Stealth Means Simulating Human Patterns

Webbots that don’t draw attention to themselves are ones that behave like people and leave normal-looking records in log files. For this reason, you want your webbot to simulate normal human activity. In short, stealthy webbots don’t act like machines.

Possibly the worst thing your webbot can do is consume too much bandwidth from an individual website. To limit the amount of bandwidth a webbot uses, you need to restrict the amount of activity it has at any one website. Whatever you do, don’t write a webbot that frequently makes requests from the same source. Since your webbot doesn’t read the downloaded web pages and click links as a person would, it is capable of downloading pages at a ridiculously fast rate. For this reason, your webbot needs to spend most of its time waiting instead of downloading pages.

The ease of writing a stealthy webbot is directly correlated with how often your target data changes. In the early stages of designing your webbot, you should decide what specific data you need to collect and how often that data changes. If updates of the target data happen only once a day, it would be silly to look for it more often than that.

System administrators also use various methods and traps to deter webbots and spiders. These concepts are discussed in detail in Chapter 30.

If you want your webbot to generate log records that look like normal browsing, you should design your webbot so that it makes page requests when everyone else makes them. If your webbot runs during busy times, your log records will be intermixed with normal traffic. There will also be more records separating your webbot’s access records in the log file. This will not reduce the total percentage of requests coming from your webbot, but it will make your webbot slightly less noticeable.

Running webbots during high-traffic times is slightly counterintuitive, since many people believe that the best time to run a webbot is in the early morning hours—when the system administrator is at home sleeping and you’re not interfering with normal web traffic. While the early morning may be the best time to go out in public without alerting the paparazzi, on the Internet, there is safety in numbers.

If you have a webbot that needs to run on a daily basis, it’s best not to run it at exactly same time every day, because doing so would leave suspicious-looking records in the server log file. For example, if a system administrator notices that someone with a certain IP address access the same file at 7:01 AM every day, he or she will soon assume that the requestor is either a highly compulsive human or a webbot.

Obviously, your webbot shouldn’t access a website over a holiday or weekend if it would be unusual for a person to do the same. For example, I’ve written procurement bots (see Chapter 18) that buy things from websites only used by businesses. It would have been odd if the webbot checked what was available for purchase at a time when businesses are typically closed. This is, unfortunately, an easy mistake to make, because few task-scheduling programs track local holidays. You should read Chapter 22 for more information on this issue.

One sure way to tell a system administrator that you’ve written a webbot is to request pages faster than humanly possible. This is an easy mistake to make, since computers can make page requests at lightening speeds. For this reason, it’s imperative to insert delays between repeated page fetches on the same domain. Ideally, the delay period should be a random value that mimics human browsing behavior.