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>> Help, your grandmother has kidnapped me and I’m being held hostage.
I frown at the text message from Isabelle and type a quick reply.
>> What?
>> Your grandmother just showed up announced this morning and took me to a store. I think she intends to keep me here. Send your guards!
I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Isabelle’s text sounds desperate. And I knew just how she felt. Gran has taken me hostage on a shopping trip many times, and she meant business at a store. She could spend hours and hours picking out stuff. We didn’t stop until her credit card was practically giving off smoke and the limo was full.
My thumbs fly across the keyboard.
>> Yeah, she does that, just go with it. Where did she take you?
>> Dress shopping. And I already have too many clothes.
>> Ah, you can’t stop her, once she gets going. My advice? Let her buy you something. FYI, you might be there the entire day.
I chuckle.
>>I'm afraid so, but if she still holding you captive this evening, I'll come rescue you.
>> You are going to be my knight in shining armor?
>> Even better, a prince. I don't have armor, or a trusty steed, but I've got a limo and royal guards.
>> Lol. Okay, I’ll hold you to it. What are you up to anyway? When I woke up this morning you were just gone.
When I glance up, my brother, Thomas is watching me carefully. I can practically feel his disapproval, like a cold draft. He looks a lot like my mother, tall, green-eyed, with dark hair.
I felt like giving him a one finger salute, but I smile instead. If we were going to sell this whole engagement thing, I need to keep a level head.
>> Playing pool with my brother. Sorry, I should have left a note for you. But I got a text from Thomas early in the morning. I knew from my brother’s tight, clipped text that he was upset. So, I’d thrown on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt and headed out the door. Actually, I think he’s about to interrogate me.
>> About us, you mean?
>> Yeah, I think my grandmother let something slip.
>> Oh no! This is a disaster.
We were both getting more and more nervous. This charade is getting harder and harder to keep up. I'm afraid one of us will crack under the scrutiny.
>> Don’t worry. I can handle my brother, but I should probably go. I think the questioning is about to begin.
>> Uh oh. Be careful. Let me know how it goes and I’ll be sending good thoughts your way.
>> Will do. And thanks. I need all the help I can get.
I sigh. I actually miss the sight of her face. This would be so much easier with her by my side.
>>If you get a chance, send me a selfie today. Show me the clothes you are trying on.
>> Okay, but be careful what you wish for. See you soon.
“Are you quite finished?” Thomas glares at me, and I put the phone away, tucking it into my back pocket for safekeeping.
What an ass. Thomas and I aren’t really close, even though we’re only a couple of years apart. My brother is the golden child and everyone has always loved him. My parents barely tolerate me. He’s only a couple of years older than me, but he acts like an old man, always so concerned with duty. I wonder if he ever has any fun.
>> “Yes, let’s play.”
>> “It’s about time.”
We are in the den, on the third floor of the palace. My brother racks up the balls on the billiard table. He’s already ordered us some coffee from the kitchen. I asked for an Irish coffee because being around Thomas is about as much fun as a trip to the dentist. I quickly downed mine, needing a little liquid courage.
“Was that your fiancée?”
I nod.
“Pity you didn’t bring her along.”
“Yes, isn't it?” I pick up a pool cue and move around the table, lining up a shot.
“When do I get to meet her?” He sounds skeptical. Thomas might as well have said “unicorn” instead of “fiancée” and I guess I couldn't really blame him. I'd never even had a real girlfriend. Elizabeth didn’t count.
“Soon.” Make that never. I’d have Isabelle out of the country soon enough, and then I’d tell Thomas we broke it off. Thomas would make his patented I told you so face and things can go back to normal.
“That was vague.” Thomas took a shot, knocking a ball into the corner pocket. “Where did you meet her?”
“At a club, on my last trip to New York. We really hit it off.”
Meaning...what? I party a lot? Yeah, well, you got me. Guilty as charged. Not all of us can walk around with a giant stick rammed up our asses, and play the martyr, 24/7. Thomas loves discussing his responsibilities and obligations.
“It was love at first sight?” Thomas sank another ball. At this rate, I wouldn't get to play at all.
“Something like that. We've kept in touch ever since.”
“Strange. Your relationships with women are not usually so...long term.”
I grit my teeth, long-term. “That’s a polite way of calling me a man whore.”
“You said it, not me.”
Thomas tried to take another shot but missed. “So, why her?”
I lean over the table. “Why did you fall in love with Sarah?”
He frowns. “Because she’s an appropriate life mate.”
“How romantic.” I roll my eyes.
“I’m the future king. Romance isn’t what really matters. I need a queen whom our people can look up to, someone they can respect. It took me a long time to find a suitable prospect. We went to college together, and we were friends before we dated.”
“Right, but you knew there was something special about her when you met.” Somehow, I’m just making an argument. Isabelle is special. “It’s the same for me and Isabelle.”
Thomas snorts. “Look, I’m going to just lay it all out there. I know this is some game you’re playing, but I can’t figure out why you would do it.”
I don’t so much as blink. Instead, I meet his gaze evenly, trying to back Thomas down.
His lips thin. “Regardless. When she finds out the truth, it’s going to devastate Gran. In her condition, anything could happen. What if she-”
“She won’t,” I say quickly. But I hadn’t even considered that. Suddenly, I felt ashamed. “Because I’m telling the truth.”
Thomas sneers at me. “The truth isn’t really your strong suit, Benjamin.”
“Tell you what, Thomas, why don’t you mind your own damn business? My personal life has nothing to do with you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” He wags a finger at me. “Your extracurricular activities reflect poorly on all of us. “
He and my father are broken records. Did they have some family meeting about me? An intervention? I’m sick of being compared to Thomas and found lacking.
“I thought you guys didn't want me going out and partying anymore. And now you're upset that I'm engaged? Why don't you all make up your minds?”
“Maybe because your behavior is erratic. We never know what we’re going to get with you.”
“Yeah, well, I like being unpredictable.”
“I don’t have that luxury.”
I sigh. “Are you going to give me another speech about being the future sovereign and how much responsibility it is? I’ve got news for you, big brother, I already know. And here’s another confession. You might think I’m jealous of you, but I’ve never wanted the throne. Ever.”
“I never thought you were jealous of me.” Thomas pulls a face. “If anything, it’s the other way around.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t you think I’d like to stay out late? Have a little fun now and then?”
“I guess I never thought about it.” Thomas had always seemed so much older than me, so dedicated. Mature. It never occurred to me that he envied me for my freedom.
“I’m sorry,” I say stiffly.
“Yeah, me too.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “And because you’ve never had to shoulder any responsibility, I think it’s made you reckless.
“If I thought this was real, I would be the first one lining up to congratulate you, but we both know this is some kind of joke or lie.”
“It’s neither of those things.”
“So, you’re really engaged to this girl?”
I groan, rolling me eyes. “Yes. Aren't’ you paying attention?”
“Did you get her pregnant?”
The next thing I know, I have Thomas backed against the wall. I ball up a fist, ready to clobber him.
“Go ahead. Do it. I know you want to.”
Oh, I really do. I’ve been dying to sock him on the nose for the past few years, but I’m better than that. It takes everything in me, not to smash Thomas in the face. Since he has a public event tomorrow, it would probably be a very bad idea. And God knows I’d never hear the end of it.
“Watch your mouth.” I practically spit the words out. “And from now, on, be very careful how you speak about Isabelle. Isabelle isn’t some random girl. I intend to marry her and she deserves your respect.”
“Fine.” Thomas holds his hands up in surrender and I back off. “What the hell has gotten into you? I’ve never seen you this worked up over a girl.”
Me either. And I didn’t know what to make of it.
“You must care for her.”
I want to deny it, because I can’t. I would give the game away, but maybe that isn’t the only reason.
“Look, I’ve got to go.” I need to clear my head.
“Fine. Will I see you at the garden party next week?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” As long as they’ve got whiskey. And by that time, things would be over with Isabelle. The thought made my stomach clench.
I decide to take a walk around the grounds. Although, it’s a little hard to think when a couple of burly guards are tromping through the grass after me. I manage to find a quiet spot in the garden to sit in the sun. A maid brings me a cup of tea and I took a sip, contemplating the mess I’ve made, and how I might get out of it.
It’s too late to back out of this lie. I’ve come too far already. Or maybe I just don’t want to. I need to keep Isabelle here in Muravia with me, for a little while longer at least. I like having her in my life, and it isn’t just about the sex. I enjoy her company, her laugh, and her smile. She makes me feel good. And unlike my family, she doesn’t judge me.
Of course, she didn’t know the full story about me and my exploits. And I’m going to keep it that way.
Although, she might have experienced it firsthand, Isabelle had told me once, this whole thing would blow up in my face and maybe she is right. Disaster might be right around the corner.
I keep replaying Thomas’s warning over and over again in my head. I can’t help but worry about the impact this lie might have on Gran. She has a bad heart, and it’s more of a threat than her failing memory. What if she died of shock or something? God, I couldn’t live with myself. Damn Thomas for bringing this up. And damn me for my taking this crazy scheme too far.
I should have set Gran straight, even if she was disappointed in the moment. Sometimes, I just don’t think about the impact of my actions. I react in the moment to a problem and I end up making things even worse on myself. I’ve got to stop doing that. One of these days, I’m going to have to face terrible consequences for my actions. I just hope Gran wouldn’t be the one who paid the price this time.
In these kinds of situations, I typically went to the pub. I’d drink until I couldn’t walk straight and then I’d find a pretty girl to go home with, but I didn’t want to do that this time. Somehow, it seemed so empty, hollow. At least when I compared it to being with Isabelle instead.
Just then, I get a text from Isabelle.
I nearly dropped my phone. She’s holding up a godawful pink fluffy dress with lots of ruffles. She looks like a cupcake, and she’s making an annoyed face at the mirror. Instantly, I feel better and I can’t help but laugh.
I thumb a reply.
>>You look fantastic. Good enough to eat, cupcake.
I get a text right back.
>>You’re full of crap.
>>Not at all. I’d eat you all right. I pictured Isabelle's legs over my shoulders, my face buried in her juicy pussy.
>>Behave yourself. lol.
>>Fine. I will for now. How’s the shopping trip going?
>>Coming to a close. We are ringing up the purchases and she’s dropping me off at the hotel.
Weirdly enough, I want to see Isabelle. Usually, I try to drown my sorrows, instead of facing them, or talking about them.
I’ll meet you back there. I send the text before I can even stop and think it over.
>>Good. I’ve missed you. You’ve gotta tell me all about your run-in with your brother. By the way? Gran couldn’t stop talking about wedding plans.
I grimace.
>>Sorry. She gets excited about those kinds of things.
>>Don’t worry about it. I handled it.
>>I’ll see you soon.
So, instead of going to a pub and cheering myself up with meaningless sex, I go back to the hotel. Who knows? Maybe I’m growing up after all. And when I walk into the living room, I find her on the couch. She’s a sight for sore eyes. We’ve only been apart a few hours, but I already miss her.
“Hey, you.” She grins and I swear to God my heartbeat does a flip flop in my chest. I definitely made the right decision coming back here.
“Hello, yourself. I’ve missed you, Isabelle.” I sit beside her and wrap my arms around her. And she hugs me back, holding me close. I close my eyes and sigh, sinking into her. Damn. I could stay like this, all day.
This feels so right. So good. So natural. Being with Isabelle feels like coming home. It’s even better than being at my grandmother’s place. How is that even possible?
I don’t know, but I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.