to Steve Cox. Sometimes, it IS rocket science...
To my grandparents:  Brooks, Martha, Bob, and Marie.  For showing
a certain little boy that silly rules were made to be broken.
A Note on Hyperlinks
You will notice that all of the hyperlinks in this book look like this:<foo>
Where <foo> is something that is short and easy to type. Example:
This is a “short link” and is intended to make life much easier for readers of the print edition. That link above will take you to the first blog post I ever published, which went live in October of 2009.
Its “real” URL is this:
Which would you rather type?
So just a few notes:
1. These short links will always start with – which is short for “PowerPivotPro,” the name of my blog.
2. These links are case-sensitive! If the link in the book ends in “1stBlog” like above, typing “1stblog” or “1stBLOG” will not take you to the intended page!
3. Not all of these links will lead to my blog – some will take you to Microsoft sites for instance.
4. The book does not rely on you following the links – the topics covered in this book are intended to be complete in and of themselves. The links provided are strictly optional “more info” type of content.