Chapter 17


Fia didn’t know if she was offended or delighted with George’s decree. The website he directed her to was one for erotic art of all sorts, but it tended toward photography. Unable to help herself, Fia flipped through the people who were posting images of themselves. She found the paintings and drawings much more interesting than the photographs. As much as she wanted to share some of her more erotic works, George had specified explicit pictures of her. Not drawings. Not paintings.

And he wanted her to include her face.

She was just glad she didn’t have to use her real name.

Hopefully no one she knew personally would stumble across this dark corner of the internet.

Using her camera in front of a mirror, she spread her legs and took several pictures of her pussy. This wasn’t just literally revealing; it showed her exactly how her new piercing looked to others. She knew that George was going to want to display her to friends and strangers. She would be paraded in front of the club.

The very idea made her shiver with delight.

Fia went on to take more pictures in the mirror, displaying her full body, her nipple piercings, her new belly button ring. Managing to figure out how to pose herself, she was even able to photograph her ass, though she thought that was her least desirable feature.

Throwing all caution to the wind, she even included pictures of her face, not bothering to obscure it or crop it out. She made sure to put on plenty of makeup before taking the photos that included her face, not that it was much of a disguise. It was hardly a disguise at all when she posted the pictures of her face with George’s cum all over it.

Taking the initiative, Fia included some pictures of herself with her fingers in her pussy. Those were done cautiously considering her new piercing. She had a small collection of sex toys she could have featured in the photo profile, but that seemed a little much.

When she was done, Fia was horrified and disgusted with herself. She still sent the link of the finished product to George. Even with her feelings, she was turned on. The only thing that stopped her from masturbating was her recent piercing.

It was a bit vile, but when she looked into her soul, Fia knew this was who she was, even if the profile name she used was Bianca Burton. Was it wrong to take George’s name as her slave surname? Fia didn’t care. She was especially proud of the leather collar around her neck in all the pictures.

Resolving to make some use of the remains of the day, she looked up her creator website and saw a variety of commissions had been requested. Ignoring the older ones, she quickly sorted through the most recent requests and picked several that seemed to be the most profitable for the least amount of effort.

Thirty minutes later she was busily crafting a commission that would be some quick cash. She didn’t need the money, but it made her feel good to use her skills, rather than her body, to earn a living.

She had barely been working on the piece for an hour when there was a knock on the door. Fia didn’t live in the best of apartment buildings, unlike George. It was easy enough to get inside her building; that was why she kept her door locked at all times.

Checking the peephole there was a man standing outside. He looked innocent enough but she didn’t recognize him.

“Can I help you?” she called through the door.

“Yes. George sent me. I was to ask for Bianca.” He smiled as pleasantly as was possible when being viewed through a fisheye peephole lens.

“Wait a moment,” she replied and went to get her phone. There was no way she was going to just open the door to a complete stranger, even if he did say he knew George and her slave name.

As was her habit now, Fia was naked but for her slave collar. She went to her work table and somehow, when focused on her art, she had completely failed to see the text alert that had come in.

I’m sending someone over to fuck you.

See that he has a good time.

She stared at the text for a moment. It wasn’t like Fia hadn’t had sex with complete strangers before. And he had been vetted by George.


Still, she wasn’t going to answer the door naked, even if that was her preferred state of being now.

She had an old mauve satin bathrobe in her closet. She slipped that on before opening the door. Even the smooth satin seemed annoying on her skin.

“What’s your name?” she immediately questioned the stranger but didn’t let him in.


“And you said who sent you?” She was just stalling for time now. Her nipples were hard under the robe. Fia didn’t even need to glance down to tell they were obvious through the thin material.

“George. He said I could ask anything I wanted from you and you had to give it.” Tim pulled out his phone and opened a video.

There was George’s smug face. “Bianca, this is my friend Tim. I want you to give him whatever he wants. Except for fucking your pussy. You get a day off for that.”

It wasn’t easy, but Fia managed to blanch at that. Her pale skin was positively sheet white.

Tim, apparently not an awful human being, saw her reaction. “Hey, if you don’t want to do this, that’s fine. George just said you were a bit of a slut and were down for this sort of thing.”

He looked down at her chest. Was he staring at her nipple bumps or the slowly opening space of her robe, ready to reveal her tits?

“He said that?”

“Uh…actually he said you were a huge slut and to use you anyway I wanted. You saw the video.” Tim paused. “If you don’t want to I’ll just tell him—”

Fia stepped back and said, “Come in,” before he could finish the sentence.

The moment he stepped inside and she closed the door, Fia dropped her robe to the floor.

Though he had come to her place expecting sex, Tim’s reaction—doing a double take like he was in a terrible Hollywood romcom—was delightful.

“Holy shit.”

“What?” she asked casually, posing like a model even though she wasn’t one.

“You’re gorgeous.”

She winced. “Thank you. What would you like to do?”

His eyes didn’t stop roving up and down her body. “I can’t believe I’m doing this? Do you do this with a lot of men?”

She shook her head a little. “Not many. Are you just going to stare and jerk off?”

“Uh…no. Can I…can I…um…can I have a blowjob?”


He did a double take again. “Are you serious?”

Fia went down on her knees in front of him. “Yes. Do you want me to open up your pants or do you want to do it yourself?”

Tim quickly unbuttoned, unzipped, and unbuckled, dropping his pants to the floor. His cock was already semi-hard and becoming bigger by the moment.

Fia didn’t know what made her do it, but she willingly opened her mouth, circled her hand around the base of his cock, and started sucking on his organ.

“Oh…fuck,” he moaned.

She liked hearing that. Maybe it made her a slut, but she was fine with that. She was a slut.

He had a nice enough cock. Neither big nor small. His balls were heavy; that was nice. He wasn’t exceptionally hairy; she had gotten used to the men who fucked her to be shaved or well-trimmed. In no time at all he was fully erect and she could taste his slippery precum oozing out of his slit.

“Oh shit…oh fuck…you’re going so fast.”

She backed off. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No! I mean…yeah, give me a minute.”

She circled her fingers around the base of his cock in front of his balls, squeezing tightly.

“What…what are you doing?”

“Don’t want you to cum by accident.”


“If you’re close I’m happy to suck you off.”

His breathing was fast and ragged. This had been the most intense sexual experience of Tim’s life. He was young, just a couple years out of college where he had spent too much time studying and not enough partying or dating. Getting a job with George’s company had been a miracle and the money he was earning was worth all those years of studying. Still, this was the first time he had done something like this.

He still found women difficult to talk to.

“Yeah, you’d better do that.”

She put her mouth back on his cock and started sucking, pumping her hand up and down on his shaft at the same time.

He had been right on the edge. With little effort he came. He bent forward, trying to pull away, but Fia kept a firm grip on his cock and swallowed his cum as he repeatedly ejaculated.

“Oh fuck. Fuck! FUCK!”

When it was finally over, Fia released him, smacking her lips. She got off her knees as Tim sagged against the wall, almost sinking to his knees.

“How was that?” she asked over him.

“Best…best…best blowjob of my life,” he said, telling the truth.

“Good. What do you want to do next?”

He couldn’t believe she was offering him more sex. More anything.

Tim just shook his head and awkwardly pulled up his pants.

“I think I’m done.”

“So soon?”

“Yeah.” He buckled his belt. “Oh. Wait. I almost forgot.”

He dug into his back pocket, pulled out his wallet, and offered her two dollars.

Fia frowned. “What’s this?”

“George said I had to pay you. One dollar for a handjob. Two dollars for a blowjob. Three for anal. I didn’t want to do anal.”

Robotically she accepted the payment.

“I know it’s just a token,” he said. “But George said he’d pick up the rest of the cost. Is that…is that okay with you?”

She glanced down at his wallet that was still in his hand. He had it open. There was a small stack of twenties inside.

“Of course it’s fine.” She smiled, went up on her toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Stop by anytime.”

“Thanks.” Tim hurried out of her apartment, thrilled at the experience and ashamed of himself at the same time.

Fia looked at the two dollars. There was more satisfaction in that small amount of cash than in artwork she poured her soul into.

“What the fuck was that?” she asked herself.

She texted George asking why he had done this. She didn’t get an answer right away.

She didn’t get an answer that day at all.