Once, when I was gazing into the air, a man with a crown, who was seated on a throne of gold, summoned me. He whispered things in my ears which became a green fire in my head. Sometimes out of this fire images take form.
I had always been gazing into realms of prophecy right in front of me and not known it. Sometimes I would stand in an open field, staring into nothing, and an event that would happen in ten years time would pass before my eyes.
In this way I have glimpsed lost wars, future births, the fall of empires, the rise of unknown powers, the changing fields, the dwindling river. I have witnessed lands devastated because the people brought to the surface that which should have been left in the deep. Sometimes I have seen things which the ancient ones told me I could not have known, things that took place when the world was still forming. I have seen visions of our elders when they were boys and girls. I have glimpsed their dread initiations in the dark blue forest.
All this I have seen, just by gazing into the air. It is as if all time were here. It is as if everything is here, if we know how to see.
The grass stirs, and a heron considers the world with a question in the shape of its beak.
By gazing and not gazing into the infinite present, it seems all worlds are here.
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