Thank you to L. M. Montgomery, the author whose books accompanied me through adolescence and beyond. If I hadn’t been so fascinated by her heroine, Emily Starr, and the mysterious manuscript she burned, this book would not exist.
Thank you to my wonderful agent, Bridget Smith, for pulling me out of your slush pile and changing everything. It took a long time to find you, but it was well worth the wait. Also, heartfelt thanks to my editor at Penguin, Shannon Kelly, whose insights and support helped me make this book better than I ever thought possible. And to all those at Penguin whose hard work brought The Dream Peddler to light, thank you.
I would also like to acknowledge Carrie A. Meyer, whose Days on the Family Farm became my primary source for information on early twentieth-century farm life in America, and Robert L. Van de Castle, whose Our Dreaming Mind taught me everything I needed to know about dreams throughout history.
In addition to the professionals, I’ve been lucky to have the support of many friends and family members. I’m so thankful to Patty Kline-Capaldo, Rae Theodore, and all the members of the Just Write group out in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. It was just after I joined up with you that I started working in earnest to finish The Dream Peddler, and your companionship as readers and writers was invaluable to me. To everyone who generously read through early drafts for me, please know how much I appreciate you taking the time, and all your thoughtful comments.
To my mother, who has read this book more times than I can count, thank you for loving it in every incarnation. You have been my sounding board and cheering section every step of the way, and that has meant the world to me.
Thank you, Nate and Rachel, for being my young dreamers, now and forever the best things I have ever made. And Keith, I once joked with you that your support had provided me with “a room of my own.” Thank you. This book is what came out of that room.