A million thank yous to the rootin’-est tootin’-est crew to ever help an author put a book together:
Police Chief Dan Chapman for sharing small-town law enforcement information and stories.
Tammy Nothnagle for getting me in touch with Chief Chapman and preemptively letting him know I was not, in fact, insane. At least not dangerously so.
D.A. Dan Kopach and defense attorney John Aquilina for all the free legal advice. (Not for me! For Jordan!)
Richard Wild for sharing information and tips on running. Because Jayne don’t run.
Beta readers Jordy Albert, Glynis Astie, and Kathryn Biel for all their help and advice, even though they were never, ever mean enough to me, no matter how much I begged, pleaded, and demanded.
As always, agent Jordy Albert, editor John Scognamiglio, and everyone at Kensington/Lyrical for all their help and support.
My family members, who continue to try to figure out what this writing thing is all about anyway.
And finally, a tip of the hat to Cubmaster Mike Decker. By including him in this list, I can finally say, “Look! You’re in one of my books!”