
The old hymn teaches that the gifts to the Lord most pleasing are humble, thankful hearts. Writing one’s first book stands as an inherently humbling experience; it also gave me more reasons to give thanks.

At Republic Books, Al Regnery and Eric Kampmann decided to take a chance on an author, and a concept, not previously seen in book form—a leap of faith by any stretch. And the aptly named Joy Pullmann, my editor at the Federalist, burnished my writing and provided insightful suggestions with her usual good humor and aplomb.

I would find it difficult to list individually all the acts of kindness I have received over the years from my mother, family, friends, and colleagues. Thankfully, the unveiling of this volume will give me numerous opportunities to express my gratitude to them in person; I can’t wait to do just that.

Two groups worth recognizing I cannot thank in person. First, my producer, Jen Sawyer, and the unsung staffers—Taylor Carey, Trisha Miller, and so many more—who decided to cast me on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? It may seem odd to acknowledge production staff I have not seen since I walked off the show’s New York soundstage more than six years ago. But the winnings from that day gave me the financial freedom to establish my own business in 2016. Without it, this book might never have existed. I won’t soon forget the way their faith in me quite literally changed my life—and yes, that’s my final answer.

Likewise, the faculty and staff of Allentown Central Catholic High School made an invaluable contribution to this book. Twelve years of Catholic education taught me many things. In particular, it taught me how to write. Writing a book in six weeks seems ambitious or foolhardy (or more likely, both). Either way, I could not have done it without the skills I began developing more than two decades ago and have worked to hone since. My teachers and mentors may not agree with all the ideas expressed in these pages, but I hope the skill and care with which I crafted them can do them proud.

As always, any errors or omissions are mine and mine alone.

C. S. J.


MAY 4, 2019