Fia was nervous about appearing on George’s doorstep for many reasons. She was unannounced. She wasn’t sure if she still belonged to George. She wasn’t the same person she had been a month ago. She was afraid of what he might say.
And most importantly, she was still in love with Solange.
On top of that, she was sure she was still in love with George.
She had to make sure.
The passcode to the garage still worked. That was a good sign. As she walked up from the parking garage under George’s building, she pulled at the clothes she wore. It felt strange to be wearing clothes again after a month of being naked all the time. The leather collar was gone from her neck, replaced with the silver one George had gifted her. It wasn’t exactly like wearing sandpaper, but she had chosen the loosest, softest clothes she owned for this little journey. Maybe she wasn’t dressing sexy, but she didn’t need that. Not now.
While she knew she could have called or texted George, she hesitated and opted not to. She wanted his rejection or acceptance face-to-face so it would be over and done quickly.
As she approached his apartment door, Fia realized she was oddly fine with either outcome. She just needed to know one way or the other.
It would have been polite to ring the bell at the door. The apartment security was good, but people still visited internally and there was always management that needed to announce when they entered. Fia didn’t ring the bell. She punched in the passcode to his door.
The clicking of the mechanism unlocking caused her tension to rise. He hadn’t changed the code or locked her out. Did he not care? Had he forgotten about her? Had he not bothered because he had dismissed her in his mind already?
Pushing her anxiety aside, Fia entered the apartment. She did so quietly. She wasn’t sneaking in but she didn’t want to startle him either. The door wasn’t silent; surely he must have heard it open.
She stood in the entryway for a moment, taking in the atmosphere. It was all familiar. George wasn’t immediately in sight but she sensed there were people in the apartment. She heard soft noises from further inside.
Only now did she hesitate. To undress or not? If she was his slave, it was only proper she be naked for him, wearing only the collar and whatever ornamentation he had designated. If she was no longer his slave, it was right that she keep her clothes on, as much as she wanted them off.
Making a decision, Fia quickly stripped off her clothing. If he didn’t want her as a slave any longer, that was fine, but she needed to hear his rejection.
Her left hip, buttock really, was still slightly sore. It had only been a few days, but it had been enough. She had considered a simple bandaid to cover up her new mark, but had dismissed that. If she had made a mistake, so be it.
Leaving her clothes on the table in the foyer, she proceeded forward on bare feet. Her nipples contracted in the cool air and the fine hairs on her arms and the back of her neck rose up in anticipation of what was to come.
She was barely through the living room when she was able to identify the sounds she was hearing. It wasn’t George talking on the phone or watching television. It wasn’t even him talking with another person in the apartment.
Fia was more than familiar with the sounds of sex play that occurred before full-on penetration. She trembled with fear and desire. It was her pussy that gave her away. It was wetter than it had any right to be.
It was only a two bedroom apartment and one of the bedrooms was George’s home office. Inhaling deeply she walked to the doorway of his bedroom and braced herself for what she might she, for what might happen.
There were three people in the room. George, Julie, and a man that Fia didn’t recognize. She knew she was going to see some sexual act when she walked in, but she was unprepared for what was happening.
All of them were naked except for Julie who was wearing pink silk panties. Julie and George were kneeling on the floor in front of the stranger.
The stranger was young, absurdly young. Fia imagined he couldn’t have been twenty at the oldest. Had they kidnapped him from a high school? Being young he hadn’t come into his own yet, but he was pleasantly muscular with a boyish face. He was hairless except for the buzzcut on his head. Was he smooth because of his youth or was his body hair shaved? Fia decided he had been shaved because his legs appeared to be perfectly smooth as well.
George and Julie were admiring the man’s large cock which stood up proudly from his crotch. He wasn’t absurdly large but it was obvious why the two dominant slave owners were so interested in this young specimen.
All of this would have been fine with Fia, but she walked in at the moment that George was just taking the stranger’s cock out of his mouth. A thin strand of saliva attached the young man’s cock to George’s lips. Julie looked like she was about to take over performing fellatio on the Lothario-in-training, but stopped when she saw Fia standing in the doorway.
She giggled and nudged George who then turned his head enough to see her.
Fia couldn’t read the expression on her lover and owner’s (former lover and owner’s?) face. Shame? Confusion? Lust? Anger? Excitement? All of these and more?
“Your wayward property returns,” said Julie.
Hearing her described in those terms made Fia blush, an unconscious reaction which was blatant on her fair skin. It also made her pussy pulse wetly; a reaction that was more hidden.
George rose to his feet. His cock wasn’t hard, but it was pleasantly swollen in anticipation of what was to happen next. Fia had no idea what was supposed to happen next, but that didn’t matter.
“Solange released you?”
“Yes, Master,” she replied, her days of training under Solange and Adrien taking over.
He shrugged. “I guess my debt to her is paid then.”
“Are you going to take her back?” Julie asked quickly, licking her lips in anticipation not of sucking the young man’s cock but of what she might be able to do with Fia.
“That I need to consider,” said George.
“I’ll take her off your hands.”
George laughed. “You already have a slave. Isn’t Sebastian here enough for you?”
Julie rose and stood next to George, elbowing a disappointed Sebastian out of the way. “No, he’s not. I want her.”
The way Julie looked her up and down made Fia nervous. She wanted to cling to George and let him protect her.
“She’s mine,” said George, but he said it softly, without emphasis.
“You still have debts to pay,” said Julie. “Give her to me and I’ll pay them off.”
While Fia liked being talked about like a piece of meat, she was confused as to what was going to happen to her. As much as she loved being an artist and now making some decent money from it due to her slavery in the club, she wanted to know who was going to be her owner.
“I’m not selling her,” said George.
“You have a very large debt to the club that is coming due. How are you going to pay it off?” asked Julie as she stepped forward and started to circle Fia, drinking in the slave’s body with her eyes. As Julie moved behind Fia, she paused. “Oh my.”
The tone caught George’s attention. “What?”
“Your…slave has not been a good girl.”
Fia didn’t resist as Julie turned her around. She knew that George was looking at her ass. Normally that wouldn’t bother her. It would excite her, but the tattoo she was now wearing, that was the issue.
The anger in George’s voice was palpable. “Who gave that bitch permission to vandalize my property like this!”
Julie chuckled. “I think you did when you sold dear Bianca to Solange.”
“I…rented her. I fucking rented her!”
“It was a legitimate contract, Georgie,” Julie sniggered. “Maybe you should have thought about this before you sold her.”
“It was a one-month contract!” George raged. “Who puts their name on a slave with a one month contract?”
“I think the answer is obvious. But on the bright side, I bet you could sell Bianca back to Solange for a pretty penny. You could set yourself up for life.”
George was kneeling down now, closely inspecting the tattoo that Fia wore with both pride and shame. “This is recent!”
“Well, Solange only had her for a month…”
Fia remained silent. She didn’t know what to do or say. She had been hoping that George would take her back with open arms or that he would simply reject her out of hand. Raw anger she wasn’t prepared for.
“When did she tattoo you?” George demanded of Fia.
Fia found she couldn’t talk.
Getting to his feet, George whirled her around. “Well?” he screamed in her face. “When was it done?”
Julie stepped back. She hadn’t expected this reaction from her former lover and current playmate. While she knew George could fly into blind rages, this was only a slave, something that was easily bought and sold, acquired with little effort.
Somehow Fia stuttered out an answer. “T-t-two days ago.”
George’s hand moved so fast Fia didn’t realize she had been slapped until she found herself turned halfway around and her face stung with shame and pain. She hadn’t even heard the slap.
“And you didn’t tell her no? Why did you even come here? Do you want to be her slut?”
“Slave,” Julie mildly interjected.
“Shut the fuck up!” George screamed.
“Get ahold of yourself, Georgie, or I will leave right now. Your membership in the club is currently contingent on my good will, don't forget.”
George inhaled sharply several times. His balled up fists eventually relaxed. Fia had stood her ground only because she didn’t know what else to do.
Sebastian hadn’t moved until George had slapped her. Only then did he start to protect the other slave, but before he could take action—and perhaps ruin his career in the club—George managed to calm down.
Noticing Sebastian’s belated movement, George turned on the slave. “Don’t you fucking move!”
Before anyone else could react, George stalked over to his large walk-in closet.
“What are you—” Julie couldn’t even finish her sentence when George reappeared with a bamboo cane in his hand.
“Get on the bed,” he ordered Fia. “Knees and elbows down, ass in the air.”
“Don’t damage her, Georgie,” Julie cautioned him. “I’ll take her off your hands right now if this is all too much for you. I’ll make it well worth your while. I’ll pay above market. I could use a new pleasure slave. She’ll be my personal investment.”
“Shut up!” George snarled at his friend.
Fia had done what her lover and owner had ordered. She felt completely vulnerable in that position. She knew that was his intent. It didn’t make it any less scary.
“Control, George,” she said, undeterred. “It’s one thing to damage her as a slave. Don’t risk legal consequences.”
Fia’s eyes were tightly shut and her face was in the sheets. She was scared and the wait was interminable. For just a moment she thought that George had relented.
And then fire burst across the tender flesh of her buttocks. It wasn’t just one strike but several. She couldn’t count them. Fia was only able to let out one semi-stifled scream before the pain became overwhelming. After that each impact of the bamboo cane just caused her to inhale sharply, gasping each time he struck her.
When it stopped Fia could hear George breathing heavily. She dared to lift her face from the bed and look at him. He was red in the face with anger and exertion. What truly struck her, however, was his erection. Beating her excited him.
“I knew you had a sadistic streak in you, Georgie,” said Julie. “Are you going to fuck her now?”
“I can’t stand looking at Solange’s name on her ass,” George spat. He turned to Sebastian. “On the bed. Ass in the air. I’m fucking you.”
That truly surprised Fia. Julie remained silent but nodded at Sebastian, giving him permission to move onto the bed. Though there was plenty of room, Fia took the opportunity to slip away. Julie caught her by the hand and held her next to the wall where they could watch the men.
If nothing else, George was practical. He grabbed the lube that always seemed to be at his bedside, greased up his hard and throbbing cock, applied some more of the slippery liquid between Sebastian’s buttocks, and moved in closely.
It was now that Fia saw he also wore a tattoo on his ass. She couldn’t make out the detail, but it seemed like it was an elegant script of Julie’s name; it was easy enough to make out the ornate and large J that dominated the two inch wide symbol.
Sebastian looked to his owner but Julie merely slowly shook her head as he pleaded with his eyes.
Fia gasped when George pushed inside the younger man’s ass. Sebastian groaned, whether from pain or pleasure she couldn’t tell. Julie grinned wider. George’s expression changed to smug superiority.
“I love watching men fuck, don’t you?” Julie whispered in Fia’s ear as the two women watched. Fia’s ass still burned from the impact of her owner’s punishment.
“I…I never really thought about it…”
Julie moaned a little and pulled the slave next to her so their bodies were pressed together. The blonde idly fondled Fia’s breasts, thumbing her nipple rings without a care. “It’s so fucking hot. The muscles. Their cocks. The way it’s half fighting and half fucking. Look at Stan’s cock! It’s hard even though he’s the one being fucked! He loves it!”
“Stan?” Fia was confused.
“Sebastian. Don’t be stupid, girl. Look at his cock! Would you rather suck it or be fucked by it while Georgie has his cock up Stan’s ass?”
That wasn’t a question that Fia could answer. She did watch his cock, however, as George plunged his cock in and out of the younger man’s ass. Fia had to admit that watching two men have sex was more arousing than she would have thought.
“I think it’s a shame that George is going to waste cute Sebastian’s cum all over the bed,” murmured Julie as she slid her hands down from Fia’s tits to her hips. “The least he could do is shoot that load all over my face. Or yours. Would you like a natural facial, Bianca?”
Fia shook her head. She had taken her fair share of ejaculations to her face and while it didn’t particularly bother her, she didn’t find it sexy either.
“Would you like me to eat your pussy?” Julie then asked.
Fia didn’t know how to answer that question either. Julie’s hand went between Fia’s legs and probed at her pussy. She welcomed Julie’s touch and allowed the other woman to move her around, push her to a bent over position and then moved behind her. Her ass still throbbed from her beating, but Julie wasn’t put off by the bright red stripes. If anything, Fia imagined they turned her on.
The last thing that Fia expected was Julie’s tongue exploring first her asshole and then traveling down to lick her already swollen pussy lips. She wasn’t offended by Julie’s unannounced analingus, but it was something she would have been expected to do as a slave, rather than receive.
The position they were in wasn’t particularly comfortable for Julie. After a minute of exploring Fia’s ass and pussy, she pulled back. “Lay down on the bed on your back,” she ordered the slave.
Fia was happy to do that; the cool sheets felt good on her ass. This was something she was used to. George’s bed was huge; there was plenty of room on it for the male couple to keep fucking as Julie knelt on the floor and put her face to Fia’s pussy when the slave opened her thighs.
It took her a moment, but she realized the reason behind the change. Julie wasn’t interested in just eating her pussy; she wanted to watch the men fuck while she ate Fia’s pussy. That had been impossible when Julie’s face was buried in Fia’s ass.
Their positions were such that Fia couldn’t see much of the men, but that was fine. She liked how Julie slathered attention on her pussy while watching the men. Julie was a woman with rarefied tastes. After licking and sucking Fia’s clit, she had the slave hold her legs behind her knees so the blonde could go back to eating Fia’s ass. As much as Fia liked being fucked in the ass, having her asshole licked and penetrated with a tongue was something else entirely.
“Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck!” Sebastian spluttered. Julie lifted her face from Fia’s nether regions to watch the men. Fia turned her head to see as well, just in time to see Sebastian’s balls tighten to his body and his cock tremble right before ejaculating.
Julie let out a cry of delight and reached out her hand, catching some of the thick white liquid the slave was expelling.
George stopped thrusting. “Fuck! Your asshole is tight on my cock.”
Sebastian just groaned.
Julie pulled back her hand, now covered in Sebastian’s leavings, and licked his ejaculate, savoring it on her tongue. “Delicious,” she declared.
“You’re twisted,” George told his friend as he began thrusting into Sebastian’s asshole again.
“Yes I am,” giggled Julie as she offered her fingers to Fia. Knowing what was expected of her, Fia licked the blonde’s fingers, tasting the thick fluid, showing she could be a good slave.
“Why don’t you fuck Bianca’s ass?” asked Julie. “I got her all ready for you.”
George paused again. “I’d rather have your ass.”
She laughed at him and stood up. “I’ll let you fuck my ass, but then you need to sell me her.”
“You already have a slave,” George pointed out.
“But I want her as well.”
He shook his head. “Not worth it.”
“I’ll pay you for her,” said Julie as she slowly pulled down her panties, showing off her pussy that was decorated with an elegant triangle of dark blonde curls. “You can have my ass and have all your debts wiped away.”
“Temporary contract only,” said George, pulling his cock free of Sebastian. He moved over toward Julie who climbed on the bed, her panties around her knees. She got on hands and knees in the same position as Sebastian who rolled to the edge of the mattress.
“Just let me have her when I want her and you can keep her in your name.”
That was good enough for George. Finding more lube, he applied it to his cock and Julie’s asshole.
The blonde groaned deeply as George penetrated her. “Fuck yes. Use my dirty asshole.”
George grimmaced and immediately set to fucking his old friend. Fia didn’t know what to think. She just lay there on the bed watching them. Julie was obviously enjoying herself and George was determined to make the most of this opportunity. Sebastian looked on, a blank, shocked expression on his face.
Fia was amazed that Julie could so easily take a cock up her ass with little preparation. She grinned triumphantly at Fia as George used her ass.
“I’m gonna…I’m gonna…”
“Cum in me,” Julie begged.
That was all George needed. He filled her ass with his cum. He had barely fucked her for a minute.
Fia noted Julie’s hand was between her legs, vigorously frigging her clit as George finished. She made some moans as her climax washed over her body.
Then she turned her head and caught Fia’s eye.
Rolling to her back, her panties still around her knees, she said, “Your owner just came in my ass and made me a dirty mess. You need to clean it.” Her feet pointed to the ceiling and she displayed her used ass that was now dripping George’s cum.
“Do it,” George ordered.
Fia moved over to Julie and peered at the woman’s wet pussy and asshole. She then licked between the blonde’s legs, gathering up the cum and swallowing it as she worked.
It wasn’t the worst thing she had ever done.