stadium, 279, 296297

Nixon, Richard (and administration of), 65, 69, 156, 347

Noriega, Manuel, 163

Norman, Clarence, 321

Nova, George, 250252


Obama, Barack (and administration of), 79, 138, 196, 206

and Affordable Care Act, 198

O’Cleireacain, Carol, 307

O’Connor, John J., 246, 270, 300301, 319, 340

O’Dwyer, Paul, 83, 84

Office of the City Clerk and Municipal Corporation of the City of New York. See City Clerk

Owens, Jesse, 29

Owens, Major, 129

Owles, Jim, 108


Padavan, Frank, 216218

Pasarell, Charlie, 274

Pataki, George, 351

Paterson, Basil, 48, 58, 85, 92, 97, 99, 169, 176

and campaign for mayor (1989),
129130, 134

as deputy mayor, 92

and Dinkins’s nomination as deputy mayor, 8081

health of, 125126, 127

and National Black Political Convention, 7072

Paterson, Michael, Dinkins and Jones, 78

Patrolmen’s Benevolent Society, 340, 343

Peace and Freedom Party, 65

People With AIDS (PWA) Coalition, 108

Perales, Cesar A., 184, 191192, 195196, 261

and Medicaid Managed Care, 193197

Perelman, Ron, 358

Phipps, Kenneth McArthur “Ken,” 39, 40

Pierce, Jan, 129

Pinkett, Mary, 342

Pone, Jesse, 26

Ports, Suki Terada, 108

Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 42, 47, 147

Powell, Colin, 37, 310

Primary Care Development Corporation, 198

Procaccino, Mario, 82

Progressive Life Insurance Company,

Prudential Securities, 270

Pucci, Debra, 300

Purdy, James Roderick, 25


Rangel, Charles “Charlie,” 45, 63, 91, 97, 138, 169, 295296, 314

and campaign for mayor (1989), 127, 129130

elected district leader, 47, 50

and Morgan Stanley, 270271

and NAACP, 48

Ravitch, Richard “Dick”

and campaign for mayor (1989), 129, 132, 133, 149, 153, 155

Raymond, Charles “Chip,” 188189

Reagan, Ronald (and administration of), 119, 183, 187, 312, 356

Redlener, Irwin, 115116

Redlener, Karen, 115116

Republican Party (New York), 41, 56

in State Assembly, 59

Restaurant Week, 265

Richardson, Jake, 9

Richardson, Percy, 9

Riden, Bob, 252

Riley, Joe, 287

Rivera, Dennis, 133, 134, 154, 353

Rivera, Geraldo, 188

Riverside Church, 295, 297

Riverton apartments, 34, 35, 3637

Robeson, Paul, 48

Robeson, Jr., Paul, 154

Robins, Harvey, 195196, 199, 200, 202

and AIDS epidemic, 256258

background of, 256

and Board of Education, 258259

and homelessness, 258

and libraries, 261262

and Office of Operations, 259260

Robinson, Jackie, 48

Robinson, Sugar Ray, 9

Robison, Cleveland, 290

Rockefeller, David, 307308

Rockefeller, Nelson, 5960, 239

Roe v. Wade, 163

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 15, 138

Rose, Alex, 63

Rosenbaum, Yankel, 320322, 324, 325, 328, 336337

Rosenthal, A. M., 335

Roundtree, Richard, 70

Rubenstein, Howard, 79

Rutgers University, 29

Ryan, William Fitts, 57


Sabol, Barbara, 181, 187, 323

Sadowy, Donald, 238

Schenck, Frederick “Fred,” 5, 7, 16

at Howard University, 22, 25

Schmoke, Kurt, 128

Schneersohn, Yosef Yitzchak, 317

Schneerson, Manachem Mendel (Grand Rebbe), 317

as political force, 319

Schoenfeld, Gerald, 268

Schonfeld, Fabian, 166

School of International Public Affairs,

Schumer, Chuck, 330

Scoppetta, Nicholas, 79, 81

Scott, David, 333, 342

Seale, Bobby, 70

Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge (SEEK), 6061

Selvaggi, Mario, 333334

Serrano, Jose, 96, 97

Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 135

Local 32BJ of, 135136

Shabazz, Betty, 298

Shaft, 70

Sharpton, Al

and campaign for mayor (1993),

and Crown Heights riots, 323,
325326, 336337

and Hawkins, Yusef, 150151

Shea Stadium (Citi Field), 279, 280

Sherman, Robert, 243

Sherwood, Peter, 307

Shillingford, Neva, 134

Shrum, Bob, 149

Shubert Organization, 268

Shulman, Claire, 166, 263, 282, 286

Siegal, John, 146, 148, 228

Simon, Paul, 115

Sisulu, Walter, 308, 309

Smith, Marcia, 105

and homelessness, 121122

and transition team, 171

South Africa, 298

and anti-apartheid movement,
291292, 303305

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of, 311

Spencer, F. Gilman, 153

Spinks, Michael, 9

Stein, Andrew “Andy,” 9192, 96, 101

and Board of Estimate, 104

Steinbrenner, George, 280, 296, 298

Steingut, Stanley, 59

Steisel, Norman, 169, 357

background of, 172174

and Crown Heights riots, 326

as first deputy mayor, 174177, 179, 192, 202, 207, 211, 218, 259, 277, 284, 351

and Golden Venture, 241

and homelessness, 182183, 187189

Steisel, Norman (cont.)

as sanitation commissioner, 173174

and World Trade Center bombing (1993), 237239

Stern, Henry, 85

Stern, Robert A. M., 267

Stewart, Waldaba, 71

Stokes, Carl, 70

Stokes, Louis, 70

Stop the Violence Fund, 235

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 64

Sullivan, Barry, 269, 301, 307

Sunshine, Ken, 133, 163, 295, 297, 353

Sutton, Oliver, 47

Sutton, Percy, 19, 45, 83, 84, 95, 97, 113, 169, 307, 312, 357, 359

and campaign for mayor (1977), 8892

and campaign for mayor (1989),
129130, 157, 164

elected to assembly, 47

as Manhattan Borough President, 44, 7576, 8889, 128

as pioneer, 48

and “reform movement,” 47

as State Assemblyman, 6063

Swing, William L., 305


Taft, William Howard, 1

Tambo, Oliver, 303, 309

Task Force for Housing for Homeless Families, 121123

Tatum, Bill, 113, 313

Tatum, Elie, 113

Tavern on the Green, 131

Terry, Seymour, 79, 82

Theater for a Greater Peace, 244

Thompson, Phillip, 347

Three Musketeers (friends), 7

Times Square, 120, 167, 180, 245, 264,

redevelopment of, 266269, 271

Timoney, John, 202203

Towns, Ed, 129

Trenton (NJ), 29, 30

canals of, 5

and Howard University, 21

as manufacturing center, 1

racism in, 78, 12

Trenton Country Club, 1013

Travia, Anthony J. “Tony,” 5960

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, 232

Truman, Harry, 138

Turk, Barbara, 105, 106107

and campaign for mayor (1989), 146, 152, 154

as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, 196

Tuskegee Airmen, 5, 19, 88

Tutu, Desmond, 170, 309, 310

Tyler, Andrew “Andy,” 58

Tyler Jr., Harold, 248


Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE), 129

United Federation of Teachers, 129, 154

United Nations, 29, 94, 159, 162, 272

Upper Madison Avenue United Methodist Church, 147

Urban League, 82

US Court of International Trade, 43

US Supreme Court, 44

US Tennis Association (USTA), 272288

and US Open Tennis Center, 279

and US Open Tennis Championships, 233, 276, 282, 285


Vallone, Peter, 213214, 286

Vance, Cyrus “Cy,” 94

vanden Huevel, Bill, 63

Van Horn, Welby, 274

Vann, Al, 96, 97, 129

Veldeen, Ed, 4

Velella, Guy, 216

Vietnam War, 69

Viljoen, Gerrit N., 302

Village Voice, 106, 164, 347

Vitaliano, Eric N., 215


Wackstein, Nancy, 105, 106

and homelessness, 120, 121122, 180, 181183, 187, 188

Wagner, Bobby, 85, 91, 92, 258

Wagner, Robert, 40, 85, 170, 209

Wallach, Richard, 184

Wall Street Journal, 152

Walt Disney Company, 267269

Ward, Benjamin, 316

Washington, Harold, 128

Washington Post, 126

Watkins, Brian, 233

Watson, James L. “Skiz” or “the Heavy Judge,” 43

Weisbrod, Carl, 270

and US Tennis Association, 277279, 281, 283284

and Walt Disney Company, 266,

Wheeler, Alphonse “Fonz,” 9

White, Mary Jo, 252

Wilkins, Roy, 82

Wilson, James, 200

Williams, Henry, 4546

Williams, Ike, 9

Williams, Lloyd, 91

Willowbrook State School, 188

Women’s Tennis Association, 276

World Trade Center, 130, 192

attack on, (2001), 239

bombing of (1993), 236240

World War II, 10, 1419

Wylde, Kathryn, 121


Yale University, 92

Yippies, 65

YMCA, 89

Young, Andrew, 29, 94

Young, Coleman, 73

Youth Advisory Board, 112114


Zagat, Tim and Nina, 265

Zeckendorf development organization, 110111