Determining Your Client’s Commitment to Green Design

Use the following matrices to judge your client's desire for and interest in green remodeling measures prior to your design programming phase. Having your client complete this questionnaire will help you to better understand their feelings about and commitment to sustainable design.


The support of green activities in a kitchen will make integrating environmentally healthy habits into your life easier.

Please rate your interest in green design: Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for this design measure. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to others. Prefer to work with the designer to choose these items based on other factors.
Design a recycling center based on your municipality's recycling program.
Design a recycling center that goes beyond your municipality's recycling program.
Design for composting while doing food prep.
Use materials that require little or no maintenance with sealants (potential VOC contamination).
Design for shoe storage at entry (removing shoes is one way to enhance clean indoor air in your home).


The use of a builder who is knowledgeable in green building can be a wonderful way to be confident that your project's site, construction, and finish work will be aligned with sustainable building practices. Look for contractors who have completed the National Association of Homebuilders Green Building education: NAHB Green, or LEED-AP, or other sustainable building certifications.

Please rate your interest in “green” construction practices: Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for the services or measures. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to others. Prefer to work with the designer to choose these items based on other factors.
Using the services of a “green” general contractor
Using the services of a “green” subcontractors
Deconstruction over demolition
Donation of useable salvaged fixtures to nonprofit organization
Donation of useable salvaged materials to nonprofit organization
Use of alternative framing methods
Use of alternative construction methods: low-cement concrete mix


The specification and installation of materials that are considered “green” can greatly reduce the impact your project has on the environment.

Please rate your interest in using “green” materials: Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for this aspect of a green material. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to others. Prefer to work with the designer to choose these items based on other factors.
Product is C2C or Green Spec rated
Recycled content
Low embodied energy
Salvage material
Locally produced materials
Domestically produced materials


The specification of appliances and fixtures approved by the Watersense program can greatly lessen your impact on the environment. There are also measures you can take to lessen your water use in your home.

Please rate your interest in Watersense-approved appliances: Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for water-saving appliances and fixtures. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs were comparable. Prefer to work with the designer to choose these items based on other factors.
Washing machine
Shower heads
Bathroom sink faucets
Kitchen faucet
Point-of-use water heater
Consider changes to current irrigation system in the surrounding yard/site
Install a cistern to collect rainwater for irrigation


The Energy Star program endorses appliances that are very efficient with their energy use and can lessen your impact on the environment. There are also design measures that create energy (solar) and appliances that conserve energy by means of their efficiency.

Please rate your interest in Energy Star-endorsed appliances and alternate energy sources: Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for energy appliances and fixtures. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to others. Prefer to work with the designer to choose these items based on other factors.
Solar power—create electricity with solar source
Solar hot water—heat water using solar source
Washing machine
Electric or induction cooktop or range
Tankless water heater
Energy-saving lighting, preferable LED source throughout
Pre-set dimming systems on light sources
Domestically manufactured appliances (lower embodied energy)


There are energy-saving systems you can install to heat and cool your home or your new addition/ remodel. Some of these alternative heating and cooling measures can be somewhat expensive at the onset but over the life of the system, the efficiency in managing thermal comfort, increasing indoor air quality, and conserving energy use can greatly offset the initial cost of the system.

Please rate your interest in energy-saving measures. Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for energy-saving system or measure. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to traditional system. I prefer to use a system I am familiar with and/or do not want to spend money to upgrade to an alternative system.
Radiant heat—floor
Radiant heat—radiators, closed water
Heat pump
Programmable thermostat
Use zonal heating and cooling.
Heat recovery ventilator
Energy recovery ventilator
Passive solar heat
Replacing windows with a low SHGC (solar heat gain coefficient) to cut down on solar heat gain in your home


There are energy-saving measures you can choose to increase the efficiency of your home or your new addition/remodel. This is done from the perspective of designing to decrease energy loss in a home. Many of these measures are simple (insulation) while others are more costly (energy-efficient windows).

Please rate your interest in energy conservation measures. Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for energy saving system. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to traditional system. I prefer to use a system I am familiar with and/or do not want to spend money to upgrade to an alternative system.
Replace windows with a low U value to prevent against heat transfer
Increase insulation to create walls that have a higher R (heat loss) value than the levels recommended for my zone by the Department of Energy
Insulate air ducts
Insulate hot water pipes in the interior.
Insulate wall outlets in exterior walls
Add insulation to attic spaces or roof (if applicable to project)
Install drain heat recovery in showers, sinks, and bath tubs
Use alternative wall types such as Insulated Concrete panels (ICP) or structural insulated panels (SIP)


The specification and installation of measures to enhance the purity of the air of your home can decrease chances of respiratory illnesses and improve your quality of life.

Please rate your interest in: Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to others. Prefer to work with the designer to choose these items based on other factors.
Installing a hood with a CFM (amount of air removal) that is above the recommended (minimum) levels for my range or cooktop
Considering induction cooking over gas
Installing direct vent fireplaces only
Giving careful attention to the quality of plywood and other composite wood products in the project
Considering a ductless heating and cooling system
Installing ventilation that may be beyond code in bathrooms (mold prevention)
Installing operable windows for passive ventilation
Introducing additional air or “make-up air” to provide safer, cleaner air
Using paints with low-zero VOC characteristics
Using stains with low-zero VOC characteristics
Using finishes with low-zero VOC characteristics


The integration of Universal Design principles into your project will ensure that your remodel will serve the needs of more users than conventional design methods, and for the needs of the client over a lifetime. Universal Design also increases the value of your kitchen and/or bath remodel.

Please rate your interest in Universal Design. Very likely Likely Likely Not likely
Would even consider spending more for this design measure. But only if costs were comparable. But only if costs and performance were exactly comparable to others. Prefer to work with the designer to choose these items based on other factors.
Varied counter heights in kitchen: plan for a lower counter height so that a user can sit while preparing food
Base cabinets with drawer storage over door storage
Cabinets designed with articulating corner storage to provide ease of access in hard-to-reach places
Minimize upper cabinet storage if possible
Use of cabinet drawer and door pulls instead of knobs
Installation of levers instead of door knobs on all doors
Installation of a wall oven at an accessible height rather than a range (low access)
Resilient flooring in kitchen (dropped objects are less likely to break)
Stainless steel sink in kitchen (prevents breaking)
Induction cook top rather than gas or electric (for safety)
Slip-resistant flooring in kitchen and bath
Installation of grab bars in bathrooms or the installation of “blocking” for future installation of this safety measure
Design shower with thermostatic controls for safety (prevents scalding)
Installation of seat in shower if possible
Installation of easy-to-reach storage in shower
Installation of hand-held shower fixture in shower and tub if applicable
Tub (if applicable) installed with surround for easy in and out access
Lighting for tasks
High illumination (light levels) without glare
Flexible lighting (dimming)