Note: page numbers followed by “f” refer to figures.
- Abel, Alan, 299, 309
- Abortion, campaign against, 107–114
- Acosta, Jim, 201, 202f, 203, 203f, 207
- Adamic, Lada A., 240
- Advertising, native, 87–92
- Advertising, online, 6, 124, 125, 333
- Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 241
- Agents, 79, 79f, 82, 84
- Agonistic pluralism, theory of, 46–48, 51
- Agonistic politics, 191
- Albright, Jonathan, 137
- Alcibiades, 245
- Allcott, Hunt, 166
- Alphabet, Inc., 127
- Alt-right, Reddit and, 179, 183
- American News LLC, 229
- America’s 1st Freedom, 101
- Anonymity, memetics and, 194–195
- Antiabortion video, 107–114
- Appleton, William Henry, 156
- Arab Spring, 80–81
- Aral, Sinan, 167
- Army of Jesus, 194–195, 195f
- The Associated Press Stylebook, 134–135
- The Atlantic, 81
- AT&T, 126
- Audience, narrowing of, 285
- Babylon Berlin, 153
- Bakshy, Eytan, 240
- Bandwagon effects, 225
- Barad, Karen, 97
- Barbie Liberation Organization (BLO) (Yes Men), 300–301
- Barnum, P. T., 267, 269, 289
- Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, 145
- Bateson, Gregory, 276
- BBC, 75, 77f, 81, 341–342
- Bee, Samantha, 318, 319
- Belief
- contradictory information and, 237–238
- from exposure and repetition, 236
- in fake news, as lazy luxury, 157
- intrinsic and extrinsic reasons, 248
- knowledge base and, 237, 241
- NRA axioms about journalism and mainstream media, 98–100
- propaganda and, 25–26
- source credibility and, 238–242
- truth bias, 236
- Bell System, 126
- Benjamin, Walter, 276
- Bennett, James Gordon, 267
- Berger, Jonah, 225
- Berinsky, Adam J., 240, 241
- Bernays, Edward, 22, 25–26
- Bias
- awareness of, 249
- CMP antiabortion video comments and, 111–114
- confirmation, 224, 249
- gatekeeping, biased, 101
- NRA axiom of ideologically biased media, 98–99
- partisan, 239–240
- truth bias, 236
- Bichlbaum, Andy. See Yes Men
- Binary logic, 251
- Black box systems, 136–137
- Blair, Jayson, 154
- The Blaze, 108–109
- Bonanno, Mike. See Yes Men
- Bongino, Dan, 99–100
- Borowitz, Andy, 316
- Boston Marathon bombing (2013), 81, 181–182
- Bots, 169, 172, 174, 184, 194, 344
- “Bowling Green Disaster,” 351
- boyd, danah, 4, 83, 362
- Brain, limitations of, 250–251
- Braman, Donald, 238
- Branco, Antonio, 210
- Branding logos, 206
- Brashears, Matthew, 169
- Brashier, Nadia M., 237
- Brazile, Donna, 318
- Breitbart, 1, 3, 355, 364
- Britain, 128, 285–287
- Broderick, Ryan, 82
- Brown, Wendy, 24
- Brunton, Finn, 336
- Bugeja, Michael, 346
- Bullock, John G., 157
- Bush, George W., 38, 304, 310, 319–320
- Bush, Vannevar, 354–355
- BuzzFeed, 283
- Cambridge Analytica scandal, 125
- Camp, Lee, 318, 319
- Canada, 128
- Candid Camera (TV), 353–354
- Canetti, Elias, 276
- Cannon, Tyrone D., 236–237
- Cantril, Hadley, 276
- Capital, civic, 20
- Capital Gazette shootings, 209
- Capitalism, digital, 342–345
- Carey, James, 269
- Carvin, Andy, 80–81
- Censorship, 51, 252. See also First Amendment
- Center for Medical Progress (CMP), 108–114
- Central Park Zoo animal riot hoax, 267
- Cernovich, Mike, 183
- Channels, defined, 169
- Channels of information, open, 157
- Charles II, 285–287
- Chen, Adrian, 185
- Circuit of media study, 3–8
- Circulation numbers, 2–3
- Citizen empowerment strategies, 137–138
- Civic capital, 20
- Civic dispositions, demolition of, 23–25
- Clickbait, 74, 74f, 225, 245, 335–336
- Clinton, Chelsea, 165
- Clinton, Hillary. See also Election of 2016, U.S. presidential; #Pizzagate
- 2016 popular vote count, 6
- “basket of deplorables,” 193, 194f
- “Bernie or Hillary,” 197, 198f
- “Crooked Hillary,” 195
- deals with news outlets, 318
- email scandal, 3, 61, 367
- immigration policy and, 196
- “Lock her up,” 61, 192
- “Madam President” Newsweek cover, 1
- reaction to negative coverage, 317–319
- Reddit group, 183
- Rihanna’s endorsement of, 170
- Satanism accusations against, 165, 172–175, 195, 195f
- vote-by-text tweet, 77, 78f
- weapons sales claim, 56
- “Closed world” assumption, 251
- Cloud, Dana, 367
- CNN, 98, 99, 364, 364f
- Coddington, Mark, 88
- Coders, 343
- Cognitive dissonance, 224
- Cognitive miser approach, 224, 225
- Cognitive shortcuts, 224–225
- Cohen, James, 343
- Coherency gaps, 62–63
- The Colbert Report, 316
- Coleman, Stephen, 50
- Comet Ping Pong pizzeria. See #Pizzagate
- Comey, James, 351
- Computers, development of, 354
- Conditions of possibility, 21–22
- Confirmation bias, 224, 249
- Congressional investigations, 137
- Connection, false, 74, 74f
- Conscience, societal, 150
- Conspiracy theories. See also #Pizzagate
- 2016 election fixed for Clinton, 1
- etic veracity claims and, 58
- evidence, separation from, 273
- impact of, 57
- in-group belief and label of, 278–279
- as mass accusations, 276
- Parkland school shootings, 19
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 147
- secret knowledge and, 277–278
- social gratifications for, 226–227
- theory in, 273–280
- Constitution, U.S.
- First Amendment, 100, 146, 157, 214
- media disregard for, in NRA beliefs, 100
- Second Amendment, 100, 102
- “Constitution 101,” 229
- Consumer guides, 137
- Consumption, desocialized, 25
- Content boundaries, blurred, 88
- Content moderation. See Platform moderation
- Context, false, 74, 76f
- Contradictory information, old and new, 237–238
- Conway, Kellyanne, 229, 351
- Cook, John, 84
- Cosby, Bill, 73f
- Counterfeit news, 91–92
- Counterpublics, 168, 174
- Creation, as phase of information disorder, 79–80, 80f
- Credibility of sources, 238–242, 246–247, 361–369
- Critical thinking, 248–249, 251, 311–312, 368
- Croly, David Goodman, 265–266
- Cronkite, Walter, 155, 315
- Crowdsourcing, 81, 139, 181–182
- Culkin, Macaulay, 212, 214f
- Customer service approach, 329
- D’Acci, Julie, 4
- The Daily Caller, 367
- The Daily Show, 315–316
- Daleiden, David, 109
- Darwin, Charles, 156
- Data and Society Research Institute, 114
- D.C. Clothesline website, 1
- Debord, Guy, 345
- Debunking, 59–60, 82, 83–84
- Debunking Handbook (Cook and Lewandowsky), 84
- Decision-making, 51, 80–84
- Deconstructing Beck (Yes Men), 302
- Deep learning technologies, 247
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 40
- Defoe, Daniel, 268, 287
- De Jaeger, Charles, 341
- Deleuze, Gilles, 276
- Democracy
- consensus-based, 45–51
- failing of the People, 289–290
- illiberal and immature, 344
- media literacy and, 137
- newspapers and, 268
- public infrastructure and, 131
- threat to, 56, 133, 139, 235, 316
- truth-based, 50
- Weimar Republic and, 153–154
- Democratic National Committee (DNC) WikiLeaks e-mail release, 165–166, 170–175
- Denver Guardian, 2–3
- Derakhshan, Hossein, 71, 79
- Dicks, Thomas, 288
- Diffractive analysis, 97–98
- Diffusion, 167, 168–169
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 36
- Digital visual literacy, 39
- Dimbleby, Richard, 341
- Disbelief, spread of, 26. See also Belief; Trust and distrust of “the media”
- Disclosures, 89–91
- Dishonesty, 36, 99–100, 110. See also Falsehood
- Disinformation. See also Information disorder
- agents of, 82, 84
- definitions of, 71, 72f, 145–146
- hate propaganda and, 145–151
- history of nonfactual information, 134–135
- Disorganized propaganda, 22–26
- Distribution phase, 79–80, 80f
- Distribution practices, technology and, 5–6
- Distrust. See Trust and distrust of “the media”
- Dix, John A., 267
- Doctorow, Cory, 365
- Dow Chemical, 304–305, 312–313
- Dundes, Alan, 61
- East StratCom team (EU), 139
- Ecker, Ullrich K. H., 59, 62, 240
- Editorial content conflated with news, 228–229
- Effects models, 165–166
- Efficiency, symbolic, 21–24
- Election of 1864, U.S. presidential, 265–266
- Election of 2012, U.S. presidential, 191, 192
- Election of 2016, U.S. presidential. See also Trump, Donald
- Facebook and, 123
- fake news system supported on both sides, 317–319
- memetic thinking and, 58
- Newsweek alternate covers, 1
- political memes and, 191–197
- popular vote count, 6
- rise of “fake news” and, 289
- Russian disinformation campaign, 136
- vote-by-text tweet, 77, 78f
- Election strategies, 167–168
- Ellul, Jacques, 19–20, 22, 23, 25
- Emic folkloric frame, 60–63
- Emotion, 225–226
- “Enemy of the people” rhetoric, 201, 204, 214–216, 227
- Entertainment, 25, 228
- Entropy, 169, 170
- Epistemological education, 248–252
- Ernst, Jonathan, 209
- Error correction in social networks, 169–170
- Etic veracity claims, 56–60
- Eubanks, Virginia, 343
- European Commission, 128
- European Union (EU), 129, 139–140, 252
- Evidence
- falsifiabililty and, 274
- hypotheses and, 249
- photographic, 33–36
- technology and, 252
- theory and, 273, 277, 279–280
- Expert credibility, perceived, 238–239
- Exposure effect prediction models, 165–166
- Fabricated content category, 77, 78f
- Facebook
- AI techniques, promises of, 329
- Army of Jesus, 194–195, 195f
- Bernie Sanders’ Dank Meme Stash (BSDMS), 197
- Cambridge Analytica scandal, 125
- clickbait, incentivizing and deincentivizing of, 335–336
- content moderation and, 330
- fact-checking, use of, 329
- Instagram visual rhetoric and, 207–209
- journalism, impact on, 125–126
- journalism accelerator, 127
- as media company vs. technology company, 124
- monopoly power of, 123–125, 126–127, 128
- public service journalism tax proposal, 127–128
- regulation of, 128–131
- Russian content, 136
- self-regulation, flagging, and transparency, 138–139, 249, 329
- “Stopping Fake News” (Channel 4 News FactCheck blog), 223
- Fact-checking
- as antidote, 156–157
- coherency gaps and, 62
- desire for, 247
- distrust of, 366–367
- evaluation of, 248
- hate propaganda and, 149
- librarians and, 248
- problems with, 59, 367
- Facts
- brain limitations and, 250
- choosing or cherry-picking, 23, 101, 249
- debates over status of, 45, 285
- denunciation of, 19
- disdain for, 284–285
- knowledge patterns, 250
- misleading or nonfacts, 6
- NRA on, 101
- post-truth and, 45, 48–50
- previously established, failure to remember, 355
- relationship with, 354
- rise of empiricism and, 268
- theorizing and, 274
- “Fake” as power, 46
- Fake news
- avoidance of term, 71
- beyond misinformation, 1–2
- as broad category, 165
- “circuit of media study” approach to, 3–8
- circulation numbers, 2–3
- definitions of, 2, 135, 245, 311
- effects models and, 165–166
- as existential threat, 332, 333, 336
- geared at getting “clicks,” 284
- “good” vs. “bad,” 316–320
- as human problem, 137
- as internet problem and news problem, 135
- labeling, 365
- narrow audiences and, 285
- as national security challenge, 137–139
- as ontological label, 95, 98, 102
- prehistory of, 263–269, 352–355
- as propaganda, 21, 25–26
- rise of, 20, 289
- as structural problem, 125
- systems taken advantage by, 331–332
- teaching, 351–358
- virus compared to, 332
- weaponization of, 45–46, 49–50, 202–204, 343–345
- “False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical ‘News’ Sources” (Zimdars), 362–369
- Falsehood
- accumulated over years, 250
- emic folkloric frame and, 60–63
- etic assertions of, 56–60
- spreading faster than truth, 167
- true information outperformed by, 344
- Faludi, Susan, 165
- Fazio, Lisa K., 237
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 88, 91
- Feminist standpoint theory, 58–59
- Fernbach, Philip, 347
- Festinger, Leon, 224
- Feyerabend, Paul, 279
- Financial incentives for fake news, 245, 247, 252
- Fingerprints, 173–175
- Firehose propaganda, 23
- First Amendment, 100, 146, 157, 214
- First Draft, 83
- Flagg, James Montgomery, 205
- Flagging initiatives, 138, 249
- Flexible visuality, 32–38
- Folkloric frame, 60–63
- Foreign governments, leaks by, 83
- Forgetting, privilege of, 355, 358
- Foucault, Michel, 276
- Fox News, 113, 149, 319, 355
- Frame-checking, 367
- Framing, 60–63, 101
- France, 165
- Frankfurt, Harry, 245
- Franklin, Benjamin, 134, 263–265, 268
- Franklin, James, 263
- Freud, Sigmund, 276
- Funding, public, 127–128, 368
- Gainor, Dan, 101
- #Gamergate, 182–183
- Game theory, 167–170
- Gandhi, Mohandas, 303
- Gatekeeping, biased, 101
- Gawker, 185
- Geek masculinity, 180–181
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), EU, 129, 252
- Gentzkow, Matthew, 166
- Gerber, Alan S., 157
- Germany, 153
- Gladstone, Brooke, 285
- Gladstone, Eric, 169
- Goldman, Adam, 57
- Goldstein, David, 236
- Goldwater, Barry, 192
- Goldwater Institute, 357
- Google
- black box technologies, 136
- EU and, 129
- flagging initiative, 138
- Jihad Watch and, 149
- monopoly power and, 124
- News Initiative, 127
- PageRank algorithm, 246–247
- public service journalism tax proposal, 127–128
- removal of fraudulent providers, 333
- reverse image searches, 39
- Russian content, 136
- SEO and, 335
- Graham, Lindsey, 137
- Great Moon Hoax, 267, 287–289, 353
- Guattari, Félix, 276
- Guess, Andrew, 235
- Hamilton, John M., 342
- Hannity, Sean, 364
- Harcup, Tony, 96
- Harding, Sandra, 58–59
- Hasher, Lynn, 236
- Hate speech and hate propaganda, 145–151. See also Reddit
- Hays, William Harrison, 136
- Hays Code, 136
- Hemmer, Nicole, 98
- Herschel, John, 267, 287–288
- Heuristics. See Psychological factors in fake news
- High-conflict news programs, 228
- Hill, Seth J., 157
- Hindenburg, Paul von, 153
- Hitler, Adolf, 153–154, 214, 215f
- Hoaxes. See also Yes Men
- CNN pornography airing, 364, 364f
- Great Moon Hoax, 267, 287–289, 353
- history of, 263–269
- Horner site, 317
- news and, 4
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 147
- “Spaghetti-Harvest in Ticino” (BBC), 341–342
- Hofstadter, Richard, 276
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 30
- Hone, Philip, 288
- Horner, Paul, 317
- Hosmer, George W., 267
- Housholder, Elizabeth E., 239
- Huber, Gregory A., 157
- Huffman, Steve, 184
- Human connections, reestablishing, 347
- Hurricane Sandy, 81
- Hypocrisy, 99–100
- Hypotheses, 249
- Hypotheticals, danger of, 275–276
- Identity, fake news as, 95, 98, 102, 204
- Identity politics and conspiracy theory, 279
- Ideology and narrative, stitching of, 193
- “If true,” 268, 275–276
- Illusory-truth effect, 236
- Images, digital. See Instagram, visual war on journalism on; Visuality
- Immigration, 196–197, 196f
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US, 75, 78f
- Imposter content category, 75, 77f
- Incitement, 146, 148
- India, 147, 148
- Individualized, reception-based “solutions,” 361–362, 364–369
- Indonesia, 145, 147
- Information disorder
- categories of, 73–78
- complexity of, 72
- elements (agents, messages, interpreters), 79, 79f
- misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, 71, 72f
- phases (creation, production, distribution), 79–80, 80f
- reporting, issues for, 80–84
- Information overload, 354–355
- Information theory, 169–170, 172–174
- Infowars, 138, 316–317, 355
- Infrastructure, digital, 126
- Instagram, visual war on journalism on
- counter-memes and conclusions, 213–216, 215f
- creating an other (stage 1), 204–206, 205f
- distrust (stage 2), 206–209, 206f, 208f
- enemies and consequences (stage 3), 209–210, 210f, 211f
- “enemy of the people” rhetoric, 201, 204, 214–216
- #fakenews feed, 201–202
- four stages of rhetoric, 204
- threat, journalists as, 211–213, 213f, 214f
- Trump’s weaponization of phrase “fake news,” 202–204
- Instagram and political memes, 194
- Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 215–216
- The Intercept, 319
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 146
- Internet as disruptor, 134
- Interpreters, 79, 79f
- Irony, 316–317
- Islam, 145, 147, 148, 149, 265
- Jacobs, Ian, 341
- Jenkins-Smith, Hank, 238
- Jihad Watch, 149
- Johnson, Ben, 289
- Johnson, Lyndon, 192
- Jones, Alex, 316, 318
- Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson, 153
- Journalism. See also Instagram, visual war on journalism on; News
- “enemy of the people” rhetoric, 201, 204, 214–216, 227
- Facebook and Google’s impact on, 124–125
- history of hoaxes and satire in, 263–269
- information disorder issues and decision-making, 80–84
- NRA view of, 98–102
- public service journalism tax and trust fund, 127–128
- Kahan, Dan M., 238
- Kant, Emmanuel, 274
- Keegan, Brian, 168
- Kendall, Lori, 180
- Kennedy, John F., 155
- Keyes, Nelson, 263
- Kindergarten Cop (film), 212, 214f
- Kittler, Friedrich, 276
- Knowledge base, increasing, 241
- Kotaku, 182
- Laing, R. D., 276
- LaMarre, Heather L., 239
- LaPierre, Wayne, 96, 99, 101
- Latour, Bruno, 24
- Lazer, David, 168
- Leaks by foreign governments, 83
- Leeds, Titan, 264
- Legacy news industries. See Journalism; Newspaper industry
- Le Pen, Marine, 165
- L’Estrange, Roger, 286–287, 289
- Lewandowsky, Stephan, 59, 62, 84, 240
- Lewis, Rebecca, 82, 228, 347
- Liberal Society, 229
- LifeSiteNews, 108–110
- Lim, Zheng Wei, 166
- Limbaugh, Rush, 318
- Lin, Yu-Ru, 168
- Lincoln, Abraham, 266
- Ling, Richard, 166
- Lipmann, Walter, 37
- Lists of “fake news,” viral, 361–369
- Literacy. See Media literacy; Visual literacy
- Locke, Richard Adams, 267, 288, 289
- “Lock her up” slogan, 61, 192
- Loesch, Dana, 99
- Logic, binary, 251
- Logic, mathematical, 249
- Loving v. Virginia, 266
- Machine learning technologies, 247
- Macron, Emmanuel, 165
- Madrigal, Alexis, 81
- “Make America great again” (#MAGA), 192
- Malinformation, defined, 71, 72f
- Man-bats (Vespertilio-homos) hoax, 267
- Manipulated content category, 75–77, 78f
- Marchi, Regina, 227
- Marginalized communities and hate propaganda, 146
- Margolin, Drew, 168
- Marketplace of ideas, 157, 369
- Marsh, Elizabeth J., 237
- Marwick, Alice, 82, 228, 347
- Masculinity, geek, 180–181
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 344
- Mass individualized media, 285
- Mass media, centralized, 22
- Master narratives, 147–148
- Mathematical logic, 249
- McCarthy, Joseph, 277
- McLeod, Kembrew, 62
- Media literacy
- consumer guides, 137
- digital capitalism and, 345
- insufficiency of, 346
- psychological factors and, 223, 229–230
- WhatsApp and, 345–346
- Media Reform Coalition (Britain), 128
- Melzer, Scott, 102
- Memes. See also Instagram, visual war on journalism on
- in 2012 presidential campaign, 191, 192
- in 2016 presidential campaign, 191–197
- Army of Jesus (Hillary as Satan), 194–195, 195f
- “basket of deplorables,” 193, 194f
- “Bernie or Hillary,” 197, 198f
- definitions of, 191
- “Don’t Mess with TX Border Patrol,” 196–197, 196f
- memetic thinking, 58–59, 61–62
- as metonyms, 192, 193
- political slogans and, 192
- as stitching device, 193–197
- “Memex Revisited” (Bush), 354–355
- Memoirs of My Nervous Illness (Schreber), 276
- Message element of information disorder, 79, 79f
- Messing, Solomon, 240
- Milkman, Katherine L., 225
- Milner, Ryan M., 58
- Milton, John, 157
- Miscegenation (Croly and Wakeman), 265–266
- Misinformation. See also Information disorder
- confusing webs of, 365
- defined, 71, 72f
- emotions and spread of, 225–226
- Facebook and, 124
- reporting issues and decision-making, 80–84
- Misleading content category, 74, 75f
- Moderators. See Platform moderation
- A Modest Proposal (Swift), 310
- Monopoly power, 123–131
- Moon hoax, 267, 287–289, 353
- Morelli, Giovanni, 39
- Morozov, Evgeny, 139, 344, 345
- Mother Jones, 108–109
- Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) film rating system, 136
- Mouffe, Chantal, 46–48, 50, 51
- Mueller, Robert, 165, 352, 356
- Muir, David, 36
- Muslims, 145, 147, 148, 149, 265
- Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio, 153
- National Enquirer, 317
- National Geographic, 31
- National Rifle Association (NRA)
- about, 96
- axioms about journalism and mainstream media, 98–100
- diffractive analysis of, 97–98
- “fake news” as identity and practice for, 95, 98, 102
- mediatization of, 96
- on practices responsible for “fake news,” 101
- National Union of Journalists (Britain), 128
- Native advertising, 87–92
- Natural News, 363, 365–366
- Nazis, 153
- Neoliberalism, statist, 24
- Nerd masculinity, 180–181
- Networks and intermedia agenda setting, 168–169
- Neutrality as contingent, 46
- News. See also Journalism
- belief in unreliability of, 154–155
- blurred line between entertainment and, 228
- editorial content, conflation with, 228–229
- fake news as internet problem vs. news problem and, 135
- fake news in relation to, 4–5
- Hitler’s and Trump’s attacks on, 153–154
- open channels of information and not undermining, 156–157
- partisan vs. mainstream, perceived credibility of, 239–240
- soft and high-conflict programs, 228
- NewsBusters, 318
- Newspaper industry, 124–125, 268–269, 352
- New York Herald, 267
- New York Sun, 266–267, 287–288, 353
- New York Times
- “All the news that’s fit to print,” 155
- beliefs on deception by, 154–155
- CMP antiabortion video comments, 108–114
- corrections, 154
- guide for citizens, 137
- Iraq weapons of mass destruction error, 228
- ®TMark (Yes Men) and, 309
- T Brand Studio and native advertising, 87–88
- Trump on, 154
- Nissenbaum, Asaf, 192
- Noir, Colion, 100
- Noise, 169, 170, 252
- Nonfactual information, history of, 134–135
- Notarized images, 40
- NRATV, 96. See also National Rifle Association
- Nunes, Devin, 57, 356
- Nyhan, Brendan, 235
- Oates, Titus, 285–287
- Obama, Barack
- birthplace and birther conspiracy, 21, 228, 237–238
- fake news as threat and, 133
- immigration policy and, 196
- inauguration photo, 36
- media as “whore” for, 207, 208f
- theory behind conspiracy theories about, 274–275
- wiretap claim against, 57
- Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), 241
- Objectivity
- bias vs., 113
- democracy and, 47
- news and, 4
- New York Times and, 112
- photography and, 30, 32, 40
- political, absence of, 48, 51
- power relations and, 46
- O’Keefe, James, 110
- Oliver, John, 318, 319
- 100 Percent Fed Up, 365
- The Onion, 316
- O’Reilly, Bill, 154–155
- Oremus, Will, 317
- Outrage, 19
- PageRank algorithm (Google), 246–247
- Panorama (BBC), 341–342
- Pao, Ellen, 184, 185
- Parakilas, Sandy, 139
- Parasitic content, 331–337
- Parkland school shootings, Florida, 19
- Parody category, 73. See also Satire
- Participatory transparency, 138–139
- Partisan bias, 239–240
- Pattern matching, 250, 318
- Paul, Christopher, 180–181
- Payne, Keith B., 237
- Pedophile ring rumor. See #Pizzagate
- Pennsylvania Gazette, 263, 264
- Pennycook, Gordon, 236–237
- Petrified man hoax, 268
- Philolaus, 273–275
- Photography. See Visuality
- Pickard, Victor, 133
- Pierson, Paul, 140
- Pillsbury, Parker, 266
- #Pizzagate
- belief in, 290, 315
- flexible visuality and, 35
- “if true,” danger of, 275
- “self-investigation,” 7
- spread of, 283–284
- veracity claims vs. folkloric approach to, 57–62
- Welch shooting, 7, 283, 290
- Planned Parenthood, 107–114
- Platform moderation
- culpability of platforms, 333–334
- prospects, 336–337
- spam, SEO, and clickbait, 334–336
- tendency toward content moderation, 329–330
- violations and contested behavior vs. parasitic, tactical content, 330–333
- Platforms, age of
- audience–provider relationship and, 342
- education efforts and beyond, 345–346
- evolution of platforms and capitalist characteristics, 342–343
- human connections, reestablishing, 347
- weaponization of fake news in, 343–345
- Plausible deniability, 193–194
- Pluralism, agonistic, 46–48, 51
- Podesta, John, 61, 165, 172, 318
- Poe, Edgar Allan, 30
- Poe, Nathan, 59
- Poe’s Law, 59
- Political Insider, 74f
- Political slogans, 192
- PolitiFact, 235
- Pooley, Eric, 351
- Pooley, Jefferson, 276
- Poor Richard’s Almanack (Franklin), 264
- Popish Plot, 285–287
- Popper, Karl, 279
- Pornography, 331
- Posobiec, Jack, 34–35
- Post-political zeitgeist, 47–48
- Post-truth era, 45, 48–50
- Power relations, 26, 46, 47
- Pranks! (RE/Search), 299–300, 309
- Pratte, Richard, 24
- Presidential elections. See entries at election
- Price, Sarah, 307
- PR industry, 312
- Production phase, 79–80, 80f
- Production practices, technology and, 5–6
- Profitability and impact on content, 4–5. See also Advertising, online
- Propaganda
- belief and, 25–26
- disorganized, 22–26
- dominant narrative, relationship to, 22
- fake news as, 21
- firehose, 23
- flexible visuality and, 34–35
- inconsistent news sources and, 26
- news organizations as propagandists, 212
- political function and, 20
- positive, 21
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 147
- “Pro-truth,” 49–50
- Psychological factors in fake news
- cognitive dissonance and confirmation biases, 224
- cognitive shortcuts, 224–225
- editorial content conflated with news coverage, 228–229
- emotion, 225–226
- media literacy efforts and, 223, 229–230
- mistrust in media, 227–228
- social gratifications of sharing, 226–227
- Public funding, 127–128, 368
- Publics, formation of, 168
- Putin, Vladimir, 26
- Pythagoreans, 273–274
- Radio, 153–154, 353
- Rand, David G., 236–237
- “Rape Melania” images, 33–34, 38
- Reagle, Joseph, 180
- Realism, photographic, 30–32
- “Reality TV, Fake News, and Media Literacy in the 21st Century” seminar, 352–358
- Reception-based, individualized “solutions,” 361–362, 364–369
- Redacted Tonight, 318
- Reddit
- about, 179
- administrators, moderators, and free speech vs. restrictions, 184–186
- alt-right and, 179, 183
- Boston Marathon bombing and, 81, 181–182
- #Gamergate, 182–183
- /r/KotakuInAction (KIA), 182
- /r/The_Donald (TD), 183–184
- techno/cyberlibertarianism on, 182, 184
- toxic geek masculinity, culture of, 180–181
- voting system, 181
- Red State, 363
- Regulation
- digital capitalism norms, 345
- of Facebook, Google, and monopoly power, 128–131
- of hate speech, 146–147
- self-regulation, 135–139, 149–150
- as threat to truthful news, 157
- Trump administration, regulatory approach of, 24–25
- Reifler, Jason, 235
- Representation, critique of, 24
- Resonance, 60–61
- Reuters, 31, 36–37
- Reverse image searches, 39
- Revolution, American, 147
- RH Reality Check (Rewire), 108
- Riecken, Henry, 224
- Rihanna, 170
- Rivers, Damian J., 345
- Rodgers, Aaron, 361
- Rohe, Karl, 168–169
- Romney, Mitt, 192
- Ross, Andrew S., 345
- Roy, Deb, 167
- Royce, Josiah, 280
- ®TMark (Yes Men), 301–302, 309
- Rushkoff, Douglas, 343
- Russian disinformation, 136, 319
- Sanders, Bernie, 183, 192, 197, 198f, 361
- Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 206–207, 206f
- Satanic panics, 61–62
- Satanism accusations against Clinton, 165, 172–175, 195, 195f. See also #Pizzagate
- Satire, 73, 73f, 263–269. See also Yes Men
- Schachter, Stanley, 224
- Schreber, Daniel Paul, 276
- Schudson, Michael, 342
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 212, 214f
- Scientific method, 249
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 247, 335
- Search engines, 6, 246–247. See also Google
- Second Amendment, 100, 102
- Self-investigation, 7
- Self-regulation, 135–139, 149–150
- Servin, Jacques. See Yes Men
-, 6
- Shane, Scott, 83
- Shannon, Claude, 169, 172–174
- Sharing
- disorganized propaganda and, 23
- large circulation, 2–3
- social gratifications of, 226–227
- without reading, 361
- Sherrod, Shirley, 110
- Shifman, Limor, 191, 192
- Shitposting, 59
- Signal/noise relationship, 169, 170
- Silverman, Craig, 56–57, 229
- SimCopter hack (Yes Men), 300, 308, 309
- Skaggs, Joey, 299, 309
- Skepticism, photographic, 30–32
- Skocpol, Theda, 140
- Slogans, political, 192
- Sloman, Steven, 347
- Snopes, 367
- Social endorsement as heuristic, 225
- Social gratifications of sharing, 226–227
- Sociality, suppression of, 25
- Social justice warrior (SJW) activists, 182–183, 184
- Social media. See also Facebook; Platform moderation
- credibility of familiar persons, 241–242
- crowdsourcing from, 81
- error correction and, 169–170
- number of shares on, 2–3
- production and distribution, role in, 6
- Social networks, error correction in, 169–170
- Socolow, Michael J., 276
- Soft news programs, 228
- Software for image authenticity detection, 40
- Solutionism, technological, 139–140
- Soros, George, 35
- Source credibility and belief, 238–242
- “Spaghetti-Harvest in Ticino” (BBC), 341–342
- Spam, 336
- Spectacle, 345
- Spencer, Richard, 35
- Spencer, Robert, 149
- Spicer, Sean, 36
- “Sponsored” label, 89–90
- Srnicek, Nick, 342–343
- Stahl, Lesley, 38
- Standpoint theory, 58–59
- Starbird, Kate, 134
- Statist neoliberalism, 24
- Stewart, Jon, 315–316
- Stimulation, constant, 346
- Stinchfield, Grant, 98, 99–100
- Stitching device, memes as, 193–197
- Stone, Jim, 1
- “Stopping Fake News” (Channel 4 News FactCheck blog), 223
- Stryker, Cole, 193
- Sulzberger, A. G., 215
- Sunstein, Cass, 138
- Survival, rhetoric of, 88–89, 92
- Survivors Village, 296
- Swift, Jonathan, 310
- Swire, Briony, 240
- Symbolic efficiency, 21–24
- Tactical content, 330–333
- Tandoc, Edson C., Jr., 166
- Tavernise, Sabrina, 284
- Taxes, 127–128
- Teaching fake news, 351–358
- Techno/cyberlibertarianism, 182, 184
- Technological solutionism, 139–140
- Technology
- circuit of media study and, 5–6
- history of, 352–355
- history of nonfactual information and, 134
- platforms, evolution of, 342
- Television, development of, 353
- Television news. See CNN; Fox News; News
- Territorial Enterprise, 268
- “Textiles of the Future” (Finland, 2001), 303–304
- “Thinking with others,” 347
- ThinkProgress, 363
- Time, 31, 201, 203f
- Tipping points, 83–84
- Toppino, Thomas, 236
- Transparency initiatives, 137–139
- Tribal loyalties, 150
- Trolls and content moderation, 331
- Trotter, Gayle, 99
- Trump, Donald. See also Election of 2016, U.S. presidential
- endorsements, fake, 3, 56, 77
- “enemy of the people” rhetoric, 201, 204, 214–216, 227
- “fake news” as epithet and, 45, 49–50, 56, 154, 202–203
- fake news as news problem and, 135
- fake news as threat and, 133
- Hitler compared to, 214, 215f
- hypotheticals, 275–276
- immigration policy and, 196–197
- inauguration aerial photo, 36–37
- #MAGA, 192
- memes and, 193
- on New York Times, 154
- reaction to negative coverage, 317–319
- Reddit and, 179
- slogans, 192
- Twitter, use of, 153–154, 351–352
- wiretap claim against Obama, 57
- “you” accusation, 204–206, 205f
- Trump, Donald, Jr., 193, 194f
- Trump, Melania, 33–34, 38
- Trump administration, 22–23, 24–25
- Trust and distrust of “the media”
- CMP antiabortion video and, 107–114
- decline in trust, 227
- Instagram visual rhetoric and, 206–209
- political actors and, 227–228
- Poynter Media Trust survey, 107
- reasons for, 5
- Trust fund for public service journalism, 127–128
- Truth
- crisis of how we recognize, 365
- empiricist ideal in newspapers, 268–269
- etic claims of, 56–60
- falsehood spreading faster than, 167
- “if true,” 268, 275–276
- reality, our trouble with, 285
- Truth bias, 236
- “Truth era,” impossibility of, 48–50
- Tsfati, Yariv, 227
- Twain, Mark, 263, 268–269
- Twitter
- emotionally charged tweets, 225–226
- publics and, 168
- Russian content, 136
- social gratifications of sharing, 226
- spread of false vs. true stories, 344
- Trump’s use of, 153–154, 351–352
- tweet swarm case studies (Satanism accusations and WikiLeaks), 165–175
- Twitter bombs, 247
- verification of tweets, 81
- Tworek, J. S., 342
- Union Carbide India (Dow Chemical), 304–305, 312–313
- United Media Publishing, 361, 363
- United Nations, 215–216
- University of Iowa, 307–308
- University of North Carolina (UNC) free speech policy, 357
- Upworthy, 363
- Values-based approach, 347
- Vamos, Igor. See Yes Men
- Violentacrez, 185
- Viral “fake news” lists, 361–369
- Visuality. See also Instagram, visual war on journalism on
- defined, 32
- digital visual literacy, 38–39
- flexible, 32–38
- image authenticity detection software, 40
- political visual discourse and, 29
- realism and skepticism, photographic, 30–32
- Visual literacy, 38–39
- Vosoughi, Soroush, 167, 344
- Wakeman, George, 265–266
- Walker, Jesse, 277
- Wang, Song, 168–169
- Warner, Michael, 168, 174
- Washington, George, 263
- Washington, Stacy, 101
- Washington Free Beacon, 365
- Washington Post “Policies and Standards,” 137
- Watts, Duncan, 248–249
- Waveform, communication as a, 97
- Wave Hill website, 156
- Weimar Republic, 153
- Welch, Edgar, 57–60, 283, 290
- Welles, Orson, 276
- Wells, Chris, 168–169
- WhatsApp, 345–346
- Whittle, Bill, 98
- WikiLeaks Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mail release, 165–166, 170–175
- Williams, Brian, 206f, 207, 318
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 46
- Wood, Michael J., 227
- World Class Investigative Truth, 1
- World Press Photo competition, 39
- World Trade Organization (WTO), 303–304
- Yes Men
- background, 299–300
- Barbie Liberation Organization (BLO), 300–301
- Bush parody site, 304, 310
- as clownery, 305
- documentary The Yes Men Are Revolting, 307
- Dow Chemical/Union Carbide India, 304–305, 312–313
- Hurricane Katrina one-year anniversary, New Orleans, 295–296
- interview with, 307–313
- ®TMark, 301–302, 309
- SimCopter hack, 300, 308, 309
- University of Iowa, 307–308
- WTO/GATT, 303–304
- Yiannopoulos, Milo, 1, 35, 183
- Yonge, Israel, 285–286
- Zelizer, Barbie, 342
- Zero Hedge, 365
- Zero-sum games, 173, 174
- Zhang, Yini, 168–169
- Žižek, Slavoj, 21
- Zuckerberg, Mark, 124–125, 138