As I embarked on book two in this series, my research into the world of wildfire fighting and forestry led me down many new and fascinating paths. Like book one, rather than try to copy an existing smoke jumping base with its specific procedures, policies, ways of handling rookies and so on, I combined various bases into one fictional one. The especially eagle-eyed will note that I essentially replaced the Redmond, Oregon, base with my own, but mine is not intended to be an exact duplicate of theirs in any way. Likewise, Painter’s Ridge is an entirely fictional central Oregon town.
While Garrick and Rain both work for the federal Forestry Department, the reality of modern fire management usually involves multiple agencies and interagency coordination at both the state and federal levels. In Oregon alone, fires frequently affect state, federal, and private lands, sometimes all in the same fire. Again, some of these details were simplified to allow the focus to remain on the characters and their growth and their story, but I did try to include as much realism as possible. Wildfire fighting is an arduous job that taxes the people who take it on, and many consider it a calling as much as a vocation. I tried to bring their amazing dedication and resilient spirits to the secondary as well as the main characters. I also tried to reflect the very real dangers the job brings. Garrick’s injuries are far from uncommon because every year, brave and valiant people die fighting wildfires while others are seriously injured.
Garrick’s injuries were another avenue of research for me, and I was fortunate to get amazing help in my endeavors to be as realistic and sensitive as possible. A large number of men with spinal injuries do struggle with sexual function, and I wanted to reflect that in a way that felt organic to this particular story. Likewise, it’s a reality of healthcare in America at the present moment that insurance decisions play a huge role in prognosis and progress. I appreciate all the resources I consulted about Garrick’s condition, treatment, and long-term prospects.
Finally, yes, central Oregon does have a small Pride festival! I fictionalized vendors and activities, but this area of the state is near and dear to my heart, and I tried to reflect its unique culture and vibe as much as possible. The area also features a number of pet rescues who work hard to serve the local community, and the problems in finding Cookie her forever home aren’t intended to detract from the amazing work they do. The town of Painter’s Ridge may be my own invention, but the area’s geography and attractions absolutely helped to flavor the series.