Coming up in September, in Nightmare . . .
We have original short fiction from Clara Madrigano (“The Gold Coin”) and Kiera Lesley (“Concerning the Upstairs Bathroom”). Our Horror Lab originals include a flash story (“A Girl of Nails and Teeth”) from Hannah Yang and a poem (“much to be mourned”) from Corey Niles.
We also have the latest installment of our column on horror, “The H Word,” plus author spotlights with our authors, and a book review from staff review (and podcast host!) Terence Taylor.
It’s another great issue, so be sure to check it out. And while you’re at it, tell a friend about Nightmare.
Looking ahead beyond next month, we’ve got new fiction on the way from A.C. Wise, Gordon B. White, and Carlie St. George.
Thanks for reading!