The epigraph, reported as the Pythia’s last statement to the Roman Emperor Julian’s emissary Oribasius, is probably apocryphal; this translation is taken from Joseph Fontenrose, The Delphic Oracle, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1978.

The writing of Dyschronia was supported by a grant from the Australia Council for the Arts and another from Arts SA, particularly galvanising in years where public funding for the arts was under threat. I am grateful to these institutions and the people who support them. A residency at Bundanon in 2012 was pivotal in finding this novel’s shape, and I thank the Bundanon Trust for their generosity.

Thanks to Ali Alizadeh, Alice Grundy, Alex Kelly, and Matthew Lamb for your various encouragements and well-timed interventions. Thanks to Jacinda Woodhead and all at Overland journal. Thanks also to Geordie Williamson and Mathilda Imlah at Picador for lifting this creature out of the sea.

And thanks to Hannah May Caspar – for Ferris wheels, and everything else.