“Well, that’s done.” Garrick sounded like he’d vanquished a dragon as he locked his prescription in Rain’s glove box. He was both cute and exasperating at the same time.
“Was it really that hard?” Rain gave him what he hoped was an encouraging smile. “Not like the pharmacist made you wear a big sign or something, and she didn’t even give you much in the way of embarrassing warnings.”
He had completed another few rows on his sock while they waited at the pharmacy, but the big box store wasn’t that crowded for a Friday night, and the way he saw it, they’d been lucky to draw a nice, motherly type of pharmacist who had been chatty about everything other than the subject of their visit.
“Nah.” Garrick stretched as Rain headed the car toward downtown Bend. “You’re right. This isn’t a big deal to anyone other than me. And I’m making too much of it. It’s hard, letting go of all the messages in my brain saying real guys don’t have trouble getting it up.”
“Real guys.” Rain snorted. “You know as well as me that that’s a toxic myth. And you’re talking to the guy wearing purple lace underwear. Fuck real-men-don’t messages. Life’s more fun when you stop caring about that shit.”
“Truth. And now my brain is stuck on visions of your underwear.”
“Play your cards right and I’ll show you.” Waiting for a red light, Rain gave him a wink. After a few days in regulation forest service clothes, showering and putting on some of his favorites had felt so good, made even better knowing Garrick would appreciate his efforts. He’d grabbed this particular pair already anticipating the heat in Garrick’s eyes. And since Garrick seemed to have a thing for his hair, he’d pulled only half of it up, leaving most of it spilling down over the shoulders of his silver sweater. He’d added boots and skinny black jeans, a decision he was already regretting as the tightness combined with Garrick’s admiring looks had him wiggling around more than was probably socially acceptable. But like he’d told Garrick, fuck acceptable. He was determined to have a good time with this unexpected date night.
The restaurant Garrick had picked had a discreet rainbow sticker in the window next to their menu, and the atmosphere was the sort of sophisticated-yet-quirky that Rain really dug with a mixed adult crowd—lots of friend groups and various pairings likely on dates. The interior was long and narrow with lots of wood and metal details, but the server led them to a table on the expansive back patio where they had more room for Garrick’s chair and more fun people watching for Rain. Cocktails in a huge variety of house specials came in mini mason jars and the menu was full of dishes meant to be shared. And as promised, the menu was about equally divided between imaginative vegetarian fare and bacon-infused everything else. They ordered zucchini fries as an appetizer and were discussing what else to split when two tall, buff guys stopped in front of their table.
“Garrick, my man!” The older, bigger one looked like an escapee from a motorcycle gang, while the younger one wasn’t that much taller than Rain but ripped in a way that implied he could take almost anyone in a fight. And all the muscles and confidence undoubtedly meant these were more of Garrick’s smoke jumper friends.
“Linc.” Garrick nodded at the bigger guy. “And Jacob. This is Rain.”
“Hi.” Now this was suddenly more interesting because this was the pair that Garrick had mentioned a few times, the one he’d tried to use jealousy on to force them to admit their feelings. And Rain was acutely aware of their twin scrutiny on him, his hair going all itchy on the back of his neck and his sweater seeming to shrink to corset tight. He’d lectured Garrick about telling societal expectations to go fuck themselves, but it was easier said than done, especially when these were friends whose opinion Garrick valued.
“You owe me a twenty.” Jacob bumped Linc’s arm before turning toward Garrick. “We’ve been worried about you, dude. But my theory for your lack of texts was that you were...occupied.”
“Guilty. And sorry. I’ve been a crap friend to everyone. Didn’t want to bug you—”
“It’s not bugging. We like helping you.” Nodding enthusiastically, Jacob rested a hand on Garrick’s shoulder. Rain resisted the urge to flick it away. Barely.
“Yeah, whatever you need,” Linc added.
Garrick sighed, and Rain felt his frustration low in his own gut. Had to be tough, the push-pull between friends wanting to help and him wanting a return to a normal that might not be coming.
“I know. And it’s appreciated.” Garrick managed a smile more genuine than the one Rain might have. “Anyway, I ended up with this dog. Big black rottie mix. I’m not sure how she does with other dogs, but she should meet your mutts at some point.”
“We’ll have you over soon.” Jacob’s voice, like Linc’s, was almost but not quite too cheerful. “And later in the month we’re having a thing for my birthday. Family. Friends. Grilling. My mom’s making chocolate cake. You can bring your...new friend too.”
“Sure. I’ll see what our schedule is like.” Garrick smoothly changed the subject into a brief discussion of his dispatcher work and Rain’s new job before his friends had to move to let a server by and used that excuse as a reason to leave them to their dinner.
“You should go to the party,” Rain urged once they had moved on. “Even if you don’t want to take me, it would be good for you to see more of your friends.”
“Why wouldn’t I want to take you?” Garrick frowned, but Rain’s stomach did a happy flip at how easily Garrick included him. “You’re the one who told me you don’t want to be something secret.”
In Rain’s limited past dating experience that request wasn’t always honored, but he nodded. “I don’t. I just meant if it was...easier.”
“Honestly, having you along, that would be easier. Introducing you around, that sort of small talk, it’s better than a bunch of questions about how I am and when I’ll be back and hearing endless stories about how the season is going.”
“Point taken. And I’m happy to be that kind of buffer.” And he was happy, period, to be Garrick’s date, to be someone he was so willing for people to assume he was in a relationship with. It had meant something when Garrick had asked him to go back with him at the doctor’s office. He might be deeply uncomfortable discussing his present sex life, yet he was far more secure in his pansexuality than Rain would have guessed, and it made Rain all warm, being with someone like that.
For the rest of the meal, he tried to keep that cuddly feeling close, bask in how good being with Garrick felt. It couldn’t last—nothing ever did—but while he had it, he was determined to fully enjoy it. After the food, they leisurely made their way to the store Garrick had mentioned, window-shopping along their way back to the car, ducking into a pet boutique for a new type of chew for Cookie, and collecting cupcakes for later at a bakery.
On the edge of downtown, the adult store had an unconventional, funky vibe—part lingerie, part sex toys, and part an impressive array of head shop items amid assorted Oregon kitsch in an older log-cabin-style building. The aisles were narrow, not necessarily laid out for a wheelchair to navigate, but Garrick, who had clearly been there before, managed, leading him to the cases of sex toys in the rear of the store. A curvy younger woman with cat tattoos up both arms and a trio of nose rings was working the counter and took an immediate interest in them. Or rather in Garrick’s biceps, which she couldn’t seem to stop staring at.
“We’ve got a bunch of buy two, get one sales right now. And let me know if you need anything unlocked. I’m here to help!” She smiled directly at Garrick’s pecs and ignored Rain completely.
Garrick, though, seemed oblivious to her flirting, waving her away, posture stiff like it had been in the pharmacy. “We’re fine. Just browsing.”
Once she was back behind the register, though, Garrick relaxed considerably, joking with Rain and pointing out different sexy options while Rain looked at egg-shaped vibrators that had the right frequency. He’d pick something out for himself as he’d promised, but he wanted to make sure they also purchased some things that might help Garrick.
“Hey.” Garrick crooked his finger, motioning Rain closer, so he could whisper. “You like the black thing the mannequin is wearing over there?”
“Uh-huh.” It was a sheer short robe over matching silky panties that would feel amazing on his cock, and simply admiring the outfit had his blood rushing south, more so because Garrick supported his kink. He’d had partners before who seemed to get off on Rain’s like of lingerie, but Garrick seemed to appreciate it on a more intimate level than he was used to. He shared it but also wasn’t a chaser or some other type of user just out for a walk on the wild side with no regard for Rain as a person.
“Add it to our basket. It can join your other robe at my place.” His filthy grin had Rain regretting his tight pants again.
“Okay. Sure.” He was trying to get better about the whole present thing. Maybe he had absolutely no use for a sugar daddy, but Garrick was simply trying to have a little fun, and he didn’t need Rain’s whole emo thing of making this more than what it was. It was a nice gesture, not a commitment, and Rain needed to remember not to get attached merely because Garrick enjoyed being generous. And even if the way he seemed to understand him was absolutely swoon-worthy, Rain would do well to keep his healthy sense of self-preservation.
But all the inner lectures in the world were futile when a still-grinning Garrick pulled him close when he deposited the outfit in the basket on Garrick’s lap. Fuck. Even his touch alone made Rain’s knees rather literally wobbly. Swoon-worthy indeed.
“I can’t fucking wait to see you in that. Might not even need—”
“Hush now. You can take your meds while I get changed. Deal?”
“Guess it would be a waste of a copay not to try it.” Garrick’s mouth twisted as he absently toyed with the end of a leather whip.
Needing him to smile again, Rain raised his eyebrows. “You got other kinks you want to confess?”
“Nah. I’ve fooled around with some stuff, but nothing serious. I mean, I wouldn’t be averse to spanking you next time you try to shortchange your push-ups, but pain isn’t a regular part of my fantasies.”
“What is?” Rain was still considering the display of toy options. Maybe he could get Garrick to give him a hint as to what he should pick.
“Lately, the whole fucking you near-catatonic thing. Preferably with you wearing something sexy.” Seductive grin back, Garrick shrugged. “What can I say? I’ve got simple tastes.”
“Ha. I like it.” And he did because it gave him an excellent idea of what direction to go with the toy purchase. “And this?”
He pointed to one of the packages in the locked case, loving how Garrick’s eyes went wide as he nodded. Damn if he wasn’t starting to absolutely live for those sorts of reactions from Garrick, body already counting down until they were alone.
A million years ago, Garrick had been a horny teen, reckless and spontaneous with a single-minded intensity that made sex both fun and an almost physical necessity. And he’d spent most of the past year worried that those feelings were gone for good, that spontaneity was never going to be a thing for him again, that headlong rush into an encounter simply not possible. But Rain kept proving him wrong.
As it turned out, spontaneity wasn’t a literal mad dash for the nearest horizontal surface, but rather an energy, a bubbling, swirling, sexy vibe that followed them from the adult store to the car to the drive back to his place, them ramping each other up with little touches and heated looks and sharing fantasies and stories. It carried them, even through the mundaneness of unloading and greeting Cookie. Right before Rain took Cookie out, he pressed Garrick’s pill bottle into his hand, a wordless suggestion that rather than killing the mood seemed simply part of it, part of this intoxicating mix of anticipation and need.
So he used their absence to swallow the medication before he could talk himself out of it, and soon they were sprawled on his bed, lights low and fire going, that rush he’d craved still sweeping them up. Rain was half on top of him and it felt like the only thing that mattered in the whole world was keeping this make-out session going. Each kiss was a revelation, snowflakes to marvel at, each unique and special and worth slowing down for.
“Fuck. I love this.” Lips kiss-swollen, Rain grinned down at him before claiming another kiss. They were still clothed, and somehow that added to the excitement, made those first touches on skin that much more potent. He worked a hand under Rain’s sweater, memorizing the warmth of his back, the flex of his muscles, the way he hissed as Garrick stroked his spine. His tight black jeans had slipped down enough to expose a line of silky underwear for Garrick to play with, fingers dancing over the waistband before dipping under the elastic.
“Purple, huh? Forget the new outfit. I wanna see these.”
“Coming right up.” Eyes sparkling, Rain scampered off him to stand next to the bed.
“Give me a good show.” Leaning back against the pillows, he luxuriated in the delicious feeling of being this turned on and not in a hurry. Rain’s eagerness, both to please and to show off, was heady stuff.
“Go-go dancer, I’m not.” Rain laughed as he yanked his hair the rest of the way down, shaking it free and making Garrick’s fingers curl, wanting to touch it again. His easy movements belied his words, shimmying a little as he raised, then lowered his sweater, flash of skin and treasure trail.
“Maybe not, but you’re damn sexy. Go on,” Garrick encouraged.
Emboldened, Rain pulled the sweater up and off, a smooth gesture that revealed his increasingly toned chest and arms, all their workouts paying off. His dark nipples pebbled up as they were exposed, and Garrick had to resist the temptation to call Rain over so he could taste and touch. Soon. But first, Rain’s little show was too fun to miss, especially when Rain spun, showing off his ass.
He lowered his pants by increments, revealing a silky pair of dark purple underwear with lace inserts playing peekaboo with Rain’s smooth skin. When he stepped out of his pants and turned back around, the fabric outlined his hard cock in a way that had Garrick needing to lick his lips, especially the way Rain’s cockhead poked out of the waistband, as if it couldn’t wait to get in on the action.
“Leave them on,” he urged as he opened his arms to welcome Rain back to the bed.
“I want to play with our news toys.” Giving a sassy butt wiggle, Rain retrieved the bag from the store, dumping the contents next to Garrick before climbing back onto the bed. “You’re overdressed again. You remedy that and I’m going to sort out the battery situation.”
Garrick liked how Rain seemed to have picked up on how Garrick wasn’t crazy about help undressing. Not to mention he enjoyed the sight of Rain wiggling around in the purple undies as he made quick work of his shirt and pants. As soon as he sat back against the pillows, Rain was on him, lightly straddling his waist without putting all his weight on Garrick. Mischief in his eyes, he held one of the egg-shaped vibes in his hand.
“Hey, what happened to your show?” Garrick’s laugh had a nervous edge, even to his own ears. But he didn’t push Rain away, curious to see what he had in mind.
“We’re getting there.” Vibrator still off, Rain rolled the egg down Garrick’s arm, tickling.
“Not fast enough.”
“Chill and let me have fun.” With that, Rain did two things simultaneously—flipped on the buzzing sensation and captured Garrick’s surprised gasp in a deep kiss. Then he proceeded to trade kisses and touches, rubbing Garrick’s arms and pecs, stopping and lingering on places when Garrick inhaled sharply. He’d been hard most of the make-out session, but something about the deep pulsing vibration made him more aware of his cock, made the kisses feel more urgent, amplified the feel of Rain on his lap. And when Rain circled one of his nipples with the vibe, Garrick couldn’t help a moan.
“Fuck. Okay. That’s good. Weird but good.”
“I knew you’d like it.” Smirking, Rain repeated the move on the other side.
“Smug much?” Garrick’s voice was rougher now. Damn Rain and his big ideas. This was working.
“You like it and you know it.”
“Not as much as I’m gonna like this.” Not about to let Rain have all the fun, he plucked the egg from Rain’s grip and mimicked his moves, caressing his arms and chest.
“Oh, that’s no fair.” Rain took on a dreamy expression when Garrick rubbed across his nipple. Pulling Rain toward him, Garrick upped the ante, licking one while rubbing the other, loving the sounds Rain made. “Fuck. You...mmm.”
“How about this?” Wanting more of those happy noises, Garrick trailed the vibrator down Rain’s abs, tracing the outline of his cock through the thin fabric. Hips bucking, Rain cursed low as a bead of moisture appeared on his cockhead.
“Fuck. Can I try that on you?” Rain reached for the egg right as Garrick was doing complex geometry to decide how best to get his mouth on Rain’s cock without toppling anyone to the floor.
“I’d rather suck you,” he said even as he handed the vibe over. “You could turn around and let me do that while you do whatever experimentation—”
“Experimentation? Ha. This is an introduction. Your cock and I are just getting acquainted, and you are not going to distract me with your mouth.”
Garrick wanted to protest but then Rain’s hand was on him. Even through his boxer briefs it was intense, a warm, firm pressure that had him moaning. The first few touches, Garrick was all up in his head, trying to figure out if it felt the same or different than before his injury, but then Rain yanked his boxers down and all scientific inquiries took a back seat to how damn good it was. Rain had bigger hands than his slim frame would indicate, long elegant fingers, and his grip was tight and sure as he stroked. And then he shifted, releasing Garrick’s cock to trail the vibrator down the shaft. The buzzing resonated through his body, settling low in his balls, a deceptively strong pleasure.
“Damn. That’s...something. Wow.”
“Good.” Rain took that as permission to redouble his efforts, alternating stroking with his hand and exploring with the vibrator. He kept adding slow, lingering kisses to the mix and other caresses with his free hand, an onslaught of sensations that both overwhelmed and thrilled Garrick, body tensing. His eyes kept drifting shut, but when he opened them next, Rain had a playful expression that said he was moments away from adding his mouth to his efforts with Garrick’s cock. The thought alone had heat gathering in unexpected places, vibrations seeming to intensify.
“Wait. Don’t want to come this way,” he panted, breath as out of control as the rest of him. “Want to watch you with your other new toy.”
“Mmm. Not sure what I like more—knowing you were close or that request.” Rain stretched seductively, setting the vibrating egg aside.
“The request. I want to see.” He managed to sound more commanding than pleading but it was a near thing.
“Okay, okay. I got the batteries in both parts.” Rain held up the toy, a space-age-looking black plug with a wide, flared, forked base and curved shaft that was more artsy than phallic. Its main appeal was the wireless remote that came with it that controlled its impressive array of features—internal rotation, vibration in both the shaft and base, pulsing patterns, and warming. The base was designed to tease both the rim and the balls while the curve in the tip looked ready to massage the money spot. Anticipation swirled through his veins as he couldn’t wait to see its effect on Rain.
“Hand me your sexy panties,” he said as Rain pushed them down and off. “I’ve got plans.”
“Oh? Not into gags, but otherwise feel free to surprise me.” After handing over the underwear, Rain slid a condom on to the toy and lubed it up with the ultra-long-lasting stuff they’d bought.
“Come here.” He tugged Rain close for another kiss as he stroked and squeezed the globes of Rain’s ass. “You want my fingers first? Warm up?”
“Too impatient.” Rain scooted backward as he rose up to his knees. Garrick was torn between asking him to spin so he could watch the penetration and wanting to keep studying Rain’s expressions. Then Rain’s tongue darted out to lick at his full lower lip as his torso twisted, and no way was Garrick going to miss watching Rain’s face.
“Oh. Fuck. It’s not even on yet, and...”
“That’s it,” Garrick encouraged. “Tell me how it feels.”
“Good. Bigger than this thing looked in the package. Damn. I’m teasing with the tip and it feels like a freaking traffic cone.”
“Go as slow as you need to.”
“Yeah. Fuck. Been a while... Oh yeah.” Rain’s eyes went wide and his mouth slack as he must have found something that worked. Damn. He was the sexiest fucking thing Garrick had ever seen. He started a leisurely stroke of his cock, not trying to get off, just amping up all the good feelings from watching Rain.
“And how. Here.” Rain pressed the remote into Garrick’s free hand. “Have fun.”
“I intend to.” Garrick started by sending soft pulses, enjoying how Rain wriggled around.
“More. It’s all the way in now. Fuck. So full.”
“This?” Garrick flipped on the internal rotation thing. Rain’s eyes practically rolled back in his head, which made Garrick’s whole body throb.
“Yes. Oh my god. Only premium toys from now on. Fuck.”
“You want more of the fancy features?” Pressing the button for heat, Garrick could tell the moment Rain started to feel it because his hips started rocking.
“Jesus. It’s warm.” Biting his lower lip, Rain hovered his free hand over his cock. “Which should be weird, but somehow...”
Rain trailed off in a series of moans as Garrick increased the vibrations. This. This was exactly what he’d fantasized about all week, watching Rain let go like this, seeing him enjoy each new sensation. It was a hell of a show, turning him on on multiple levels.
“Can you come from this?”
“Maybe.” Rain rocked his hips more deliberately now. “Never done it hands free... Fuck. Need to touch.”
One hand still holding the toy in place, Rain started stroking his cock in earnest. Batting his hand away, Garrick wrapped the discarded silky underwear around his shaft and slowly stroked, making sure his thumb grazed the exposed tip on each upstroke.
“Okay, you keep that up and it’s going to be over fast.” Little beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as Rain breathed hard.
“You like that?” Taking a quick second to turn up the vibrations and rotation, Garrick jacked him faster now.
“Ung. No fair. No fair.” Flailing, Rain bent forward, bracing a hand on Garrick’s chest. The pressure of his hand felt almost electric, making tingles radiate down Garrick’s arms. Getting Rain to shoot all over him became his new number one goal, and he stroked faster, until Rain’s eyes drifted closed. His breath came in harsh pants. “God. More. Like that.”
“That’s it, baby. Let go. Let it feel good.” Toying with the vibration level again, Garrick put it on a pulsing pattern.
“I think...oh man. Almost too much.”
“You can take it,” Garrick encouraged. Abs tight and neck straining, Rain was shuddering now. He had to be close, and simply knowing that excited Garrick to new heights.
“Think I’m...oh fuck. Yes. Need to come. Now.”
“Do it. Come for me.” He barely got the words out before Rain was coming with a shout, painting Garrick’s chest with creamy stripes as his orgasm seemed to go on and on. Finally, he pulled away, collapsing next to Garrick as he withdrew the toy.
“You have to try that at some point. Never come so hard in my life.” Rain was half panting, half laughing as he struggled to catch his breath.
“That’s awesome. And you are so fucking beautiful when you come.” Merely the memory of Rain’s sounds had Garrick needing to resume stroking himself. Felt good, being this hard, this tense and ready. Letting Rain go first had absolutely been a brilliant idea.
“Oh, yeah. Do that.” Rain snuggled in close, licking Garrick’s neck as he danced his fingers down his arms, making the tingles in those locations that much more intense. Rolling away long enough to find the egg vibrator, Rain captured his mouth in a blistering kiss while touching the vibrator to his arms and pecs. Tension gathered in Garrick’s limbs, arms going almost too rigid to keep stroking, but he couldn’t stop, not now.
“I’m close,” he panted against Rain’s mouth.
“That’s right.” Rain pinched one of his nipples while vibrating the other, mouth finding Garrick’s collarbone. He was everywhere Garrick needed him to be, and the buzz from the vibe seemed to be everywhere too, snaking throughout him as his muscles tensed even more.
“Fuck. What are you...” Whatever he’d been about to ask died on a moan as Rain raked his teeth across Garrick’s shoulder. “Yes. That. Right...there...”
And then he was coming, hard, almost painful waves of pleasure as everything went hot and tight and impossibly good before rendering him spent and shaking with the aftermath of it.
“You weren’t...kidding. Nothing...that intense.” He pulled Rain up for a kiss, trying to regain control over his brain while continuing to wallow in how damn good it felt.
“Fabulous. I’m investing in fifty more of these things.” Rain set the egg vibe aside as his finger idly trailed through their mingled come on Garrick’s chest. “You shot, but it sounded almost like it hurt.”
“Did a little. Weird.” The shooting had been an unexpected bonus, another level to the orgasmic sensations. It didn’t happen every climax anymore, but when it did, he noticed it more now, the pleasant ache in his balls, the receding tension in his abs, the increased sensitivity of his cockhead. It was all wonderful, and he struggled with how to explain it. “My muscles get more tense right before, almost painful as it hits, but it’s a good hurt. Deep. And then more limp after. Like an hour in a hot tub relaxed. So good.”
“I’m so glad. And see? Meds are awesome.” Rain kissed his cheek.
“Pretty sure that was more you than the pill, but yeah, I’m maybe a convert.” As much as he wanted to praise Rain, he had to admit it had been nice, not worrying about the erection disappearing and whether it was the pill or the situation or both—the intense climax and getting to share that with Rain had been more than worth any hassle over the meds.
“Me too. That and I’m now a believer in pricey toys. Damn. I’m not comatose, but it’s a close thing.”
“Good.” Garrick held him close, blood still thrumming, both with the aftermath of what they’d done and new ideas for getting Rain even more worn out.
“You hang tight and I’m going to clean up and grab you a towel.” Rolling away from him, Rain released a huge yawn. “It cool if I crash here awhile?”
“As long as you want.” And wasn’t that the truth. There was no one, absolutely no one, he could think of whom he’d rather share this experience with. It wasn’t simply sex and it wasn’t merely getting back something he’d lost. It was deeper. More connected. Shared. Like a journey they got to go on together, exploring and discovering and drawing closer together. He knew full well it was dangerous, getting attached to Rain, getting used to him being here, but hell if he could pull back now.