Brunton, Paul, The Secret Path, E.P. Dutton and Company, 1935.
Furst, Peter T., Hallucinogens and Culture, Chandler and Sharp, 1976.
Hamilton-Byrne, Sarah, Unseen, Unheard, Unknown, Penguin Books, 1995.
Horne, Donald, Time of Hope: Australia 1966–72, Angus and Robertson, 1980.
Huxley, Aldous, Island, Harper and Brothers, 1962.
Johnson, Raynor, The Imprisoned Splendour: an approach to reality, based upon the significance of data drawn from the fields of natural science, psychical research, and mystical experience, Hodder & Stoughton, 1953.
Moore, Alan, Raynor Johnson: a biographical memoir, Lakeland Publications, 2007.
Storr, Anthony, Feet of Clay: a study of gurus, Harper Collins, 1997.
Wordley, Dick, Cathy’s Child, Gazelle Publications, 1979 (first published as A Piece of Paper, Tempo Books, 1973).