
Night in a Dune Shack

      Cormorant Ashore

            Hurt Junco

                  The Wilderness Experience


Wilderness at the Run



                  The Uses of Wind

                       Foxes on the Marsh

                             Tide Fingers

Woodcock Flight

      Dawn Walk

            November Woods

                  Gannet on the Bluffs

                       Winter Solstice

                             Local Gods

                                   A Day for Dead Man’s Fingers

An Assault of Grackles

      A Civil Death

            A Moth in the Eye

                  Old School Pictures

                       Very Like a Whale

                             After the Storm

                                   A Paine’s Creek Sundown

A Vintage Woodland

      Going to Seed

            Beach Plum Weather

                  Good Ghosts

                       Thinning the Woods

                             Return to the Dunes

                                   Common Ground
