Chapter Thirteen

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN you’re still in Manhattan?” Kate gripped the phone, nearly overwhelmed by a sinking sense of dread. “Didn’t you tell Billy’s parents you needed to be home by five?”

“I thought you said seven.” The drone of traffic made it difficult to hear Drew, but the horror in his voice was obvious.

Damn it, she knew she should’ve spoken directly to Lydia Jenski, but Drew insisted he could be responsible, and she’d wanted to encourage that.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to remain patient. “The wedding is at seven, sweetie. I needed you home before then so you’d have time to shower and dress.”

Alex entered the room, his face a mask of confusion. She held up the ‘give me a minute’ finger.

As Drew’s silence grew, so did her empathy for him. “I’m sorry, Mom. I screwed up again.”

God, he sounded pitiful. “It’s okay, honey.”

“But you can’t go to a wedding by yourself! How lame is that?”

“We’ll figure something out. You have fun and don’t worry.”

“Okay. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too, sweetie.” She placed the handset in the charger and turned to Alex. “He won’t be back in time to go with me.”

“Oh, crap.” He didn’t seem upset and not at all surprised. “If you can find someone to watch Lisa, Marc, and Tony, I’ll be your date.”

Oh, her sisters would just love that, especially since Kate had to convince them their kids would be fine left with Alex. “No, you made a promise. You have to keep it.”

“What are you going to do?”

She swallowed over the sudden lump in her throat. The idea of going solo put her on the edge of hyperventilating. “I’ll have to go alone.”

Alex grimaced. “You can’t. Not to a wedding.”

“Unless you have some other bright idea—”

“Wait! Give me a second. I’ll be right back.” He dashed out of the house, probably to ask one of his friends to babysit so he could go with her. She wasn’t thrilled with the idea, regardless of what great kids they were.

Kate’s hand shook as she ran it over her face. She couldn’t go alone to Shirley and Eddie’s wedding. She just couldn’t. Her mother would be there, as well as William’s parents. She’d been planning on Drew’s presence to buffer her mother’s judgment and her mother-in-law’s guilt trip.

Just as she was on the verge of panic, Alex burst into the house, followed by her boss. “Okay, Mom, we’re all set.”

Kate’s spirits soared at the sight of Jake in his usual gardening attire: cut-offs; tight, threadbare T-shirt; old dirty sneakers; and the ever-present boyish blush in place.

Perfect! No way could her sisters complain about a pediatrician watching their kids. “Alex, you’re a genius!” She rushed over and gave her son a quick hug before turning to Jake. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? You don’t mind?”

“As long as you don’t.”

“Goodness, no. Can you be back here by six, six-thirty?”

Jake studied his hands and clothes. “I’d better get cleaned up.” He turned to leave, but stopped with his fingers on the doorknob. “Is this a formal event?”

Breathing suddenly seemed like an afterthought. “What?”

“Well, should I wear a tux or a regular suit? I have both.”

She just stared.

Who the hell babysat in a tux?

No one, stupid.

But she couldn’t compute what her head was trying to tell her.

“Are you okay, Mom?” Alex poked her arm. “You don’t look so good.”

Of course she didn’t! Jake as her escort? With her mother and William’s parents there? Oh, she could hear the horrified gasps now. Panic rose again, but she tamped it down.

“I’m fine.” She forced a smile. “I just thought you’d asked Dr. Jake to babysit so you could go with me.”

“I figured this way was better. You won’t upset your sisters, and I won’t have to suffer through a reception.”

The idea of going to a function with Jake sprouted a crazy sense of anticipation. She’d never seen him in a suit before and, damn it, the thought of him in one made the guaranteed speculation tonight bearable.

Besides, it was only one night. What harm could it do?

She faced her neighbor. “It’s formal, but a three-piece suit is fine.”

His eyes narrowed. “Are you sure? It didn’t seem like it a minute ago.”

She nodded and smiled—surprised when she didn’t have to force it. “I was just a little confused.”

“Okay,” Jake said and left the house.

The tremors grew worse as she showered and dressed. The gown she’d borrowed from Susan suddenly seemed a lot sexier than she’d originally thought with its revealing neckline and side split. The dark burgundy set off her tan nicely, but the form-fitting, strapless top accentuated her bust a little more than she’d have liked. She’d left her hair loose, but when the soft golden waves nestled between her breasts, she decided to wear it in a French twist. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to her cleavage.

All too soon, the doorbell rang, twisting her stomach into tighter knots. She snatched the picture from her bedside table and stared into William’s tranquil, sapphire eyes before clutching it to her chest. The tension she’d felt since she realized Jake was accompanying her tonight lessened. Even in death, William could reassure her.

Placing the picture back in its spot, she squared her shoulders and headed to the stairs. She stopped at the first step, gazing down at Jake as he stood in the foyer, a small bouquet of peach roses in his hand.

He glanced up, and the tension William had freed her from only moments before came back with the force of a tsunami.

Dear God, the man was gorgeous. How was it possible the dark gray, designer suit did nothing to age him, but managed to make him a thousand times more masculine?

Unable to pull her eyes off him, she gripped the handrail as she descended the stairs. He watched her, his gaze traveling over her slinky gown. The appreciation in his eyes made her feel like a woman.

A living, breathing, sexy woman.

This is not good.

When she reached the bottom, he said, “You look beautiful.”

At the slight tremor in his voice, Kate relaxed. He was as nervous as she was. Together, they’d find a way to get through the evening. “Thank you for doing this for me, Jake.”

“What are neighbors for?” He held out the bouquet. “For you.”

“You shouldn’t have. This is a favor, not a date.” And you’d do well to remember that, Kate. She buried her nose in the tiny buds. Heavenly.

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his trousers and rocked on the balls of his feet. “They’re from my garden. I know how much you love flowers, and I was going to give them to you anyway.”

“Hey, Coach!” Alex entered the room, his hand outstretched. “Thanks for bailing me out.”

Jake shook his hand. “Happy to help.”

“Mom, you want me to put those in water for you?”

“Thank you, sweetie.” She reluctantly surrendered the roses to her son, and he headed for the kitchen.

“Shall we go?” Jake offered his arm.

She placed a hand on his wrist. “My sisters are dropping off their kids any minute. Can we wait for them?”

“No problem. Are we carpooling?”

“I’d rather take my own car. In case I want to make an early escape.”

“We’ll go in my car.”

The commanding tone in his voice surprised her. Why was he so insistent on driving his Honda Civic? She inwardly shrugged. Must be a guy thing.

The ringing doorbell pulled her from her thoughts. She opened the door for her sisters and their kids.

“Dr. Jake!” Lisa, Marc, and Tony squealed in unison, launching themselves at her neighbor. Kate grinned, shaking her head in amazement. They had only met Jake once at their annual check-ups last week and already loved him.

He squatted down and held his arms out, hugging them. “Hey, guys! Looking forward to some fun time with Alex?”

“Yeah! Are you staying, too?” Lisa held up a small satchel. “I brought some new video games.”

“Nah, I’m going with your aunt.”


“Is he now?” Susan arched a brow at Kate.

She hurried to explain. “Um, Drew had a change of plans, so Jake was nice enough to do me a favor by accompanying me.”

Her sister frowned in disappointment. “Oh. That’s very kind of you, Jake.”

Valerie stepped forward with a shit-eating grin directed at him. “Well, aren’t you just yummy?”

He swallowed hard, backed up, and inched behind Kate.

She nudged her younger sister in the arm with her elbow. “This is Dr. Jake Harris.”

“So... what? That makes him not yummy?”

“It makes him my boss.”

“Okay, okay. I’m Valerie, their much younger sister.” She extended her hand. “Don’t worry. You can shake it. I’m a happily married woman.”

Jake paused a moment before accepting her offer. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Valerie said over her shoulder to Kate and Susan, “Say your goodbyes and let’s get a move on. The guys are waiting.” She turned back to Jake and yanked him closer. “I wouldn’t want to piss off my husband too much. I might find myself suddenly single.”

He paled and tugged at his hand, desperately trying to wiggle it loose.

Kate stifled a groan. Leave it to Valerie to find someone’s weakness. “Down, Val. The man’s new in town.”

With a wink and impish grin, she released her prey.

After a few last-minute babysitting instructions to Alex, everyone exited the foyer, and Kate locked the door behind her. Rob and Greg waved to her as her sisters climbed into Valerie’s Durango. Kate shaded her eyes against the setting sun, surprised to see Jake’s Honda parked in the street instead of the driveway. She started toward it until he grabbed her hand.

“Wait here.”

Confused, she did as instructed and watched him stroll up his driveway to the detached garage. He punched a code into the automatic door opener, then disappeared inside. Seconds later, a loud roar invaded the quiet, and then a small silver sports car backed down the drive.

Kate held very little knowledge about cars, but she knew an Audi R8 when she saw one.

How, in God’s name, could a barely-established pediatrician afford a high priced sports car like this one?

Jake hopped out, ran around the front of the car, and opened her door.

She approached, studying the confident man in the designer suit standing next to a vehicle that probably cost double his college education.

This was not the Jake she knew. Gone was the boyish charm and innocence, and in its place was a dangerous man oozing sensuality.

He reached out his hand. “Your chariot, Milady.”

As he helped her sink into the plush leather seat, she suddenly understood how Jake felt when an aggressive woman made a pass at him. Scared, overwhelmed, breathless. Every one of those emotions assailed her now.

Which made her both frightened and eager to see how the evening would unfold.