
*The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in this eBook.

Aaron, Hank

Abel, Eric

“Achieving the Impossible Dream” (Gould)

Agganis, Harry

Albright, Jimmie

Alcor Life Extension Foundation

Ali, Muhammad

Allen, Bernie

Allen, Dee

Allen, Mel

All-Star games:1941, Detroit; 1946, Fenway, Boston; 1950, Chicago (Williams injured); 1953, Cincinnati; 1991, Toronto; 1992, San Diego; 1999, Fenway Park; 2002, Milwaukee; prestige, 1940s; Ted Williams Trophy

Anderson, Red

Andrews, Mike

Antonucci, Vince

Armagost, Bill

Aspromonte, Ken

Atlanta Crackers

Atlanta Journal

Auker, Elden

Balash, Tom

Baltimore Orioles

Bangor Daily News

Barrett, Red

“Baseball” (poem)

Barry, Eddie

baseball stadiums: Atlanta; Braves Field, Boston; Briggs Stadium, Detroit; Comiskey Park, Chicago; Fenway Park, Boston; Furlong Field, Hawaii; Griffith Stadium, Washington, DC; Lane Field, San Diego; Miller Park, Milwaukee; Nicollet Park, Minneapolis; Parkway Field, Louisville; Polo Grounds, New York; Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, Washington, DC; Seals Stadium, San Francisco; Shibe Park, Philadelphia; Ted Williams Field, San Diego; Wrigley Field, Los Angeles; Yankee Stadium, New York

Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, NY; statue of Williams

Baseball in 1941 (Creamer)

Bates College, Maine

Baton Rouge River Bats

Battey, Earl

Bauld, Harold J.

Baumann, Frank

Bean, Jack

Benson, R. O.

Berg, Moe

Berra, Yogi

Bertallini, Frank

Beverage, Art

Billings, Rich

Bingham, Howard

Blake, John

Bleeker, Rupert

Bolling, Milt

Booth, Clark

Bosman, Dick

Boston, MA; Braves Field; exhibition game, Babe Ruth and Ted Williams, 1943; newspapers; newspapers, graft at; restaurants frequented by Ted Williams; Ted Williams Day; Ted Williams and sportswriters

Boston American; graft at; Johnny Orlando's series on Ted Williams; Lake, columnist for

Boston Braves; Field; World Series 1948

Boston Globe; letters supporting Ted Williams in spitting controvers; sportswriters at and Ted Williams's stories; Williams weekly column (with Jordan Ramin); Williams's columns, World Series, 1946

Boston Herald; Cunningham as columnist at

Boston magazine

Boston Phoenix

Boston Post

Boston Record; Egan and Ted Williams

Boston Red Sox: African American players; alcohol use by members; batboys; doctor; economics; equipment men (see also Orlando, Johnny; Orlando, Vinnie); managers (see Boudreau; Lou; Collins, Eddie; Cronin, Joe; Harris, Bucky; Higgins, Pinky; McCarthy, Joe; O'Neill, Steve; Williams, Dick); number 9 retired; Old-Timers Game, 1982; Opening Day Lineup, 1953; owner (see Yawkey, Tom); pennant and '67 World Serie; post-war baseball boom and; practice at Harvard; salaries; send-off for Ted Williams, Korean War, April 30, 1952; spring training, Sarasota, FL; spring training, Scottsdale, AZ; spring training, Winter Haven, FL; team, 1946; Ted Williams as batting instructor (1978–1993); Ted Williams at Fenway, longest homer of career, red seat memorializin; Ted Williams, final game; Ted Williams, induction into Hall of Fame; Ted Williams, 1939 season; Ted Williams, 1940 season; Ted Williams, 1941 season; Ted Williams, 1942 season; Ted Williams, 1946 season; Ted Williams, 1947–1951 season and line-up; Ted Williams, 1953 season, return after Korea and young team; Ted Williams, 1954–56 seasons; Ted Williams, 1957 season; Ted Williams, 1958–1960 seasons (closeout years); Ted Williams, post-retirement relationship; Ted Williams retirement, 1960; Ted Williams retirement speculation 1954; Ted Williams, scouting of; Ted Williams, sent to minors (1938); Ted Williams, signing of (1937); Ted Williams spitting controversy; Ted Williams, trade rumors; Ted Williams tribute, July 22, 2002; trades, 1952; trainer; TV coverage; uniform; World Series, 1946. See also Williams, Ted

Boston Transcript; transcript of Kaese's conversation with Williams

Boston Traveler

Boudreau, Lou

Boucher, Joseph

Bowering, George

Boyer, Clete

Brecheen, Harry

Breitbard, Bob

Brenner, Jerry

Brewer, Tom

Brinkman, Ed

Brodie, Clarence

Brookey, Mel

Brooklyn Dodgers

Brothers, Frankie

Brothers, Jack

Brown, Hank

Brown, Paul

Browne, Joy

Buchser, Edro

Buckley, Johnny

Buckley, Steve

Buddin, Don

Bulger, William

Bunning, Jim

Burdette, Lew

Burke, Joe

Bush, Donie

Bush, George

Butcher, John

Butland, Bill

Byrne, Tommy

Caldwell, Wos

Caligiuri, Fred

Camacho, Jimmy

Camacho, Joe

Cambridge Chronicle

Cannon, Jimmy

Carens, George

Carmichael, John P.

Carney, Mae

Carroll, Jimmy; Douglas MacArthur anecdote; drops in at Islamorad; Williams's final game

Carter, George

Cassanova, Paul

Cassidy, Al, Jr.

Cassidy, Al, Sr.

Cassie, Les, Jr.

Cassie, Les, Sr.

Castinetti, Phil

Cerrone, Pete

Chandler, Happy

Chapel Hill Clodbusters

Chapman, Sam

Charly, William

Chase, Ken

Chicago Cubs

Chicago White Sox

Christian Science Monitor

Churchman, Bill

Cincinnati Reds

Claflin, Larry

Clearly, Billy

Cleveland Indians; 1948 Pennant; 1954 Pennant

Cleveland Plain-Dealer

Coates, Jim

Cobb, Ty; stolen base record

Cochrane, Mickey

Cohen, Andy

Cohen, Jeff

Cohen, Sam

Coleman, Jerry

Coleman, Joe

Coleman, Joe, Jr.

Collier, Phil

Collier's magazine

Collins, Eddie

Consolo, Billy

Copeland, Al

Corcoran, Fred

Corea, Mary Jane

Cox, Casey

Craghead, Howard

Cramer, Doc

Cramer, Richard Ben

Creamer, Robert

Cronin, Joe: as president, American League; as Red Sox short stop and manager

Cronin, Maureen

Culberson, Leon

Cullen, Tim

Cunningham, Bill

Curley, James Michael

Curse of the Bambino (Shaughnessy)

Curtis, Clarence

Curtis, Edna

Curtis, Roy

Cushing, Frank

Cushman, Bill

Daly, Tom

Damon, Matt

D'Angelo, Arthur

Dark, Alvin

Davidson, Grace

Davis, Crash

DeFeo, Charlie

Dempsey, Jack

Detroit Tigers; Ted Williams at Briggs Stadium, May 3, 1939; Ted Williams at Briggs Stadium, All-Star Game, 1941; World Series

Diaz, Sara (aunt)

Dickey, Bill

Dickson, Murry

DiMaggio, Dominic; retirement; wife, Emily

DiMaggio, Joe; African American players and; All-Star Game, 1941; charity benefit anecdote; death; exhibition game, Fenway 1946; George Bush and; “Greatest Living Player” award; Hall of Fame; hitting streak, 1941, and rivalry with Ted Williams; image of; money and; MVP, 1941; MVP, 1947; 1937 season; personality; PCL and; retirement; as rookie; stats; at Toots Shor's; trade rumors; in World War II

DiMaggio, Vince

Doak, W.W. and Jerry

Dobson, Joe

Doby, Larry

Doerr, Bobby

Doherty, Robert

Donovan, Dick

Dorr, Luther

Dowd, John

Dreyspool, Joan Flynn

Drohan, Bernie

Dropo, Walter

Duffy, Earl

Duffy, Hugh

Dunn, Danny

Duplantier, Crozet

Duren, Ryne

Durkin, Joe

Durst, Cedric

Dussault, Ding

Dyer, Eddie

Dykes, Jimmy

Earnhardt, Dale

Eckert, Bill

Egan, Dave “The Colonel”; death

Ellis, Gary

Engle, Dave

Engle, Roy

Epstein, Mike

Eschen, Rich

Esquire magazine

Essick, Bill

Estram, Harold

Evans, Dwight

Evans, George

Evers, Hoot

Fadden, Jack

Farber, Sidney

Felker, Carl

Feller, Bob

Feller, Sherm

Fenety, Jack

Ferrell, Mark

Ferriss, Dave “Boo”

Finger, Barry

Finnegan, Huck

Fisher, Fat Jack

Fisk, Carlton

Fitzgerald, Ray

Fitzpatrick, Donnie

Flavin, Dick

Flynn, Ray

Ford, Whitey

Forrister, Al

Fowler, Dick

Fox, Frank

Fox, Nellie

Foxx, Jimmie

Gaffke, Fabian

Gagen, A. M.

Galehouse, Denny

Gallico, Paul

Garcia, Mike

Garciaparra, Nomar

Gard, Jack

Gee, Michael

Gehrig, Lou

Gehringer, Charlie

Gernert, Dick

Gerow, Stacia

Giambi, Jason

Gile, Don

Gillooly, John

Gleason, Jackie

Glenn, John

Gomez, Lefty

Goodman, Benny

Goodman, Billy

Gordon, Abby

Gordon, Joe

Gould, Stephen Jay

Gowdy, Curt

Grace, Buddy

Grace, Tom

Graham, Frank

Grant, Cary

Grayson, Harry

Greb, Red

Green, Pumpsie

Green, Warren

Greenberg, Hank

Gremp, Buddy

Grieve, Tom

Griffey, Ken, Jr.

Griffith, Clark

Griggs, Hal

Gross, Milton

Grove, Lefty

Gustafson, Einar

Gwynn, Tony

Hackenberg, Dick

Haefner, Mickey

Halberstam, David

Hammond, Tony

Hamon, Arthur “Buzz”

Hardy, Carroll

Harmon, Claude

Harridge, Will

Harris, Bob

Harris, Bucky

Harris, Mickey

Hartman, David

Hartman, Sid

Hatfield, Fred

Hawkins, Jim

Hawkins, Larry

Hawkins, Wynn

Hayes, Frankie

Healy, Paul

Heath, Jeff

Hebert, Wally

Heer, John

Heilmann, Harry

Hennessy, Irene

Henrich, Tommy

Herman, Babe

Hern, Gerry

Hernando, FL: Citrus Hills; contractor, Ted Johnson; Grand-Slam Marketing; “No-Name Storm”; Ted Williams's death in; Ted Williams's declining health in

Herrera, Manny

Higgins, “Pinky”

Higgins, Tim

Hiley-Self, Virginia

Hitter: The Life and Turmoils of Ted Williams (Linn)

Hobson, Butch

Hoffman, Tom

Hogerheide, Bill

Holmes, Tommy

Horgan, Tim; Hall of Fame induction controversy and; interview with blind fan

Hornsby, Rogers

Hoskins, Herb

Hotel Shelton, Boston

Houk, Ralph

House, Frank

Howard, Frank

Hriniak, Walter

“Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu” (Updike)

Hudson, Sid

Hughson, Tex

Hurwitz, Hy

Hutchinson, Freddie

Hynes, John B.

Interland, Brian

Islamorada, FL; fishing guides; growth of; hurricane of 1935; hurricane of 1960; painting of Dolores; painting of Ted Williams; Ted Williams in; Ted Williams house, Madeira; Ted Williams house, small; Ted Williams moves out

Jackson, Shoeless Joe

Jensen, Jackie

Jeter, Derek

Joe DiMaggio: The Golden Year, 1941

Johansen, Joe

John Glenn: A Memoir (Glenn)

Johnson, Bob

Johnson, Earl

Johnson, Floyd

Johnson, Randy

Johnson, Ted

Jones, Victor O.

Joyce, Joan

Jurges, Billy

Kaese, Harold

Kaline, Al

Kallas, Jimmy

Kallas, John

Kallas, Tony

Kansas City Athletics

Kansas City Royals

Kasko, Eddie

Kaufman, Bob

Kaufman, Louise; cruise, Panama Canal, 1991; death; grandchildren of Ted Williams and; John-Henry and; love for Ted Williams; move to Citrus Hills; relationship with Ted Williams

Kaufman, Rob

Keane, Clif

Keegan, Bob

Keeler, Wee Willie

Keith, Cecil

Kell, George

Keller, Charlie

Kelley, Mike

Keltner, Autumn Durst

Keltner, Ke

Kennedy, Bob

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Steve

Keough, Marty

Keriazakos, Constantine

Kinder, Ellis

Kiner, Ralph

Klem, Bill

Knight, Bobby

Knowles, Darold

Korean War; call-up of reserves, including Ted Williams; ceasefire; combat missions, Ted Williams; countryside, living conditions; crash, Ted Williams; crashes, baseball players; discharge, Ted Williams; Lloyd Merriman in; Marine aviation and; missions flown, baseball players; pilot training

Koster, Bill

Koufax, Sandy

Kovacs, Barbara

Kroner, Marvin

Lago, William

Lajoie, Nap

Lake, Austen

LaMesa Senior Slow-Pitch Softball League

LaMontagne, Armand

Lane, Bill

Larson, Don

Lasorda, Tommy

Lau, Charlie

Lawson, Roxie

Leahy, Chick

Leavitt, Bud

Lebovitz, Hal

Lefebvre, Lefty

Lemaire, Alfred W.

Lemler, Jerry

Lemon, Bob

Lenhardt, Don

Leonard, Dutch

Leonard, Robin

Lepcio, Ted

Lieber, Leslie

Lind, Carl

Lindia, Dottie

Lindia, Eddie

Lindia, Joe

Lindia, Muriel

Linn, Ed

Lipon, Johnny

Lobel, Bob

Lombardi, Vince

Long, Bob

Los Angeles Angels

Los Angeles Hollywood Stars

Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Times

Louisville Colonels

Lovely, Anita,

Lovio, Ted

Lucas, Jerry

Lucas, Jim

Luscomb, Rod

Lyons, Ted

MacArthur, Douglas

MacIntyre, Michelle Orlando

Mack, Connie

MacLean, Alex

MacPherson, Myra

Magruder, Walter

Mahoney, Neil

Malaney, Jack

Mantle, Mickey; competition with Ted Williams, 1957; MVP, 1957

Marchildon, Phil

Marciano, Rocky

Marichal, Juan

Maris, Roger

Martin, Billy

Martinez, Pedro

Mathias, Bob

Mattick, Bobby

Mattingly, Do

Mays, Willie

McCain, John

McCall, Windy

McCarthy, Dave

McCarthy, Joe

McCarthy, Ralph

McCormack, John W.

McCormick, Frank

McDermott, Maurice “Mickey”

McDonough, Will

McGowan, Bill

McGraw, John

McGwire, Mark

McKenney, Joe

McKinnis, Jerry

McLain, Denny

McWalter, Robert

Merriman, Lloyd

Metkovich, George

Mifflin, Eddie

Minneapolis Millers; barnstorming with Ted Williams; spring training, Daytona Beach; Ted Williams in

Minneapolis Star-Tribune

Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada; Salmon Association

Miranti, Tricia

Miranti, Vicki

Mitchell, Jim

Monahan, Leo

Monbrouquette, Bill

Montgomery, Ruth

Moore, Gerry

Morgan, Tom

Mulligan, Dick

Mullin, Pat

Murphy, Calvin

Murray, Jim

Murtaugh, Danny

Musial, Stan

Myatt, George

Myer, Buddy

Nash, Gerry

Negro League

Nelson, Col. J. E.

Nen, Dick

Newark Bears

New Bedford Twilight League

Newbery, Don

Newson, Buck

New York Compass

New Yorker, The

New York Giants

New York Herald Tribune

New York Journal-American

New York Yankees; 1927 “Murderers Row ; 1939 season, Boston's games with; 1941 season; 1942 season; 1949 season, pennant win; 1950 season; 1956, August 7 game with Red Sox; 1957, September 19 game with Red Sox; 1960, pennant; 1971, final game against the Washington Senators; owner, Topping; at Somerset Hotel

New York World Telegram

Nichols, Rodney

Nicoll, Donald

Nicoll, George

Nixon, Richard

Nixon, Willard

Oakland A's

O'Connell, Dick

O'Connor, Brian

O'Day, George

O'Doul, Lefty

O'Loughlin, Jimmy; DiMaggio anecdote

Olson, Karl

O'Neill, Eugene

O'Neill, Steve

Orlando, Johnny

Orlando, Vinnie

Orr, Jack

Ortiz, Manny

Ott, Mel

Pacific Coast League (PCL). See also specific teams

Pagliaroni, Jim

Palmieri, Al

Parnell, Mel

Pascual, Camilo

Passeau, Claude

Patton, Gen. George S.

Pearson, Albie

Pellagrini, Eddie

Pensacola Naval Air Station, FL

Perry, Jim

Pesky, Johnny

Philadelphia Athletics; Ted Williams .406 record and

Philbrook, Frank R.

Piazza, Mike

Piersall, Jimmy

Pilarcik, Al

Pinelli, Babe

Pippin, Cotton

Pittsburgh Pirates

Polkinghorn, Liz

Pompano Beach, FL

Pope, Edwin

Porterfield, Bob

Povich, Shirley

Powers, Bill

Pratt, Leo

Price, S. L.

Prime, Jim

Princeton, MN

Prudhomme, Jacques

Psaute, Alice

Pytlak, Frankie

Rabb, Scott

Ramin, Jordan

Reedy, Billy

Reichler, Joe

Resnick, Phil

Rice, Grantland

Richards, Paul

Rigney, John

Ripken, Cal

Roberts, Ernie

Rodriguez, Alex

Rodriguez, Aurelio

Rogell, Billy

Rogers, Warren

Rogowski, Ted

Romolt, Jerry

Ruffing, Red

Rummill, Eddie

Runnels, Pete

Ruoff, Rick

Ruth, Babe; exhibition game with Ted Williams, 1943; 60 home run record

Ryan, Bob

Ryan, Mary Jane

St. Louis Browns

St. Louis Cardinals, World Series, 1946

Sair, Johnny

Sales, Bob

Sampson, Arthur

San Diego, CA: Hoover High School; Lane Field; Sharp Hospital; Ted Williams's childhood in; Ted Williams Field; Ted Williams Parkway

San Diego Padres

San Diego Union; series on Ted Williams (1960)

San Francisco Missions

Sarasota, FL; Red Sox spring training; spring training, 1938; spring training, 1939; spring training, 1941; spring training, 1942; spring training, 1957

Saturday Evening Post

Schoendienst, Red

Schreiber, Paul

Schumacher, Garry

Scott, Lee

Scottsdale, AZ, Boston Red Sox spring training

Sears, Roebuck and Company; Ted Williams Sears Sports Advisory Staff

Sewell, Rip “Showboat”; “eephus” pitch

Sharkey, Jack

Shaughnessy, Dan

Shave, Ed

Shellenback, Frank

Sherman, Steve

Shiver, Ivey

Short, Bob

Siegel, Arthur

Sievers, Roy

Silin, James A.

Simon, Lynette

Sisk, Raymond

Sisler, George

Slaughter, Enos

Smith, Red

Somerset Hotel, Boston

Sonnebend, Paul

Sosa, Sammy

Soule, Doris. See Williams, Doris Soule

Southard, Steve

Speaker, Tris

Sport magazine

Sporting News, The

Sports Illustrated; Ted Williams obituary

Springstead, Jack

Stange, Lee “Stinger”

Stehle, Daria

Stengel, Casey

Stephens, Gene

Stephens, Vern

Sterry, Evalyn

Stockdale, Grant and Alice

Stratton, Monty

Struthers, George H.

Sturdivant, Tom

Sullivan, Frank

Sullivan, George

Sullivan, John L.

Sullivan, Russell

Sullivan, Tim

Sununu, John

Susce, George

Sutter, John

Sutton, Peter

Swazey, Vin

Tabor, Jim

Tamposi, Sam

Tasby, Willie

Tauscher, Walter

Teammates, The (Halberstam)

Tebbetts, Birdie

“Teddy at the Bat” (poem)

Ted Williams Baseball Camp, Lakeville, MA,

Ted Williams Museum; Ted Williams; last public appearance at

Terry, Bill

Terry, Ralph

Terwilliger, Wayne

Texas Rangers

This Week magazine

Tiernan, Frank

Tobin, Maurice J.

Tomasco, Dawn [Hebding] and Sherri [Mosley] (grandchilden)

Tomasco, Steven

Topping, Dan

Topps baseball cards

Trimble, Joe

Trosky, Hal

Trout, Dizzy

Troy, Phil

Trucks, Virgil

Turley, Bob

Turner, Evelyn

Twyman, Jack

Tyler, Barbara

Umphlett, Tommy

Underhill, Emerson

Underwood, John

University of Maine, Orono

Updike, John

Valton, Joe “Gee Gee”

Vaughn, Arky

Vaughn, Porter

Vellante, John

Venzor, Danny

Venzor, Pedro (grandfather)

Venzor, Saul (uncle)

Verducci, Tom

Vermont Academy

Vernon, Mickey

Villarino, Joe

Voorhees, Hugh

Vosmik, Joe

Wagner, Charlie

Wagner, Hal

Wagner, Honus

Walker, Larry

Waner, Paul

Warren, Forrest

Washington Daily News

Washington Post

Washington Redskins

Washington Senators; American League Manager of the Year award (1969); coaches (1969); final game; hitting under Ted Williams; owner (see Short, Bob); spring training; Ted Williams as manager, rookie year (1969); Ted Williams as manager (1970 and 1971); as Texas Rangers, Ted Williams final year (1972); trades and Denny McLain; trainer

Washington Star

Watkins, Lewis

Webb, Mel

Weisbrod, Frank

Wells, Millard

Wertz, Vic

West, Max

Westeman, Paul

White, Russ

White, Sammy

White, Stephen

White, Steve

Wight, Bill

Wiley, Wilbert

Will, George

Williams, Bobby-Jo (daughter); behavior problems and marriage to Steven Tomasco; cryonics controversy and; father's will and estrangement; marriage to Mark Ferrell; relationship with John-Henry; settlement of will controversy

Williams, Claudia (daughter); father's death, John-Henry reconciliation, and cryonics

Williams, Danny (brother); death

Williams, Dick

Williams, Dolores Wettach (third wife); birth of Claudia; birth of John-Henry; interview with Don Newbery; in Islamorada; meets Ted Williams; painting of

Williams, Doris Soule (first wife): birth of daughter and Ted's absence; dating Ted; divorce from Ted; drinking problem; marriage to Ted

Williams, John-Henry Dussault (son); appearance; bankruptcy of; batting cage bought and baseball playing; Black Diamond Condo; cryonics and; death of father; eBay auction of flag; education; Grand-Slam Marketing, Ted Williams Store,, and other memorabilia businesses; leukemia of; takes over father's affairs and controls life; World Series rings controversy

Williams, Lee Howard (second wife); divorce

Williams, May Venzor (mother); decline and death; marriage and divorce; in Salvation Army; Ted's baseball career and; Ted's draft status and

Williams, Sam (father)

Williams, Sam (nephew)

Williams, Ted (nephew)

Williams, Ted (Theodore Samuel)

APPEARANCE: as child; clothing sizes; in 1938 and 1939, as rookie; in 1941; in 1946; in 1950, weight and height; in 1954; in 1961; in 1974; shoe sizes; as teenager

BASEBALL CAREER (AS PLAYER): advice from and questioning of older players by; African American players and; agent; Athlete of the Year, 1957; bats used; batter title race, 1958; bat throwing incident, 1958; Boston, bad-mouthing of and controversy; Boudreau Shift; business advisor; columns for Globe, World Series, 1946; Detroit's Briggs Stadium, as favorite place to hit; exercise routines; exhibition game with Babe Ruth, 1943; eyesight, exceptional; fans, heckling by, and responses; Fenway Park addition, as Williamsburg; firsts as a professional (at bat, hits, etc.); Hall of Fame; health; hiatus, military service, Korea; hiatus, military service, World War II; high school; hitting philosophy; hitting streak, 1941, and rivalry with Joe DiMaggio; home run, bottom of the ninth, All-Star Game, 1941; home run, “eephus pitch” All-Star game, 1946; home run, final hit, final game of career; home run, 500th of career; home run, 400th of career; home run, longest of career; home runs; home runs, grand slams; home runs, three-homer-games; image as loner; injuries; leftfield position; as legend; longest game; Mickey Mantle hitting rivalry, 1957; in Minneapolis Millers; MVP, 1946; MVP, 1949; nicknames; as number; pennant victory party, 1946, missing of, story; pitchers and pitchers mounds studied by; pitching by; power hitting of; practice; pressure felt by; private life and privacy; public adoration; public image problem, birth of daughter and; record, .406 batting average; Red Sox, final game; Red Sox, 1939 season; Red Sox, 1940 season; Red Sox, 1941 season (batting .406); Red Sox, 1942 season; Red Sox, 1946 season (and World Series); Red Sox, 1947–1951 seasons; Red Sox, 1952 (partial season); Red Sox, 1953 (return after Korea); Red Sox, 1954–56; Red Sox, 1957 (golden year, batting .388); Red Sox, 1958–1960 (closeout years); Red Sox, Old-Timers Game, 1982; Red Sox scouting of; Red Sox signing (1937); retirement, 1960; retirement speculation, 1954; rightfield position; Rogers Hornsby as coach and; sacrifice fly rules and; in San Diego Padres; semipro; sliders hit by; spitting controversy; sportswriters on and critics of; sportswriters, women, interviews; spring training; stance; start of pro career (1939); stats, career; stats, compiled by Eddie Mifflin; stats, high school; stats, Minneapolis Millers; stats, 1939; stats, 1940; stats, 1941; stats, 1942; stats, 1946; stats, 1947–1951; stats, 1953; stats, 1954; stats, 1955; stats, 1956; stats, 1957; stats, 1959; stats, 1960; stats, San Diego Padres; swing (left-handed); threats of quitting; trade rumors; trainer, Jack Fadden and; tributes and legacy; Triple Crowns; umpires, help from; uniform; walks, career stats; World Series, 1946

CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY: abstention from alcohol and cigarettes; alcohol and drinking, later life; alligator story; anger and mercurial moodiness; autograph; baseball, passion for; “Bush” as name for everyone; cars owned by and driving habits; cockiness or arrogance of; complexity of; challenges and baiting, responses to; daily routine; discipline and; empathy of, and as soft-touch; energy of; enthusiasm for life; fairness, lack of racial prejudice, and generosity; fame and; fast eating; as hero; humor of; kids and; immaturity of; integrity and intelligence; language and profanity used by; male role models and father figures for; nonconformity, outrageous behavior, and eccentricity; pigeon shooting; political conservatism and friends in high places; pseudonym; psyching himself up; Public Ted; quiet lifestyle; softening disposition; talking baseball; talking to excess, and motormouth reputation; teeth-grinding

CHARITY WORK AND VISITING THE SICK:; as ally to the downtrodden; benefit appearances; Donald Nicoll, first sick kid; generosity to family; Jimmy Fund, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Tricia Miranti; visit to Boston mayor James Michael Curley; visit to Jimmy Carroll's mother

CHILDHOOD AND FAMILY: baseball during childhood; baseball mentors; brother and; ethnic background; father and; fun outside school; Garfield Elementary School; male role models and father figures; mother and; in San Diego; Hoover High School; relationship to family and generosity; semipro games; unhappiness

CHILDREN: Bobby-Jo (See Williams, Bobby-Jo); Claudia (See Williams, Claudia) ; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; John-Henry (see Williams, John-Henry); Ted Williams's relationships with

FINAL YEARS (1993–2002): All-Star Game, Fenway Park, 1999; broken hip; broken shoulder; Citrus Hills house, John-Henry, and; cooks for; cremation wishes; cryonics controversy; daily routine; death in Hernando, FL; food and; God and religion; health decline; heart and other surgeries; last public appearance; male nurses for; money worries; NASCAR race appearance; statues of; strokes; suicide, thoughts on; Ted Williams Museum and; Upper Deck lawsuit; vision loss; World Series, 1999, Atlanta, attending; World Series rings controversy

FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES: Boston, final career years; Boston, rookie years; Boston, teammates; childhood; Citrus Hills, FL; compartmentalizing of; con artist incident (Vince Antonucci); death of Ted Williams and response by; fishing, Islamorada; fishing, Miramichi; instant and random finding of; love and; loyalty and generosity with. See also Albright, Jimmie; Bean, Jack; Blake, John; Brothers, Jack; Buckley, Johnny; Camacho, Joe; Carroll, Jimmy; Cassidy, Al, Jr.; Cassie, Les, Jr. and Sr.; Churchman, Bill; Doerr, Bobby; DiMaggio, Dominic; Dussault, Ding; Engle, Roy; Gowdy, Curt; Leavitt, Bud; Mifflin, Eddie; Orlando, Johnny; Orlando, Vinnie; Pesky, Johnny; Reedy, Billy; Short, Bob; Swazey, Vin; Tamposi, Sam; Tiernan, Frank; Lindia, Joe; Underwood, John; Villarino, Joe; Yawkey, Tom

HOBBIES AND LEISURE: cruise, Panama Canal, 1991; fishing; fishing in Florida (see also Hernando, FL; Islamorada, FL); fishing in Miramichi, Canada; hunting; hunting ducks, Korea; hunting and fishing, in Minnesota; movies,; photography; politics and history; prize fights attended; restaurants frequented by; riding around in cars; Sportsmen's Show, Boston,; tennis; trip to Russia, 1991, fishing; tying flies

MARRIAGES AND RELATIONSHIPS: dating; divorce from Dolores Wettach; divorce from Doris Soule; divorce from Lee Howard; dogs named Slugger; Dolores Wettach (third wife); Doris Soule (first wife); grieving for Louise and decline; Lee Howard (second wife); Louise Kaufman; love missing in life; Lynette Simon; syphilis contracted by; women and; women and, Korea

MILITARY SERVICE: aptitude for and excellence in; crash in Korea; combat missions, Korea; discharge, 1953; draft status and controversy, 1942; enlistment; health problems; Korea; as Marine Fighter Pilot; as Naval Aviation Cadet, WWII; Pearl Harbor, transfer to and baseball on; recruiting poster, appearance on; release into reserves, 1946

POST-RETIREMENT CAREERS AND EMPLOYMENT: American League Manager of the Year (1969); autograph shows; campaigning for George Bush; Citrus Hills development; controversy, shuns “Greatest Living Hitter Award”; decline; Grand-Slam Marketing, Internet, and other memorabilia business; home run hitting contest, Fenway Park, 1972; manager, Washington Senators (Texas Rangers); newspaper column, cartoon strip, radio show; Presidential Medal of Freedom; Red Sox and; Red Sox batting instructor (1978–1993); Sears, Roebuck and Company and; swearing anecdote; Ted Williams Baseball Camp; Ted Williams song

RESIDENCES: Brattleboro, Vermont; Citrus Hills development, Hernando, FL (see also Hernando, FL); fishing camp, Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada; Foster St., Brighton, MA; 4121 Utah St., San Diego; Hotel Shelton, Boston; Islamorada, FL(see also Islamorada, FL); Miami, FL; Minneapolis, with the Tauschers; Roche estate, MA; rooming with Charlie Wagner, 1941; Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC; Somerset Hotel, Boston; Waban, Newton, MA; Winter Haven, FL, condo

SALARY AND INCOME: baseball cards; endorsements; final years; investments, IBM; Red Sox, 1940; Red Sox, 1941; Red Sox, 1942; Red Sox, 1946–1951, highest paid player; Red Sox; Red Sox; Red Sox, 1960 (salary cut requested); San Diego Padres; Sears; signing with Boston Red Sox deal; told-to article; Washington Senators, first million dollar manager

WRITINGS AND BOOKS: Fishing the Big Three; My Turn at Bat; Popular Mechanics article; Ted Williams: My Life in Pictures; “This Is My Last Year in Baseball”; The Science of Hitting; Sports Illustrated five-part series; Ted Williams: My Life in Pictures; Ted Williams: A Portrait in Words and Pictures; Ted Williams's Hit List

Wilson, Jack

Winkin, John

Winter Haven, FL

Wolff, Roger

Woodbury, Woody

World War II: atomic bomb dropped; baseball players, enlistments, draft status, Ted Williams draft controversy; “baseball squad”; discussions, clubhouse, 1941; NAS Bunker Hill, Indiana; Navy V-5 program; 1941, in Europe; 1941, Pearl Harbor, attack on; Pearl Harbor, Ted Williams and baseball on; pilots trained for, number of; Ted Williams as Marine Fighter Pilot; Ted Williams as Naval Aviation Cadet, WWII; training of pilots

Wynn, Early

Yastrzemski, Carl

Yawkey, Jean; statue of Williams commissioned by

Yawkey, Tom

York, Rudy

Zauchin, Norm

Ziegler, Bill

Zimmer, Don

Zuber, Bill