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Ability, 60–61

accurate thinking

and advice, 258–60

applying caution, 271–72

balancing head and heart, 273–74

and budgeting time and money, 381–82

and controlled attention, 243–44

and desired answers, 272–73

and emotions, 277–80

enemies of, 274–75

and facts, 278–79

forms of thinking, 255–57

and gossip, 263–65

and heredity, 276–77

and important facts, 257–58

and independence, 260–62

and obligations, 279

and opinions vs. facts, 258, 281–82

and principles of success, 3

and questioning, 275–76

and scientific process, 273

and scrutinizing information, 269–71

and self-discipline, 280–81

and sources of information, 262–63

and wishes vs. facts, 265–69

actions, 52–54, 68–69, 168–72, 408–9

advancement, personal, 381

adversity, 5, 70–73, 244–45, 283–84

advice, 258–60

aggressiveness, 25

alcohol, 125, 360

alibis, 149, 161, 281, 289, 310–11

alliances. See mastermind principle

ambition, 37–39, 288–89

American way of life, 344, 363–64

appearance, 124, 156

applied faith

and controlled attention, 239

and Declaration of Independence, 344

described, 67–68

elements of, 70–78

and enthusiasm, 222–23

fixations of, 404

and the mastermind principle, 61

and positive mental attitude, 166

and principles of success, 3, 69–70

and self-discipline, 212

See also faith

Arthur Nash Clothing Company, 323–24

attention. See controlled attention

attitude, 293. See also positive mental attitude

attractiveness. See pleasing personality

automobiles, 340, 347

autosuggestion, 195–96

balance, 200–201

bankruptcy, 301

belief, 224–25, 266

bias, 210, 272, 281

Birch, Barney, 264

Bok, Edward, 331–32

bonuses as motive, 329–30

brain as thought transmitter, 18–20

budgeting, 5, 41, 301–2, 373, 376, 381–82

Burroughs, John, 180

business alliances, 58, 297

Carnegie, Andrew

and applied faith, 74–75

and consciousness of success, 27–28

and controlled attention, 242–43

and controlled enthusiasm, 120–21

and cooperation, 329–31

and going the extra mile, 99

and harmonious relationships, 43, 53

and Hill, 346

and imagination and initiative, 345

and the mastermind principle, 48–52

on negativity, 398

and peace of mind, 180–81

and steel industry, 345

and tactfulness, 117, 147

carriage (posture), 126–27

caution, 271–72, 298–99

“A Challenge to Life” (Hill), 192, 194–95

chaos, 44–45

charity, 84–85, 205

childhood environment, 289–90

church attendance, 380

Clarke, Arthur, 336

close-mindedness, 303

compassion, 73

compensation, 62, 83–84, 87, 95–97, 295, 386

competition, 81–82, 243, 328

complaining, 354

compliments, 263–64, 304–5

concentration. See controlled attention

confession, 40–41, 311

confidence, 14, 25–26, 50–52

conscious mind

about, 393–94

and applied faith, 73

and brain as thought transmitter, 18

and causes of failure, 293–94

consciousness of success, 26–28

and creative imagination, 337, 344

and definiteness of purpose, 34–35

and law of cosmic habit force, 393–95, 402

and learning from adversity, 293, 313–14

and major purpose, 34

and mental walls of protection, 208

and note-taking, 3

and planning or new ideas, 337

and positive mental attitude, 177

and repetition, 34–35

and sound health, 353–54, 361

and time management, 380

controlled attention (concentration)

and accurate thinking, 243–44

and applied faith, 239

and definiteness of purpose, 21

described, 246–50

and financial motives, 242–43

and going the extra mile, 242

and imagination, 241–42

and initiative, 239

and learning from defeat, 244–45

and the mastermind principle, 240

and motives, 236–38

and obsessional desire, 238

and personal initiative, 157–58

and principles of success, 4

and self-discipline, 241

and sources of information, 262–63

Coolidge, Calvin, 108


and adversity, 293, 305

and brain as thought transmitter, 19

building, 329–31

and decision making, 331–33

of employees, 320–21

forced, 320–21

and harmony, 53–54

importance of, 319–20

and the mastermind principle, 47–49, 54–59, 321–26

and motive, 326–29

and Nash Clothing Company, 323–26

and principles of success, 5

and purpose, 26

voluntary cooperation, 321

coordination of efforts, 59

corruption, 159

cosmic habit force

creating powerful habits, 387–89

creating success with, 389–90

and eating habits, 395–96

and economic/financial benefits, 400

and habit of thinking what you can do, 400–402

and health, 393–95

and negative fixations, 404

and principles of success, 5

and repetition, 405–6

and thinking what you want, 402–3

and work, 396–400

Coué, Emile, 11, 405

Crane, Frank, 111–12

creativity, 5. See also imagination


and accurate thinking, 261

and applied faith, 75–76

and brain physiology, 263

and conscience, 313

and creative imagination, 347

and definiteness of purpose, 29

and enemies of sound thinking, 274

and faith in Infinite Intelligence, 118

and first cause, 266–67

and harnessing Infinite Intelligence, 21

and law of cosmic habit force, 388–89

and mental walls of protection, 208

and natural law, 81

and obstacles to positive thinking, 187

and self-discipline, 194–95, 200, 202, 216

See also Infinite Intelligence

criticism, 51, 127–28, 152–53

Crosby, Bing, 178

Curie, Marie, 341–42

curiosity, 257–58, 287

Curtis, Iris H., 331–32

cynicism, 261, 264, 275–76, 406


and accurate thinking, 254

and cooperation, 331–32

decision making for employees, 331

and directed imagination, 139–40

and learning from adversity, 295–96

and personal initiative, 140

and pleasing personality, 117–18

Declaration of Independence, 252, 344–45

deductive reasoning, 253, 255–56


and applied faith, 75–76

and controlled attention, 244–45

and enthusiasm, 230–33

and failure, 283–84

learning from, 5, 244–45, 314

definiteness of purpose

and applied faith, 69

benefits of, 20–21

and brain as thought transmitter, 18–20

and budgeting time and money, 381

and consciousness of success, 26–28

and controlled attention, 238, 246, 249

and cooperation, 321

and creative imagination, 344

and Declaration of Independence, 344

and desire, 168

and economic/financial benefits, 400

and enemies of sound thinking, 275

and going the extra mile, 90

and harmonious relationships, 40–43

and Infinite Intelligence, 16–18, 21–24, 251

and inspiring confidence, 25–26

and law of cosmic habit force, 400

and learning from adversity, 300

and motivation of actions, 10–11

and obstacles to positive thinking, 188

and opportunity, 24–25

and personal initiative, 133–34

and plan of action, 9–10

and positive mental attitude, 166, 188–89

and power of faith, 12–15

and power of the subconscious, 11–12

and power of thought, 15–16

and purpose in nature, 43–46

and self-discipline, 195–96, 212

and self-reliance, 136–37

steps for creating, 29–40

See also major purpose

dependability, 60–61, 311–12

derogatory language, 263, 281


and accurate thinking, 254, 265, 272, 278

and causes of failure, 294–95

choosing, 198–200

and focus, 162

and persistence, 139, 290–91

and positive mental attitude, 167–68

and self-discipline, 196–98

detail orientation, 102

determination, 28. See also persistence

dictatorships, 322

diet, 289, 357–59, 395–96

digestion, 354

dignity, 91

diplomacy, 146–50


and accurate thinking, 279–81

and autosuggestion, 195–96

and balance and peace, 200–201

Carnegie’s discipline system, 330

and causes of failure, 288

and controlled attention, 241

and definiteness of purpose, 21

and desire, 198–200

and finding good, 204–5

and focused mind, 202–4

and going the extra mile, 100–101

and improvement, 209–11

and mastery over mind and body, 217–19

and mental walls of protection, 205–8

and obsessional desire, 196–98

and personal initiative, 137–38

and positive mental attitude, 190

and positive reaction, 194–95

and principles of success, 4

and right action, 201–2

and taking a stand, 212–14

and taking control, 214–17

and thought control, 211–12

See also controlled attention

dishonesty, 149

divorce, 217

domestic relations, 217. See also marriage

domination, 59

Donne, John, 319

doubt, 185, 264

eating habits and diet, 289, 357–59, 395–96

economic success. See financial goals and security

Edison, Thomas A., 48, 74, 180, 249–50, 337–39, 345

education, 60, 261–62, 287–88

effort, 4. See also going the extra mile

egotism, 307–8

Eisenhower, Dwight, 306

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 96, 386


and accurate thinking, 254–55, 267–68, 273–74, 277–79

and causes of failure, 294–95

emotionalizing plans, 12

and enthusiasm, 232

and frustration, 187

and the subconscious, 12, 337


budgeting time for, 376

and cooperation, 320, 322–24

enjoying, 366–67

and going the extra mile, 81–84

and recognition, 327–28

thought habits about, 396–400

enemies, 392

energy, 365


active and passive, 142, 222–24

and applied faith, 68

and belief, 224–25

controlled, 119–21, 141–43

and creating definiteness of purpose, 34

and defeat, 230–33

and definiteness of purpose, 21

and desire, 222

and imagination, 337

and learning from adversity, 302–3

and physical fitness, 353

and principles of success, 4

sharing, 229–30

and sincerity, 225–27

and speaking, 227–28, 276

and transmutation of obstacles, 224

environmental influences, 289–90

errors, 311

evidence, 260–62

excuses, 281

facial expression, 113–14, 143


and accurate thinking, 256, 260–62, 281–82

fact-based opinions, 141, 271, 278–79

and unsound opinions, 306–7


defeat contrasted with, 284

and law of cosmic habit force, 390

and learning from adversity, 314, 316

major causes of, 285

and persistence, 290–91

See also adversity; defeat

fairness, 103


and accurate thinking, 266

building, 367

and common goals, 49

defined, 67

fixations of, 404

and harmonious relationships, 43

and imagination, 337

and Infinite Intelligence, 118

and physiology, 22–23

and positive mental attitude, 168, 174–75, 182, 190

power of, 12–15

and the subconscious, 17

See also applied faith

family relations, 312, 372. See also marriage

fasting, 365–66, 392

fear, 7, 174–75, 185, 190, 355–56, 404

financial goals and security

and benefits of habit thinking, 400

and budgeting, 5, 41, 301–2, 373, 376, 381–82

and can-do thinking, 377

and controlled attention, 242–43

and creating definiteness of purpose, 38

and enduring riches, 190

and frugality, 374

and going the extra mile, 80

and gratitude, 378–79

and health, 380

and improvement/advancement, 381

and investments, 374–76

and life insurance, 372

and the mastermind principle, 58

and occupation, 376

and peace of mind, 178–79

and the principles, 381–83

and prosperity consciousness, 402

and relationships, 379

and religion, 380–81

requirements for, 370–71

and thinking what you can do, 401

and thinking what you want, 402–3

and time management, 370

and wages, 83, 87

first cause, 76–77, 81, 216, 250, 266–67

fixations, 404, 407–8

flattery, 159–60, 299–300

flexibility, 31, 33–34, 107–9, 315

focus, 162, 202–4. See also controlled attention

Ford, Henry

and applied faith, 74

and controlled attention, 249

and creative imagination, 340, 345

and law of cosmic habit force, 400–401

and passive enthusiasm, 222–23

and positive mental attitude, 169

forgiveness, 205

formality, 206

frankness, 112–13

free advice, 258–60

freedom, 7, 363–64

free enterprise system, 59, 332

friendship, 260

frugality, 374. See also financial goals and security

frustration, 187

Fuller, Buckminster, 369

Gandhi, Mahatma, 186, 195, 212–13, 401

goal-setting, 31–32

God, 266–67. See also Creator; Infinite Intelligence

going the extra mile

and budgeting time and money, 383

and charity, 84–85

and controlled attention, 242

and Declaration of Independence, 344

described, 80–82

and health, 398

and law of compensation, 83–84, 95–97

and law of increasing returns, 82–83

and managing obligations, 279

and the mastermind principle, 61

mental and physical benefits, 85–88

and nature, 93–95

and obligation, 93

and peace of mind, 98–103

and personal initiative, 89–93, 132, 145–46

and pleasing personality, 125

and principles of success, 4

and self-discipline, 212

and self-promotion, 84

unlimited benefits of, 88–89

Golden Rule, 160, 243

The Golden Rule magazine, 324

goodwill, 309

gossip, 263, 355

government officials, 322, 323

gracefulness, 126–27

gratitude, 363–64, 378–79

gravitation, 44–45

Great Depression, 56–57, 121–22, 237–38, 292, 323

greatness, 28

greed, 178, 188, 320


and accurate thinking, 276

and choice of associates, 300

and controlled attention, 235

controlling, 390–403

and cosmic habit force, 367–68, 387–89

creating, 367–68, 391

economic/financial benefits of, 400

and flexibility, 316–17

of health consciousness, 393–95

and managing obligations, 279

and positivity, 407

and principles of success, 5

and repetition, 391, 405–6

and self-discipline, 218

and thinking what you can do, 400–402

and time management, 302

See also cosmic habit force

half-truths, 269

handicaps, 72, 286–87


and cooperation, 321–23

and definiteness of purpose, 39–43

and home environment, 399

and learning from adversity, 291–94

and the mastermind principle, 53–54, 59, 61

and positive mental attitude, 189

in relationships, 40–43

and spouses, 297–98

Harris, Paul, 326

hatred, 354


and ailments, 353, 394, 406

and alcohol, 360

budgeting time for, 380

and causes of failure, 289

and controlling fear, 355–56

and controlling stress, 354–55

and cosmic habit force, 393–95

and eating habits, 357–59, 395–96

and enjoying one’s work, 366–67

and faith, 367

and fasting, 365, 392

and good habits, 367–68

and gossip, 355

health consciousness, 353–56, 402

and hopelessness, 363–64

and natural resistance, 356

and negative thinking, 395

and obstacles to positive thinking, 187

and overweight individuals, 365

and pain, 364–66

and physical heredity, 409

and positivity, 394

and principles of success, 5

and relaxation, 361

role of moderation in, 352

and sleep, 361

and tobacco, 360, 391–92

and worry, 362–63

hearsay evidence, 256–58, 282

helpfulness, 88–89, 91, 102, 309, 328. See also going the extra mile

heredity, 276–77, 286–87, 409–10

Hill, Napoleon, 1, 8, 47, 67

Hitler, Adolf, 251

home environment, 399

honesty, 112–13, 154–55

Hoover, Herbert, 108

Hoover, J. Edgar, 219, 306–7

hope, 167–68, 174, 182, 190, 363–64

humility, 92, 100, 117, 123, 127–28

humor, 111–12

hunches, 31, 267

hypochondria, 187–88, 289

ideas, 253–54, 337, 339–40

idleness, 163–64, 406

ignorance, 303


and applied faith, 68

and controlled attention, 241–42

creative imagination, 337, 340–49

and Declaration of Independence, 344

and definiteness of purpose, 21

directed, 139–40

and learning from adversity, 308

and personal initiative, 139–40

and positive mental attitude, 174

and principles of success, 5

synthetic imagination, 336–40

immunity, 208

improvement, 209–11, 381

increasing returns, law of, 82–83

independence, 80, 260–62

inductive reasoning, 253, 255–56

industrial system of America, 345

Infinite Intelligence

and controlled attention, 250–52

and creating definiteness of

purpose, 35

and creative imagination, 342–43

and faith, 67, 72, 74, 76–77, 118, 367

and first cause, 267

and flexibility, 31

and going the extra mile, 88

and law of cosmic habit force, 403

and major purpose, 32

and negativity, 405–6

and power of prayer, 24

and power of thought, 15

and self-possession, 215

and the subconscious, 16–18

tapping into, 21–24

See also Creator

initiative, personal

and accepting criticism, 152–53

and accepting responsibility, 158–59

and adequate motive, 134–35

and applied faith, 68, 238

and attractiveness of personality, 155–57

and controlled attention, 157–58

and controlled enthusiasm, 141–43

and decisiveness, 140

and Declaration of Independence, 344

and directed imagination, 139–40

and doing more than expected, 145–46

and fact-based opinions, 141

and focusing on desires, 162

and giving others credit, 159–60

and going the extra mile, 89–93

and the golden rule, 160

and learning from mistakes, 158

and listening, 150

and loyalty, 153–55

and the mastermind principle, 135–36

and observation, 150–52

and persistence, 138–39

and positive attitude, 160

and principles of success, 4

products of, 347

and purpose, 21, 133–34

and self-discipline, 137–38

and self-reliance, 136–37

and tactful diplomacy, 146–50

and taking responsibility, 161

and tolerance, 143–45

instincts, 388

intelligence, 134–35, 244, 267–68

intentions, 86

intolerance, 144, 188, 303–5

intuition, 267–68

investments, 374–76

invisible guides

and financial prosperity, 177–79

and hope and faith, 182

and love and romance, 182–84

and peace of mind, 179–82

and physical health, 176–77

and wisdom, 184–85

Jefferson, Thomas, 252

Jesus, 251

judgment, 269–71, 273–74

justice, sense of, 114–15

justifications, 281, 310–11

knowledge, 266

Kubrick, Stanley, 336

labors of love, 179–80, 190

language skills, 63–64, 118–19, 157–58

laws of nature, 43–46

laziness, 163–64, 406

leading by example, 42

lies, 11–12

life after death, 7

life insurance, 19–20, 372

life purpose, 36–37. See also definiteness of purpose

limitations, 74, 185

Lincoln, Abraham, 252

liquor, 360

listening, 150, 259–60, 276

logic, 253–55, 267–68

loss, 70–73, 121

love, 7, 85, 182–84, 187, 260, 274


and learning from adversity, 305–6

and the mastermind principle, 50–52, 60–61

and personal initiative, 153–55

and spouses, 297–98

and tactfulness, 147

magnetism, 128, 144–45

major purpose

and accepting criticism, 152–53

and accurate thinking, 257–58

and applied faith, 68, 73

and controlled attention, 235, 249

creating definiteness of purpose, 29–40

and creative imagination, 349

and enthusiasm, 223, 230

and harmonious relationships, 40–43

and harnessing Infinite Intelligence, 24

and law of cosmic habit force, 407

and learning from adversity, 287, 300

and obstacles to positive thinking, 188

and personal initiative, 131, 133–34, 136–37

and self-discipline, 196

and sound health, 359, 367

See also definiteness of purpose

marriage, 57–58, 63–65, 91, 297–98

mastermind principle

and applied faith, 67–70

and common goals, 49–50

and controlled attention, 240–42

and cooperation, 47–49, 54–59, 321–26

and creative imagination, 340, 346

and Declaration of Independence, 344

and enthusiasm, 233

formation and maintenance of mastermind alliance, 60–66

and harmonizing power of action, 52–54

and loyalty, 50–52

and personal initiative, 135–36

and the power of motive, 326

and self-discipline, 212

and tactfulness, 147–49

and tapping others, 47–49

and time management, 371, 382

mastery over mind and body, 217–19

material gain, 7. See also financial goals and security

meditation, 378

mental health and attitude, 121–22, 187–89, 205–8

mentorships, 180–82

military, 321–22

mistakes, 99, 158

moderation, 178–79, 352, 357–58, 360

modesty, 127–28

money. See financial goals and security

monotone voice, 228

morals, 243, 277


and accurate thinking, 271

and actions, 10–11

building cooperation through, 329–31

friendly competition, 328

future benefit, 329

and the mastermind principle, 62, 326–29

and opportunity, 327

and persistence, 290–91

and personal initiative, 134–35

and personal interest and helpfulness, 328

and principles of success, 7

profit motive, 332

recognition, 327–28

ulterior motives, 270

Napoleon Bonaparte, 25

Napoleon Hill Associates, 17

Napoleon Hill Foundation, 1

Nash, Arthur, 323–26

nature, 43–46, 93–96


and action, 169–70

Carnegie on, 398

and causes of failure, 294–95

and controlling stress, 354

and desire for revenge, 310

and enemies of sound thinking, 274–75

and enthusiasm, 227

and Infinite Intelligence, 405–6

and negative fixations, 404

and obstacles to positive attitude, 185

and positive-minded people, 409

and repetition, 405

nutrition, 357–59, 395–96

obligations, 93, 279, 308

observation, 150–52

obsessional desire, 168, 196–98, 238–39, 278

occupations, 40

open-mindedness, 21, 110, 143–45, 188, 190

opinions, 141, 258, 262, 278–79, 281–82, 306

opportunity, 24–25, 170, 327

opposition, 51, 239

orderliness of the universe, 43–46

overweight individuals, 365

pain, 364–66

parenthood, 372

partnerships, 40–43, 183–84. See also marriage; Mastermind principle

patience, 126

peace of mind, 98–103, 179–82, 200–201

persistence, 138–39, 290–91, 314–15

personality. See pleasing personality

planning, 9–10, 30–31, 65, 224, 286, 337

play, 361

pleasing personality

adornment, 124

courtesy, 122–23

discovering strengths and weaknesses, 128–29

enthusiasm, 119–21

facial expression, 113–14

faith in Infinite Intelligence, 118

flexibility, 107–9

frankness, 112–13

going the extra mile, 125

gracefulness, 126–27

humility and modesty, 127–28

humor, 111–12

justice, 114–15

language, 118–19

loyalty, 155–57

patience, 126

personal magnetism, 128

positive mental attitude, 107

and principles of success, 4

and prompt decision making, 117–18

seriousness, 121–22

showmanship, 124

sincerity of purpose, 115

tact, 116–17

temperance, 125

tolerance, 110–11

tone of voice, 109–10

versatility, 115–16

positive mental attitude

and action, 168–72

and applied faith, 69–70, 168

and budgeting for can-do thinking, 377

and Coué formula, 405

described, 163–66

and desire, 166–68

and enduring riches, 189–90

and finding good, 204–5

and going the extra mile, 79, 87

and health consciousness, 394

in Hill’s home, 399

and hope, 167

and invisible guides, 176–85

and learning from adversity, 291–92

and the mastermind principle, 61

and negative-minded people, 409

and obstacles to positive thinking, 185–89

and personal initiative, 160

and pleasing personality, 105, 107

and repetition, 405–6

and self-discipline, 194–95

and steps for transmutation, 172–75

and thinking what you can do, 400–402

and thought habits, 407

posture, 126–27

potential, 47–49

poverty, 173, 175, 186, 402, 406

power of the mind, 37, 191


and applied faith, 69–70, 73–74, 171

and harnessing Infinite Intelligence, 23–24

and negative mental attitude, 26

and positive mental attitude, 168–69

and sound health, 363

and time management, 378

preachers, 120

prejudice, 303

procrastination, 23–24, 89–90

professionals, 58, 322, 408

profit motive, 270, 332

promotions as motive, 329–30

propaganda, 55–57

prosperity, 98, 177–79, 402

prostration, 25, 26

protection, mental walls of, 205–9

pseudoscience, 273

psychology, 11

public speaking, 157

purpose. See definiteness of purpose; major purpose

questioning, 275

racial differences, 202

radio, 342, 348–49

reason, 277–78. See also accurate thinking

recognition, 7, 327–28


and accurate thinking, 255

budgeting time for, 379, 382–83

harmonious, 40–43, 348

and health, 354

neglect of, 65–66

and peace of mind, 100–102

and personal initiative, 91–93

See also marriage

relaxation, 361

religion, 110–11, 380–81

repetition, 3, 20, 34–35, 196, 405–6, 408–9. See also habits

reprimanding employees, 330

reputation, 271

resentment, 153

responsibility, accepting, 158–59, 161, 312–13

revenge, 7, 310

right action, 201–2

R. J. Letourneau Company, 171

Rolls-Royces, 174, 197, 374

romance, 182–84

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 55–57, 107–8, 114, 292, 323, 409

Rotary Clubs, 326–27

rules, 282


and accurate thinking, 271–72

and applied faith, 73

and attractive personality, 156

and brain as thought transmitter, 18–20

and enthusiasm, 120, 229–30

and friendly competition, 328–29

and motives, 10–11

and persistence, 314–15

and personal initiative, 142–43

scandals, 263

Schwab, Charles, 242–43

science, 2, 273

secretaries, 147

security, 41


and causes of failure, 285–86

and confession, 311

and criticism, 149

and pleasing personality, 106, 128–29

and self-discipline, 209–10

and tactfulness, 148–49

self-determination, 80, 97

self-expression, 7

self-imposed limits, 185

self-interest, 206–7, 270, 320

self-promotion, 84

self-reliance, 20–21, 79, 136–37, 189

self-talk, 394

seriousness, controlled, 112, 121–22

service, 80–84, 309. See also going the extra mile

sex, 7, 128, 218

Shakespeare, William, 208

sharing, 190, 229–30, 323

showmanship, 124

sincerity, 115, 145, 225–27, 277, 326

skepticism, 261, 264, 275–76, 406

sleep, 361

smiling, 113–14

smoking, 125, 360, 391–92

snap judgments, 254–55, 262

social heredity, 276–77, 410

Spaceship Earth (Fuller), 369

specialists, 259

spirituality, 1, 54

sportsmanship, 121

spouses, 40–43, 297–98

statements of purpose, 29–30

steel age, 345

Stone, W. Clement, 17, 103

strengths, discovering, 128–29

stress, controlling, 354–55, 362–63

subconscious mind

and causes of failure, 293–94

and creative imagination, 341

of Edison, 338

and faith, 12–13, 73–74

and going the extra mile, 96

and hunches, 31

and imagination, 338

and Infinite Intelligence, 16–18

and law of compensation, 96

and learning from adversity, 293–94

and note-taking, 3

and obsessional desire, 238

and planning or new ideas, 337

power of, 11–12

and purpose, 11–12, 21–23, 29–30, 34–36

and self-discipline, 195–96, 198

Success, Unlimited (Hill), 192

synergy, 6

tact, 116–17, 146–50

teamwork. See cooperation

television, 348–49

temperance, 125, 288

testing, 75–76

Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 21–22, 165–68, 292

thought, 15–16, 18–20, 211–12

time management, 5, 302, 381–83

tobacco, 360, 391–92

tolerance, 110–11, 143–45, 190, 303–5

tone of voice, 109–10, 227–28


and applied faith, 73

and desires, 162

and enthusiasm, 121, 223–24, 230

and learning from adversity, 314

and persistence, 139

and personal magnetism, 128

and positive mental attitude, 167–68, 172–75, 186–87

and principles of success, 6

and self-discipline, 192, 218

and sound health, 355

trust, 135–36, 265, 298–300

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), 335–36

unearned riches, 305

Universal Intelligence/Mind, 15–16, 67. See also Infinite Intelligence

US Congress, 56

US Department of Justice, 139

vanity, 307–8

versatility, 115–16

vigilance, 185

vocation, 300

voice, 227–28

voting, 382

wages, 83, 87

Washington, George, 252

weaknesses, 128–29, 149, 285–86

wealth, 103, 173, 199, 217, 278, 305, 329

wildlife, 93–95

willpower, 14–15, 303, 388, 391

Wilson, Woodrow, 108–9

wisdom, 184–85, 190

wishes, 167, 265–69

work, 366–67, 396–400


and going the extra mile, 103

and learning from adversity, 296–97, 314–16

and obstacles to positive thinking, 186–87

and sound health, 362–63

and subconscious link to infinite intelligence, 17

and time management, 377

Wright brothers, 342, 345

Wrigley, William, 252

Wrigley, William, Jr., 252