
This book was originally inspired by a devastating court case I read about a few years ago. The story of that woman stayed with me. I wondered, at the time, what would you do if …

As always I have many people to thank.

Biggest thank-you goes to Rachel Pierce, my editor, who was a huge help in getting this across the finishing line; Patricia Deevy, for her great insight, ideas and cheerleading; Michael McLoughlin, Cliona Lewis, Carrie Anderson, Aimee Johnston, Brian Walker and all the team at Penguin Ireland for their continued support and help; to all in the Penguin UK office, especially Tom Weldon, Joanna Prior and the fantastic sales, marketing and creative teams. To my agent Marianne Gunn O’Connor for being a great agent and always knowing the right thing to say, and for her unwavering support and loyalty. To Hazel Orme, for her wonderful copy-editing and for being such a positive force. To Colin Murphy, for helping me with the complex details of the medical procedures and processes that arise in this book. Any and all mistakes are my own.

To my fellow writers: thanks for your support, encouragement and for always knowing when a kind ear or a coffee and a bolstering chat are needed.

To my mum, sister, brother and extended family: thanks for always being there.

To all of my friends: thanks for your support and love, and for your wise words and counsel.

To Hugo, Geordy and Amy – the brightest stars in my sky.

To Troy, for being my other half.