Abie’s Irish Rose
Abolitionist movement, Garrison in, Liberian colonization and, 165, in Pennsylvania
Accents, regional
Acceptance/inclusion. See also Cooperation; Whiteness and white ethnic identity; of Black Yankees, of Dutch New York colonists, of European immigrants, of white captives of Indians
Activism. See also Civil rights movement/ethnic-pride and power movements
Activism (1789–1836); African Colonization Society, Society for the Defence of the Roman Catholic Religion from Calumny and Abuse
Activism (1837–1877), Lehr-und-Wehr-Vereins (Instruction and Protection Societies)
Activism (1878–1900); American Protective Association, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society, Immigration Restriction League, NAACP, Niagara Movement
Activism (1901–1929); American Indian Defense Association, American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, LULAC, for minority members’ legal defense, NAACP, Society of Syrian National Defense, Universal Negro Improvement Association
Activism (1930–1940); Christian Front, CIO, LULAC, NAACP, Popular Front, Silver Shirts, Urban League
Activism (1940–1945); CORE, Japanese, March on Washington, by minorities demanding equality, NAACP, by returning veterans, WWII and
Activism (1950–1964); Chinese, Community Service Organization, CORE, El Congresso, GI Forum, Japanese American Citizens League, Los Angeles Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born, LULAC, NAACP, National Colored Women’s Association, SCLC, SNCC, Urban League, White Citizen’s Council
Activism (1965–2000); American Indian Higher Education Consortium, American Indian Movement, Asian American Political Alliance, Asian Americans for Action, Association of American Indian and Alaska Native Professors, Brown Berets, CORE, Intercollegiate Chinese for Social Action, Keepers of the Treasures, La Rada Agnate, Million Man March, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, National Chicano Youth Liberation Conference, National Congress of American Indians, National Indian Youth Council, National Puerto Rican Coalition, National Tribal Chairman’s Association, SNCC, Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project, United Farm Workers, Young Lords
Adams, John
Affirmative action, quotas and
African Americans. See also Jim Crow
African Americans (1600–1700); cooperation between white and black servants, free, legal rights of, resistance to enslavement by, white servants and
African Americans (1701–1788); competition of German immigrants with, Creek adoption of, Jefferson on, John Jea, living standards of, loyal to the British, in New England and the Mid Atlantic
African Americans (1789–1836); Irish job competition with, population of free, resettled in Liberia, stereotypes of, as trappers and interpreters
African Americans (1837–1877); after emancipation, autonomy and repression of, Civil War participation among, Freedman’s Bureau and, Irish job competition with, Ku Klux Klan and, land distribution proposals for, at Nicodemus, Kansas, Reconstruction and, Southern terrorism toward, women as domestic servants, women’s gender roles among, women’s sexual abuse by white men
African Americans (1878–1900); as “backward race,” conventions of, convict leasing of, debt peonage of, disfranchisement of, middle-class, resentment of, “new slavery” of, white supremacy and, World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 and
African Americans (1901–1929); Amos ’n’ Andy and, black self-sufficiency and, black superiority/separatism and, census figures on, in Chicago, Garvey and, ghetto-like communities of, Great Migration of, Harlem and, identity duality among, as strikebreakers, in urban politics, women working outside the home, in WWI
African Americans (1930–1940); in caste structure, efforts to change U.S. race structure by, unemployment rates among
African Americans (1930–1964); color divisions among, discriminated against in war industries/military, grass roots activism among, hate-strikes against, housing shortages/discrimination and, restrictive housing covenants against, as union leaders
African Americans (1965–2000); Afrocentrism, assertion of minority claims by, busing of, government employment among, Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, Jews and, Malcolm X and, marginalization/poverty among, militancy of and Black Power, Million Man March and, Ocean Hill-Brownsville schools conflict, 695, racial identity among, in urban politics
African Colonization Society
African Methodist Episcopal Church
The Afrocentric Idea (Asante)
Aguinaldo, Emilio
A la California: Sketch of Life in the Golden State (Evans)
Albany, New York
Albion, Illinois
Alcatraz Island occupation by Native Americans
Alien and Sedition Acts, Livingston on, opposition to
Allotment by severalty, end of
All Souls: A Family Story from Southie (McDonald)
A.M.E. Zion Church
American Bible Society
American Communist Party
An American Dilemma (Myrdal)
American Indian Defense Association
American Indian Higher Education Consortium
American Indian Movement
Americanization. See also Assimilation/incorporation; education and, English rule and, immigrant women as agents for, Japanese attempts at, unmeltable ethnics and
American Japanese Claims Act of
American Jewish Committee
American Party
American Protective Association
American Revolution
American Sunday School Spelling Book
Amos ’n’ Andy
Anderson, Jourdon
Anderson, P. H.,
Anglicanism; education and, slavery and
Anglo conformity
Anti-Catholicism; 1600–1700, 1701–1788, 1789–1836, 1837–1877, 1901–1929, Al Smith and, anti-French sentiment and, anti-German prejudice and, anti-Irish prejudice and, Know Nothings and, Leisler’s Rebellion and, in Maryland, Maria Monk and, of Morse, in New York, observations of mass and, Sampson on, Ursaline convent burning, white ethnics and
Anti-Defamation League
Antimiscegenation laws
Anti-Semitism; colonial period, as elitist xenophobia, of FDR, in Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association, Henry Ford and, lynching of Frank and, of Morse, in New Amsterdam, Ocean Hill-Brownsville schools and, Protocols of the Elders of Zion and, restrictive covenants and, in Russia, Southern, lower, taking root of, WWII era
Apaches, Geronimo
Armstrong, Louis
Arthur, Antonia Villamil de
Asante, Molefi Kete
Asian American Experience in America-Yellow Identity Conference
Asian American Political Alliance
Asian Americans for Action
Asian Americans studies
Asians and Asian Americans. See also Chinese and Chinese Americans; Japanese and Japanese Americans; affirmative action and, ambivalence toward political parties of, antiwar movement and, barred from naturalization, Depression-era discrimination against, in elected offices, ethnic studies programs and, exclusion of, marginalization and poverty among, panethnic identity among, reasons for emigration of
Assimilation/incorporation. See also Americanization; activism, solidarity, self-confidence and, of Africans, allotment by severalty as, Black Power movement rejection of, cultural studies programs challenges of, curriculum issues and, dual identities and, faith in, future research on, Native American avoidance of, of “new” European immigrants, reservation system and, Schlesinger on, treaty system vs.,
Association of American Indian and Alaska Native Professors
“Atlanta Compromise” (Washington)
Auchmuty, Samuel
The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk
Bacon, Nathaniel
Bacon’s Rebellion, Berkeley’s actions in
Baker, Ray Stannard
Bakke, Alan
Barclay, William
Baroni, Geno
Barzun, Jacques
Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794)
Bayard, Nicholas
A Bell for Adano (Hersey)
Benedict, Ruth
Benedicta, Maine
Berkeley, William
Berlin, Irving
Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Bessy Conway or, The Irish Girl in America (Sadlier)
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Beveridge, Alfred, Jr.,
Bible, Catholic vernacular version of
Bigot, Vincent
“Big three” theory
Bilingualism. See also Languages; Cherokee, in early East Jersey, in education, “English Only” organizations and, in religious congregations, Spanish-English
Bill of Rights
Birkbeck, Morris
Bishop, Kathleen
Bismarck, Otto von
Black, Aline Elizabeth
“Black and Blue” (Waller)
Black Boy (Wright)
Black Codes
Black English
Black Hawk War (1832)
Black Hills
Black Kettle
Black Panther Party
Black Power (Carmichael, Hamilton)
Black Power movement, “National Black Political Agenda”
Black River Settlements, New York
Blacks. See African Americans
Black Star Line
Black studies programs
Black Yankees
Blount, James H.,
Blues, the
Boas, Franz
Bond, Julian
Bonilla, Frank
Boston martyrs
Boston Missionary Society
Bradford, William
Brandeis, Louis
Brigham, Carl
Brodhead, Daniel
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Brown Berets
Brown Power movement
Brown v. Board of Education
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, Patrick
Buchanan v. Warley
Buffalo, disappearance of
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Cabo San Lucas
Cahan, Abraham
Calhoun, John C.,
California, bilingual education in, Cabo San Lucas Native Americans, Californio culture, Chinese/Chinese Americans in, Chinese ILGWU activity in, Chinese Police Tax (1862), Ebonics in, Ishi, Osio on, Page Law, Proposition segregation of Japanese in schools, Univ. of California v. Bakke
California Land Act (1851)
Calvert, Cecil, Lord Baltimore
Campaign for Human Development
Campbell, Leslie
Capone, Al
Captivity narratives
Carey, Matthew
Carlisle School
Carmichael, Stokely
Carroll, John
Cary, Samuel
Cary, Sarah
Casserly, Patrick S.,
Cass Timberland (Lewis)
Cather, Willa
Catherine Brown, the Converted Cherokee: A Missionary Drama
The Catholic Question in America (Kemble)
“The Catholic Question in America” (Sampson)
Catholics. See also Anti-Catholicism; Al Smith and, in corporate elites, foreign-born clergy, Irish, Jesuits, Latin mass and
Cattle ranching
Celler, Emmanuel
Censuses. See Population counts
Chain migration
Chambers, mchughson
Chang and Eng (Siamese twins)
Chaplin, Charlie
Chavez, Cesar
Chavez, Stephanie
Cheney, Lynne
The Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
Cherokees, assimilation efforts on, removal of
Cheseldine, Kenelm
Cheyennes, Custer and, Sand Creek Massacre
Chicago, Illinois, Germans in, hate-strikes in, report on riots in
Chicago Commission on Race Relations
Chicago school of sociology
Child, Irvin
Child, Lydia Maria
Chinese and Chinese Americans. See also Asians and Asian Americans; in California State Asylum, deportation of, Gong Lum v. Rice, ILGWU activity of, Irish opposition to, Page Law, Police Tax on, women
Chinese and Chinese Americans (1837–1877); barred from naturalization, concentration of in California, exclusion of, as exoticized population, as farm laborers, job competition and violence against, job types among, national visibility of, North America as favored destination for, organizational life of, reasons for emigration of, regional variations in exclusion of, San Francisco laundry businesses of
Chinese and Chinese Americans (1878–1900); coolie laborers, extended transnational families and, as Hawai’ian contract labor, as outsiders, range of occupations of
Chinese and Chinese Americans (1901–1929); Chinatowns, clustering of
Chinese and Chinese Americans (1930–1940), discrimination against
Chinese and Chinese Americans (1950–1965), internment of communist
Chinese and Chinese Americans (1965–2000), economic success of
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
Chinese Police Tax (1862)
Christian Front
Churches, in immigrant language preservation. See also Religion
Citizenship. See also Naturalization; for all Indians (1924), as complicated and discriminatory
Constitutional Amendment for, of inhabitants of ceded Spanish territory, for Puerto Ricans, In re Rodriguez on, residency requirements for
Civil Rights Act of
Civil Rights Act of
Civil Rights Act of
Civil Rights Act of
Civil Rights Act of
Civil rights/ethnic-pride and power movements; African American beginnings of, Alcatraz Island occupation and, Asian American, Asian American Experience in America-Yellow Identity Conference, Asian American solidarity and, Asian American Third World Strikes, Black Power movement, Brown Power movement, federal properties occupation and, fish-ins, foundering of, Jim Crow and, Latino activism and, “Longest Walk” march, lunch counter sit-in movement, Mexican American farm workers and, Mexicans in, Montgomery Bus Boycott, multiculturalism and conflict in, Native American movement in, Red Power movement, Spiritual Plan of Aztlan, success of in the South, support for, white religious and ethnic identities and, Yellow Power movement
Civil War; African Americans in, expansionism/industrialization and, German Americans in, German support in, Irish draft riots and combat losses in, slave participation in
The Clansman (Dixon)
Clear and Concise Statement of New-York and the Surrounding Country
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland, Ohio
Clinton, Bill
Cochrane, Johnny
Cold War, activism and
Coleman, James
Collier, John
Collin, Nicolas
Colonies; English Crown’s refusal to subsidize, ethnic/racial diversity in, merchant competition and, Native Americans and, regional distinctions in, weakness of church/institutions in
Columbian Exposition
Columbus Day
Commerce. See Trade goods and exports
Commission on Race
Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Community Service Organization (CSO)
“Confession Program”
Constitution of the United States
Contributions of minority/immigrant groups; Black Power cultural revival and, Black studies programs, cultural pluralism and, economic and cultural, German, Indian pride and, inner city ethnic neighborhoods and, popular culture
Convict leasing
Coode, John
Cooperation. See also Acceptance/inclusion; between black and white servants, between blacks and Jews, collapse of between English colonists and Indians, between ethnic whites against minorities, unions and cross-racial coalitions and
Corbit, John
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
Cortina, Juan
Cortina War
Cortlandt, Stephanus
Corwin, Miles
Cotton, Ella Earls
Cotton gins
Coughlin, “Bathhouse John”
Covello, Leonard
Cowboy culture
Crazy Horse
Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St. John
A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language (Walker)
Crotosse, Roger Court
Cuffe, Paul
Cultural subordination; antagonism toward ethnicities and, attitude toward Native Americans and, civil rights movement and, federal attempts to suppress Native American culture and, of Mexican families, of Native Americans by assimilationist strategy, of Native Americans by Spanish missionaries
Culture. See also Multiculturalism; beginnings of popular, as concept, cultural pluralism and, “culturization” of race and, distrust of authority and, Italian images in films and, on reservations, of slaves
Cuomo, Mario
Curley, James
Curricula, defining
Custer, George Armstrong
Dablon, Claude
Dale, Thomas
Dana, Richard Henry
D’Andrea, Anthony
D’Arnaud, Jean-Charles
Dawes Act (General Allotment Act) (1887)
Delany, Martin
Deloria, Vine, Jr.,
“Democracy Versus the Melting-Pot” (Kallen)
Democratic Party, Cuomo speech to, Helms speech to, Jackson convention speech to
Deportation; of Mexicans, of radicals
Depression, The Great
De Priest, Oscar
Desegregation; busing in, lunch counter sit-in movement and, Montgomery Bus Boycott and
Dewey, John
DeWitt, John L.,
Diaz, Porfirio
Diseases; Chesapeake Bay area, cholera, Miamis decimated by, Native Americans devastated by European, in New England, under Spanish rule
The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society (Schlesinger)
Diversity; celebration of, and WWII, colonial, homogeneity vs. heterogeneity and, multiculturalism and, Netherlands colonial, New York colonial, surname method of identifying, urban demographics and immigrants in, on Virginia’s eastern shore
Dixon, Thomas
D’Lanoy, Peter
Dole, Sanford
Dole, Stanford
Domestic service, Sadlier on
Dooley, Martin
Douglass, Frederick
Doyle, John
Dubois, John
DuBois, W. E. B., “Of Our Spiritual Strivings, Streator letter to, on Washington, on WWI
Dunne, Finley Peter
Duston, Hannah
Dutch, admission of Jews into New Netherland, African Americans among, in early East jersey, English seizure of New Netherland and, Leisler’s Rebellion and
Dutch language
Dutch Reformed Church of America
Dutch West Indian Company, admission of Jews into New Netherland
Dwight, Margaret Van Horn
Eastern Europe
East Los Angeles barrio
Economic issues. See also Trade goods and exports; blacks’ status, cooptation of native elites, elites, Hawai’ian sugar industry and, immigrants’ financial contribution to countries of origin, industrialization and race relations, prosperity as attraction for immigrants, Texas wars and, violence toward Chinese, welfare programs, westward expansion, WWII mobilization and
Education issues; affirmative action, Americanization, Asian American studies, bilingualism, black schoolteachers’ equal pay, Black studies, busing, Chicago riots and, Covello on, curricula, desegregation, English as primary language, GI Bill, Gong Lum v. Rice on, Hispanic/Latino ethnic studies, Jews and, Native American-language classes, Native Americans sent to boarding schools, Native American studies, Ocean Hill-Brownsville schools conflict, “One Nation, Many People” report, in Pennsylvania, religion and, segregation of Japanese, tribal colleges, white ethnic studies programs
Eisenhower, Dwight D., Robinson letter to
Eisenhower, Milton
El Congresso
El Haberno newspaper
Elites, Irish opposition to, WASP
Ellis Island, renovation of
Ellis Island Whiteness
El Paso Salt War
Emmet, Thomas Addis
English language, education and, Walker’s dictionary of
Equality, gap between policy and practice of
Espionage and Sedition Acts of
Ethnicity (1701–1788); during the American Revolution, in Atlantic colonies, congealing into whiteness, as defining characteristic, in group settlements, in Louisiana, in the lower South, in the Mid Atlantic colonies, in New England, Southern, in Spanish territories, in the St. Lawrence Valley, in the upper South
Ethnicity (1789–1836); the frontier and, in the Mid Atlantic states, product identification with
Ethnicity (1837–1877), in group settlements
Ethnicity (1878–1900), national consolidation, economic growth, class conflict and
Ethnicity (1901–1929); dual identities and, emergence era for minorities and, holidays and, pluralism and, popular culture and, prejudice and political/social disadvantage and
Ethnicity (1940–1945), as social science concept
Ethnicity (1965–2000). See also Civil rights/ethnic-pride and power movements; civil rights movement and rethinking of, as continuous American issue, marginalization/impoverishment and, polarization and, Rainbow Coalition and, triple melting pot and, whiteness as optional vs. mandatory
Ethnic neighborhoods; black ghettos, Chinatowns, frontier settlements, Irish, Los Angeles, regional clustering of, white suburbs
Evans, Albert S.,
Evans, Daniel J.,
Everett, Anne Gorham
Exclusion/restrictionism. See also Racism; anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, arguments against immigration and, of Asians, of blacks, of Chinese, by elites/native-born, future research on, of Indians, of Indians and blacks, slave and free, intelligence theories and, of Japanese, nativist justifications for, of Mexicans, Tydings-McDuffie Act
Executive Order no. 11246 for affirmative action
Expansionism (1600–1700)
Expansionism (1701–1788); American Revolution and, pressure on Indians from
Expansionism (1789–1836); frontier interaction and, population and, treaty violations and
Expansionism (1837–1877); effects of on Indians, Gadsden Purchase in, industrialization/economic growth and, momentum of, O’Sullivan on, pervasive effects of on native populations, racism of Manifest Destiny and, transportation revolution and, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and, westward
Expansionism (1878–1900); American colonial possessions from, “backward races” in, Great Plains economic enticements for settlement in, in Hawai’i, industrial transformation from, “legal” justifications of, Philippines, pro-imperialist trend in, racism of Manifest Destiny and, Southwestern, “White Man’s Burden” and
Exports. See Trade goods and exports
Farmer, James
Farrakhan, Lewis
Feake, Tobias
Fenwick, Benedict J.,
Ferrari, Robert
FHA loan programs
Film/movie industry
Fisher, John
Five Civilized Tribes, removal of
Fleming, Thomas
Flushing, Long Island
Following the Color Line (Baker)
Ford, Henry
Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States (Morse)
Foreign Miners Tax (1852)
“For My People” (Walker)
Fortune, T. Thomas
France, North America and, Alien Act and
Franchise; African American success in 1969–1975, for all male New Yorkers except blacks, Asian American voter registration and, “grandfather clauses” overturned, Jim Crow and, “legal” disfranchisement of blacks, marginalization of the disfranchised and, narrowing of blacks’ rights and, newly registered Southern blacks and, poor whites and, returned to Southern blacks
Frank, Barney
Frank, Leo
Franklin, John Hope
Franks, Abigail
Franks, Naphtali
Freedman’s Bureau
French, North America and, Alabama settlements of
French Canadians
French Huguenots
French language
French Revolution
Frethorne, Richard
Frontier. See also Expansionism; “culprits” on, false claims about, French settlements, Irish settlements, O’Sullivan on, racial/ethnic interaction on
Fugitive Slave Act of
Fuhrman, Mark
Gadsden Purchase (1853)
Gallatin, Albert
Gallipolis, Ohio
Gamio, Manuel
Garrison, William Lloyd
Garvey, Marcus
Garza, Jesus
General Allotment Act (Dawes Act) (1887)
Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan
George, Clayborne
Georgia, German servants in, new slavery in
German language
Germans/German Americans (1701–1788), competition of with blacks, in Georgia, Hamilton on
Germans/German Americans (1789–1836); fear/dislike of, mutual aid associations of
Germans/German Americans (1837–1877); associational life of, in Chicago, Chinese immigrants compared with, in the Civil War, on the Civil War, cultural/racial confidence of, in “German belt,” Manifest Destiny and, political activity of, racial hierarchy theory and, reasons of for emigrating, regional variations in acceptance of, as skilled, educated, Protestant, and rural, Spies’ autobiography, working conditions of
Germans/German Americans (1878–1900); as “new” immigrants, social incorporation of
Germans/German Americans (1901–1929); regional clustering of, WWI and
Germans/German Americans (1965–2000), occupational/educational parity of
Geronimo: His Own Story
Gershwin, George
Ghettos. See also Ethnic neighborhoods
GI Bill
GI Forum
Gitlin, Todd
Glazer, Nathan
The Goldbergs
Gold miners
Gong Lum v. Rice
Gonzales, Rodolfo
Gooding, James Henry
Good Newes from New England (Winslow)
Gouging match
Governeer, Abraham
“Grandfather clauses”
Grant, Madison
Grant, Ulysses S.,
Grassi, Giovanni Antonio
Gray, Thomas R.,
Great Awakening
Great Depression, The
Great Migration
Gregg, E. J.,
Gregory, James
Grit, Bruce
Guinn v. United States
Guitterez, Jose Angel
Gullah language
Gwyn, Hugh
Hainesbury, Lorraine
Hamilton, Charles V.,
Hamilton, Dr. Alexander
Hamilton, Thomas
A Handbook on the Annexation of Hawaii (Thurston)
Handlin, Oscar
Handsome Lake
Handy, W. C.,
Harlem, New York
Harrison, William Henry
Hatch, Orrin
Hawai’i, annexation of, Queen Liluokalani’s defense of
Hayes, Rutherford B.,
Haynes, John
Health Care Improvement Act of
Heart, Edward
The Heart Is the Teacher (Covello)
Heart Mountain Relocation Center
Hebrew language
Heck, Angela
Hefferd, Nathaniel
Helms, Jesse
Henderson, Elmer
Henderson, Fletcher
Hentoff, Nat
Hernandez v. Texas
Hersey, John
Higham, John
Hill, Elias
The History of Alta California (Osio)
“History of the American Working Classes” (Kearney)
Holidays, ethnic
Home Ownership for People Everywhere (HOPE)
Hone, Philip
HOPE (Home Ownership for People Everywhere)
Hopkins, Harry
Horsmanden, Daniel
Housing covenants
Howard, Charles
Howard, Michael
How the Other Half Lives (Riis)
Hoyt, Homer
Hughes, John
Hughes, Langston
Huiguan and tongs
Iacocca, Lee
Ibáñez, Carlos
Ibarra, Christine
Ichioka, Yuji
Ickes, Harold
Identity duality; assimilationists vs. traditionalists on, dilemma of, DuBois on, ethnic and American, Mexican
Identity formulation. See also Civil rights/ethnic-pride and power movements; Chinese, Latino, panethnic
Identity politics
Illinois tribe
Imburgia, Joseph
Immigration Act of
Immigration Act of
Immigration and immigrants. See also Contributions of minority/immigrant groups
Immigration and immigrants (1600–1700); Dutch, English men, single, German, Jewish, Swedish and Finnish
Immigration and immigrants (1701–1788); African, British, French, German, to Louisiana, to Mid Atlantic colonies, to New England, to the upper South
Immigration and immigrants (1789–1836); as scapegoats, suspicion toward
Immigration and immigrants (1837–1877); Irish, “melting pot” metaphor and, numbers of
Immigration and immigrants (1878–1900); culture clashes with factory labor and, European industrial transformation and, illegal Chinese, Mexican, of single males, urban growth and
Immigration and immigrants (1901–1929); American prosperity in attracting, deportation of radicals and, “melting pot” metaphor and, Mexican, percentage of population of, pluralism and, reasons of for emigrating, return rates of, wife desertion in, wives supporting husbands in
Immigration and immigrants (1940–1949), “melting pot” metaphor and
Immigration and immigrants (1950–1965), quotas on abolished
Immigration and immigrants (1965–2000); Asian, of blacks, Caribbean, as continuous American issue, Ellis Island Whiteness and, Latino, nativist suspicion of, sentiment against
Immigration Reform and Control Act of
Immigration Restriction League
Impressment of Americans by British
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Jacobs)
Incorporation. See Assimilation/incorporation
Indentured servants/laborers, in Chesapeake, Chinese, cooperation between white and black, German, slavery differentiated from
Indian Child Welfare Act of
Indian Removal Act
Indian Reorganization Act of
Industrialization; economic growth and, expansionism and, race relations and, slavery and
The Inequality of Human Races (Gobineau)
Infant mortality
Inouye, Daniel K.,
In re Rodriguez
Instruction and Protection Societies
Intelligence testing, Brigham on
Intercollegiate Chinese for Social Action
Intermarriage; antimiscegenation laws and, blacks and Indians, blacks and whites, Creoles from, free white women and free black men, Irish and Nuevomexicanas, Jews and Anglicans, Mexicans and others, religion and, Spanish, Indians, and Africans, whites and various ethnics
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Internment of Japanese/Japanese Americans
Interracial sex, act defining the status of mulatto bastards and, sexual abuse of slaves
Irish and Irish Americans (1701–1788)
Irish and Irish Americans (1789–1836), on freedom from British oppression, job competition with blacks and, in New York, petition to settle in Illinois, proposed land set aside for, Scotch-Irish rivalry with, Shamrock Friendly Association, stereotypes of
Irish and Irish Americans (1837–1877); anti-Catholicism and, Chinese immigrants compared with, Civil War draft riots and combat losses among, competition with blacks and, criminality and alcohol abuse and, Democratic Party and, disapproval of, as domestic servants, ghettoes of, immigration rates of, Know Nothings and, labor unions and, as manual labor pool, middle class and, Molly Maguires and, opposition of toward nonwhite immigration, racial hierarchy theory on, reasons of for emigrating, “whiteness” of, women
Irish and Irish Americans (1878–1900); political machines and, social incorporation of
Irish and Irish Americans (1901–1929); Mr. Dooley, nationalism and, reasons of for emigrating, regional clustering of, stereotypes of, urban political style of, Wilson rejected by
Irish and Irish Americans (1965–2000), occupational and educational parity of
The Irish in America (Maguire)
Iroquois and Iroquois Confederacy, Jesuits and, religion of
Ishi: In Two Worlds (Kroeber)
Italians and Italian Americans; called “unequal” race, criminality among, Depression-era discrimination against, La Guardia and, as “new” immigrants, portrayals of in film, reasons of for emigrating, regional clustering of, return migration of, whiteness and, women’s independence and
Jackson, Andrew, on Indian removal
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Kenneth T.,
Jacob, John
Jacobs, Harriet
James, William
James II (England)
Jamestown, Virginia
Japanese American Citizens League
Japanese and Japanese Americans. See also Asians and Asian Americans; attempts to Americanize, Depression-era discrimination against, economic success of, “Gentleman’s Agreement” and, as Hawai’ian contract labor, internment of, internment reparations for, Japantown and, Korean mutual enmity and, as “new” immigrants, regional clustering of, segregation of in schools, women as “picture brides”
Jarratt, Devereux
The Jazz Singer
Jea, John
Jefferies, Herbert
Jefferson, Thomas, “Notes on the State of Virginia”
Jerome Agreement
Jews; admission of into New Netherland, American Jewish Committee and, Anti-Defamation League and, assimilation through intermarriage among, blacks and, citizenship eligibility of, in corporate elites, divergent trends among, The Goldbergs and, as Hebrew vs. white, Holocaust remembrance and, intelligence testing of, Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, as liberal voters, move of away from racially changing neighborhoods, movie studios owned by, nationalism and, in New Amsterdam, as “new” immigrants, newspapers of, in New Yok, occupational/educational parity of, Ocean Hill-Brownsville schools conflict, proposed colony for in New York, reasons of for emigrating, regional clustering among, return migration by, return migration of, Russian, as songwriters, view of blacks of, whiteness and, Wilson and, women, independence of
Jim Crow; black middle class and, blacks contesting of, civil rights movement and, complete Southern, health and, justice system corruption by, Nazi Germany and, other nonwhite people and, Plessy v. Ferguson and, Reconstruction and beginnings of, resentment of, terrorism in, uneven spread of, western migration of black farmers and
Jiminez, Jose
Johnson, Hannah
Johnson, Lyndon B., Howard University address by, Kerner Commission and
Jolson, Al
Jones Act of
Jordan, Michael
Joseph, Chief of Nez Perce
Kallen, Horace
Kazin, Michael
Kearney, Dennis
Keepers of the Treasures
Kemble, Frances
Kemp, Jack F.,
Kennan, George
Kentucky; African American convention in, gouging match in
Kerner Commission Report
“Kiansis I”
Kilson, Martin
King, Martin Luther, Jr.,
King, Richard
King, Rodney
King, Rufus
King Philip’s War
King Ranch, Texas
Kings College
King William’s War
Kipling, Rudyard
Knights of Labor
Know-Nothings, Lincoln on
Knox, Philander
Kohlmann, Anthony
Krock, Arthur
Kroeber, Theodora
Ku Klux Klan
Labor unions; blacks as leaders in locals, black support of, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Chicago, Chinese activity in, decline of, depressions and strikes in, hate-strikes and, immigrants and, Irish in, Knights of Labor, Mexican Americans in, segregation conflicts and, strikebreakers and, United Farm Workers
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lambe, Joshua
Languages; bilingualism, churches in preservation of, Dutch, Ebonics/Black English, English, English as primary, French, German, Gullah, Hebrew, Latin, as marker for “differentness,” Native American, regional accents, Spanish, vernacular Catholic Bible and, Yiddish
La Rada Agnate
La Raza Unida
La Suil
Latin language
Latinos. See also Mexicans; Puerto Ricans
Latinos (1901–1929); LULAC activism of, naturalization of
Latinos (1965–2000); activism of, American-born vs. immigrant, Democratic Party and, in economic hierarchy, ethnic studies programs, illegal status of, marginalization/impoverishment of, panethnic identity among, in political offices, reasons of for emigrating, regional divisions among, voter registration and
Lazarus, Rachel
Lee, Helen Jackson
Legislation affecting civil rights or immigration; activist Supreme Court, Act to Prohibit the Importation of Slaves (1807), affirmative action, Alien and Sedition Acts, allotment by severalty, antimiscegenation, Bill of Rights, Black Codes, Brown v. Board of Education, Buchanan v. Warley, California Land Act of California Proposition Chinese Exclusion Act, Chinese Police Tax (1862), Civil Rights Act of Civil Rights Act of Civil Rights Act of Civil Rights Act of Civil Rights Act of court-ordered busing, Dawes Act, Dow v. United States, Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917–1819, Executive Order no. Fair Employment Practices Commission, FHA loan program, Foreign Miners Tax, Fort Laramie treaty, Freedman’s Bureau, Fugitive Slave Act of General Allotment Act, Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan, Gong Lum v. Rice, Guinn v. United States, Hawai’ian annexation, Health Care Improvement Act of Hernandez v. Texas, Immigration Act of Immigration Act of Immigration Reform and Control Act of Indian Child Welfare Act of Indian Removal Act, Jerome Agreement, Jones Act of legal fictions and, Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, Medicine Lodge Treaties, Moore v. Dempsey, NAACP attacks on discriminatory, Native American fishing rights, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Naturalization Act of Nixon’s Philadelphia Plan, Operation Wetback, Oyama v. California, Page Law, “pig law,” Plessy v. Ferguson, Reconstruction civil rights acts, In re Rodriguez, Self-Determination Act of Simpson-Mazzoli Bill, Sioux religious practices bans, slave importing regulation, Social Security Act, Supreme Court decisions on Chinese immigrants, Thind v. United States, 13th–15th Constitutional Amendments, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of Paris, Tydings-McDuffie Act, U.S. Constitution, Voting Rights Act of Wagner Act
Leisler, Jacob
Leisler’s Rebellion
Lekanoff, Flore
Lenski, Gerhard
Leong Shee
Lester, Julius
Letters on the Colonization Society (Carey)
Leupp, Francis
Lewis, Sinclair
The Liberator
Lieberth, David
Life expectancy
Liliuokalani, Queen
Lincoln, Abraham
Little Bear
Little Big Horn
Livingston, Edward
Livingston, William
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Log cabins
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock
Longest Walk March on Washington (1978)
Long Walk to Bosque Redondo
Loretto, Pennsylvania
Los Angeles Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born
Louisiana, Black Codes in
Lower East Side, New York
LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)
Lunch counter sit-in movement
Lundy, Benjamin
Lutherans, Swedish
Lynching; of blacks, as bloodsport, of Chinese, of Italians, of Jews (Leo Frank), of Mexicans, Wells on
Lyon, Matthew
Maguire, John Francis
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Mailer, Norman
Maine, as free state, Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America
Malcolm X
Manhatten, purchase of
Manifest Destiny, O’Sullivan on
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race (Montagu)
March on Washington
Marshall, John
Marx Brothers
Maryland, anti-Catholicism in, indentured servants in Chesapeake
Maslow, Will
Massachusetts, African American regiment from, attempts to Christianize Indians in, Boston martyrs, busing in, Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America, Ursaline convent burning
Matsui, Robert T.,
Matsunaga, Spark M.,
McDonald, Michael
McKinley, William
McKissick, Floyd
Medicine Lodge Treaties
Mee Yung
Megapolensis, Johannes
Melting pot metaphor, Crèvecoeur on, Kallen on
The Melting Pot (Zangwill)
Mexican American War
The Mexican Immigrant: His Life-Story (Gamio)
Mexicans; Anglo land hunger and, Brown Berets, Brown Power, census figures on, in civil rights movement, Cold War activism of, cowboy culture and, Dana on, Depression-era discrimination against, dominance of in Southwestern populations, dual identity among, in East Los Angeles, elites among, ethnic redefinition and, exclusion of, as field laborers, Gamio on, as gold miners, Jim Crow-type hierarchy in Texas and, in labor unions, as landless wage laborers, La Raza Unida, marginalization/impoverishment of, Native Americans and, naturalization rates among, 1920s immigration of, Operation Wetback and, as original inhabitants of Texas, Osio history of, other Latinos and, reasons of for emigrating, reclassified as nonwhite, regional clustering of, In re Rodriguez on, social banditry and, Spiritual Plan of Aztlan, women, in Zoot Suit Riot
Middle classes; black, domestic servants and
Migration, the Great
Million Man March
Mineta, Norman Y.,
Minuit, Peter
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Monk, Maria
Montagu, Ashley
Montgomery Bus Boycott (1966–1956)
Moore v. Dempsey
More Than Words (Cuomo)
Morgan, Jonathan
Morley, Jefferson
Morris, Willie
Morse, Samuel F. B.,
Movie/film industry
Moynihan, Patrick
Mr. Dooley: Now and Forever (Dunne)
Muench, Gerard
Multiculturalism; “Cinderella” and, debate over, pluralism and, Schlesinger on, white identities vs., white privilege and viability of
Munsterberg, Hugo
Murray, Cecil L.,
Muslim countries
My Ántonia (Cather)
Myrdal, Gunnar
Mystic Village Pequot massacre
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), on black schoolteachers’ equal pay
Napoleonic Wars
Nast, Thomas
National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
“National Anthem of Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League” (Garvey)
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
“National Black Political Agenda”
National Chicano Youth Liberation Conference
National Colored Women’s Association
National Congress of American Indians
National Indian Youth Council
National Puerto Rican Coalition
National Tribal Chairman’s Association
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of
Native Americans (1600–1700); attempts to Christianize, Bradford encounter with Samoset, conflicts of with Virginia planters, dependence of early settlers on, European diseases and, as French and English allies, King Philip’s War, negotiation/compromise of with the French, Pocahontas, pre-colonial, purchase of Manhattan from, Puritan attitudes toward, Winslow’s description of
Native Americans (1701–1788); American Revolution and, attempts to Christianize, in California, Californian, conflicts of with settlers and loss of rights, interracial sex with Europeans and, Jesuit influences on, list of nations, multiethnic villages of, population decline of, seizures of homelands of, smallpox among, trade goods and
Native Americans (1789–1836); assimilation efforts on, attempts to Christianize, as “black,” as farmers, increased interaction of with whites, Pickering policy toward, removal and reservation policies and, as resident aliens, Stockbridge, Maine, Trail of Tears, treaty violations and
Native Americans (1837–1877); buffalo and, California peonage of, Custer and, expansionism’s effects on, Long Walk and, reservation system and, Sand Creek Massacre
Native Americans (1878–1900); allotment by severalty and, as “backward race,” in boarding schools, Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock on, Manifest Destiny and, middle-class values for, Standing Bear’s protest, treaty system abandoned for assimilationist strategy toward, women
Native Americans (1901–1929); American Indian Defense Association and, census figures on, Geronimo, grip of on homelands, homesteader’s plots for, Ishi
Native Americans (1930–1964); allotment program and, Wheeler-Howard Act, in WWII
Native Americans (1965–2000); Alcatraz Island occupied by, federal properties occupied by, fish-ins, future of, Graves and Repatriation Act, Longest Walk march, marginalization/impoverishment of, pantribal identities of, Red Power and, self-identification by, tribal allegiances and, urban vs. reservation
Native Americans by tribe; Apaches, Arapahoes, Cherokees, Cheyennes, Chicasaws, Choctaws, Comanches, Creeks, Five Civilized Tribes, Hurons, Iroquois/Iroquois Confederacy, Kiowas, Lakotas, list of, Muskogees, Navajo, Nez Perce, Pequots, Powhatans, Pueblos, Saponis, Seminoles, Sioux, Wampanoag, Waxhaw, Yakima
Nativism. See also Exclusion/restrictionism; Americanism and chauvinism in, American Party and, anti-Catholicism and, anti-German hysteria and, Chinese unassimilability and, exclusionism and, illegal immigrants and, Japanese exclusion and, Know-Nothings and, of Morse, opposition to Irish and, race hierarchy theory and, racial balance and, restrictionism justifications and, suspicion of foreign-born and, WWI and
Naturalization. See also Citizenship; after WWI, Chinese barred from, as complicated and discriminatory, Confession Program and, Declaration of Intention to, Latino eligibility for, Mexican repatriation and, racial identification simplification and, residency requirement for, restrictions added to, U.S. Constitution on
Naturalization Act of
Navajo, Long Walk
Negro, Maria
The Negro in Chicago: A Study of Race Relations and a Race Riot
New Amsterdam, anti-Semitism in, English seizure of
New Deal
New England, opposition to slave trade in
New England’s Crisis (Tompson)
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Netherland, admission of Jews into, English seizure of, purchase of Manhattan
New Orleans, Louisiana
New Spain
Newton, Huey
The New York Conspiracy (Horsmanden)
New York/New York City; anti-Catholicism in, early colonial, ethnic groups in, ethnic settlements in, Harlem, housing in, Indians pushed west from, Irish in, Jewish assimilation through marriage in, Jews in, Kings College, Lakotas and, Leisler’s Rebellion, New-York Society for the Information and Assistance of Persons Emigrating from Foreign Countries, Puerto Ricans in, Riis on, school system in, Shamrock Friendly Association, slums in, Spanish Negroes in, urbanization and
New-York Society for the Information and Assistance of Persons Emigrating from Foreign Countries
Nez Perce
Nicholson, Francis
Nicodemus, Kansas
Nicollson, Francis
Nicols, Richard
Nigger in the Window (Lee)
Niles, Hezekiah
Nixon, Richard
Noah, Mordecai Manuel
Noble Savage stereotype
Northrup, Solomon
Northwest Territory
“Notes on the State of Virginia” (Jefferson)
Novak, Michael
Ocean Hill-Brownsville schools conflict
O’Connell, Daniel
“Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others” (DuBois)
“Of Our Spiritual Strivings” (DuBois)
Oh, Angela
Old lady Horse
Olmstead, Frederick Law
Omaha tribe
One Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago (Hoyt)
“One Nation, Many People: A Declaration of Cultural Independence”
Operation Wetback (1954)
Opium War
Order of Caucasians
Osio, Antonio María
O’Sullivan, John
Otis, Harrison Gray
Oyama v. California
Pace, Harry
Paderewski, Ignace
Page Law
Page Law (1875)
The Passing of the Great Race (Grant)
Patroon system
Pennsylvania, Bethlehem, German immigrants in, German mutual aid societies in, slavery rejected from, Swedish Lutherans in
People’s Party
Perkins, Frances
Philippine American War
Philippines and Filipinos, Aguinaldo and, imperialism in
Phillips, Frederick
Pickering, Timothy
The Picture of New-York and Stranger’s Guide through the Commercial Emporium of the United States
Pidgion, William
“Pig law”
Platt Amendment
Plessy, Homer
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plunkitt, George Washington
Pluralism. See also Multiculturalism; Kallen on
Plymouth Colony, Samoset encounter with
Poles, study of immigrants
Police Tax (1862)
The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (Thomas, Znaniecki)
Politics and ethnicity (1789–1836); Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans, partisan politics
Politics and ethnicity (1837–1877); American Party, blacks in office, Democratic Party, Germans, Irish, Republican Party, Socialist Labor Party
Politics and ethnicity (1878–1900); disfranchisement, electoral fraud, Irish, political machines, poor whites and disfranchisement, Reconstruction, white Populists
Politics and ethnicity (1901–1929); after WWI, American Communist Party, black Democrats, black self-sufficiency and, black urban, Democratic Party, ethnic pride and, Irish, La Guardia, minority voter mobilization, radicals, T. Roosevelt, Wilson
Politics and ethnicity (1930–1964), race as malleable concept in
Politics and ethnicity (1965–2000); affirmative action, anti-illegal immigrant campaigns, Asian American activism, blue-collar whites in, Democratic Party, Ellis Island Whiteness, Latino, liberal vs. conservative, multiculturalism and, Native American, polarization in, Republican Party, Southernization in, whites divided in
Popular Front
Population (1600–1700); Jewish colonial, New Netherland, New York
Population (1701–1788); African, in New York, German, in Pennsylvania, Jewish, in New York, Louisiana, lower South, New England, New Spain, Spanish, St. Lawrence Valley, upper South
Population (1789–1836); free black, Northern ethnic vs. “racial” states, “three-fifths compromise” and
Population (1837–1877); Chinese, free black, Jewish, slave
Population (1878–1900); Chinese, foreign-born, Mexican, Tejano, Nuevomexicano, Californio
Population (1901–1929); immigrant/minority, urban demographics of
Population (1965–2000); Latino, Native American, Puerto Rican
A Portraiture of Domestic Slavery in the United States (Torrey)
Powers, John
Powhatan, letter of to John Smith
Pratt, Henry
Protestant Establishment
Protestantism, John Jea and, Maryland Catholics and
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Puerto Ricans; activism of, marginalization/impoverishment of, National Puerto Rican Coalition, as nationals vs. citizens, as new immigrants, other Latinos and, population of, Young Lords
Puerto Rico
Pullman Car Manufacturing Company
Punch, John
Quakers, abolitionism of, animosity toward, Boston martyrs, Long Island law against
“The Question of Racial Purity” (Boas)
Quotas, affirmative action, Tydings-McDuffie Act
Race; American obsession with, “big three”/“triple melting pot” concept, as central, charged American issue, as changeable concept, changing sociopolitical meaning of, concept of culture vs. …, confusion over “Semitic” peoples, mention of eliminated from immigration law, pragmatism and self-realization vs., probable decline in significance of, purity of as nonexistent, question of Jews as Hebrews, as restrictive and prejudicial, “scientific” theories of, “Southernization” of America into bipolar race pattern, transformation of concept of, transition from Jim Crow to multiculturalism
Race: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth (Montagu)
Race: Science and Politics (Benedict)
The Race Concept
Race riots and mob violence. See also Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes
Race riots and mob violence (1789–1836), by and against blacks
Race riots and mob violence (1837–1877); Irish Civil War draft riots, Molly Maguires
Race riots and mob violence (1878–1900); against Chinese, against Italians
Race riots and mob violence (1901–1929); anti-Klan, by Catholics and Jews, in Atlanta (1906), in Chicago (1919), “Red Summer” and fall of in Tulsa
Race riots and mob violence (1930–1945); across America, in Detroit (1943), strikes of 1943 and Zoot Suit Riot
Race riots and mob violence (1950–1964); causes of in the South, in Chicago (1945–1950)
Race riots and mob violence (1965–2000); African American revolts (1965, 1968), in Birmingham, Alabama (1963), in Detroit (1965), in Harlem (1964), Kerner Commission report on, Los Angeles, police vs. Puerto Ricans in Chicago, in Selma, Alabama (1963), from 1964 to in Washington, D.C. (1968), between whites and blacks
Racism (1600–1700); Bacon’s Rebellion and the planter elite, in Chesapeake and lower South slave society, “noble savage” vs. “uncivilized savage” view and, Virginia legislature’s enactments of
Racism (1701–1788); in belief in black and Indian inferiority, of Jefferson, “scientific” theories of
Racism (1837–1877); against Chinese, as justification for cruelty, Manifest Destiny and, “scientific” theories of race and, stereotypes of Mexicans/Californios and, whites-only access to jobs/farms and
Racism (1878–1900). See also Jim Crow; against Chinese, in infantilization of nonwhites, in policies of subordination and conquest, of pro-imperialists, “scientific” theories of race and, sexualized race hysteria and, Social Darwinism and, Southern poor whites and, white supremacy and
Racism (1901–1929); acceptance of the color line and, intelligence testing and, “scientific” theories of race and
Racism (1930–1964); “scientific theories” of
Racism (1940–1945), in hardening opposition to “colored” groups
Racism (1965–2000); in black/Jewish conflicts, busing and, in ethnic studies programs/bilingualism and, illegal immigration and, jobs/housing and
Radicals, Black Panthers
Railroads, transcontinental
Rainbow Coalition
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Ramirez, Macario
Randolph, A. Philip
Ravitch, Diane
Razaf, Andy
Reagan, Ronald, Helms on, on immigration reform, Japanese American internment and
Reconstruction; Black Codes and Jim Crow, dismantled by Redeemers, labor contracts, sharecropping, debt peonage in, land distribution programs in, terrorism in, white supremacy and
Red Cloud
Red Jacket
Red Power
Red River War (1874–1875)
Religion (1600–1700); attempts to Christianize Indians, law against Quakers in Long Island, Maryland and Virginia conflicts over, Puritan certitude over, Winslow’s description of Indian
Religion (1701–1788); African basis of African American, Anglicanism, as cultural identification, education and, German Lutheranism, Great Awakening, Irish Protestantism, Jesuit, Indians and, Presbyterianism, Protestantism, theological communities
Religion (1789–1836); African Methodist Episcopal Church, A.M.E. Zion Church, American Bible Society, attempts to Christianize Indians, and churches in language preservation, Dutch Reformed Church of America, education and, freedom of, Jews and, Lutheranism, Seneca
Religion (1837–1877); German Lutheranism, post-Civil War black, slaves in evolution of
Religion (1901–1929); Christian missionaries in Hawai’i, evangelical Protestantism in anti-immigrant activity, Sioux Sun Dance
Religion (1965–2000), decline of “Protestant Establishment”
“Removal of Southern Indians to Indian Territory” (Jackson)
Report of the National Advisory Commission of Civil Disorders
Republican Party
Resolutions Relative to Preventing the Introduction of Slavery into New States
Revel, James
Reverse discrimination. See also Affirmative action
Reynolds, James
Richards, Paul
Riggs, John
Riis, Jacob A.,
The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics (Novak)
Robber barons
Roberts, Thomas
Robinson, Jackie
Rogers, Will
Rolfe, John
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Japanese internment and
Roosevelt, Theodore, Booker T. Washington and, “Gentleman’s Agreement” and
Ross, Edward A.,
Roybal, Edward
Sacco and Vanzetti
Sadlier, Mary Anne
Saltonstall, Richard
Sampson, William
Sand Creek, Colorado
Sandoval, Soledad
San Francisco, California, Chinese community in, Japanese in the schools in
Schaghen, Peter
Scheer, Robert
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.,
Schurz, Carl
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)
Scotch-Irish, English language guide for, Jarratt on, national identity among
Scottish Presbyterians
Sedgwick, Catherine
Segregation. See also Jim Crow; busing to end, Chinese, Depression era, fall of in the 1990s, federal government reinforcement of, integration and, of Japanese in schools, Jim Crow and, Plessy v. Ferguson, self-imposed, Southern resistance to integration and, of urban Irish and blacks, Wilson administration and
Self-Determination Act of
Seminole Wars (1835–1842)
“Separate but equal” doctrine, Gong Lum v. Rice on
Separation of church and state
Sequin, Juan
Shamrock Friendly Association
Shannon, William
Sharecropping and debt peonage
Sherman, William T.,
Shipler, David
Show Boat
Sierra Leone
Silva, Elisa
Silver Lake, Pennsylvania
Silver Shirts
Simpson, Alan
Simpson, O. J.,
Simpson-Mazzoli Bill
Sitting Bull
“Skinning wars” in South Texas
Slaughter, Governor
Slavery (1600–1700); act defining the status of mulatto bastards, African and Caribbean sources for, on Chesapeake tobacco plantations, differentiated from indenture, Dutch and British trade in, late 17th-century colonial, of Pequot massacre survivors, resistance to, shift to, trade in, Virginia legislature enactments on
Slavery (1701–1788); American Revolution and, Anglicanism and, British offer of freedom from, in exchange for military service, of Colombians, female field hands in, importance of to farmers, Indian, Jefferson on, John Jea on, in Louisiana, New England merchants in slave trade, slave trade closed, Spanish Negroes in, tobacco farming and
Slavery (1789–1836); abolitionism and, act to prohibit, African colonization and, cotton gin and, Fugitive Slave Act and, overseas slave trade banned, Pennsylvania rejection of, portrait of, “three-fifths compromise” and
Slavery (1837–1877); abolitionist movement and, abolition of, auctions in, forced westward migration and, freedmen, Jacobs’ account of, religious and family life under, resistance to, sexual abuse of women under, Southern defenses of, work under
Slocum, J. J.,
Smith, Al
Smith, Ichabod
Smith, John
Smith, Samuel
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)
Social Darwinism
Socialist Labor Party
Social Security Act
Society for Propagatint the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America
Society for the Olive and the Vine
Society of Syrian National Defense
The Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois)
South. See also Jim Crow; anti-Semitism in, black franchise in, education in, ethnicity in, immigration to the upper, population in, race riots and mob violence in, racism in, Redeemers in, resistance to integration in, Southernization in
South Carolina
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Southwest, uneven white settlement in. See also Latinos; Mexicans
Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project
Spanish American War (1898)
Spanish language
A Spark for My People (Cotton)
Spies, August
Spiritual Plan of Aztlan
St. Patrick’s Day
Standing Bear
Stanford, Lelend
Stanford-Binet intelligence test
Stannard, Ray
Stereotypes; of blacks in Amos ’n’ Andy, of blacks in Chicago, of Chinese as “yellow peril,” as continual American issue, in film/TV, of frontiersmen, of immigrants as drunkards and corrupters, of Indians, of Irish, of Italians, of Jews, of Mexicans/Californios, “Noble Savage,” of urban blacks and Irish
Stevens, Ted
Stevenson, Marmaduke
Stewart, Alexander
Stone, William L.,
Streator, George
Strickland, William
Strong, George Templeton
Strong, Josiah
A Study of American Intelligence (Brigham)
Stuyvesant, Peter
Sugarcreek, Pennsylvania
Sullivan, “Big Tim”
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays
Sumner, Charles
Sun Dance
Swedish immigrants, Lutheranism among
Taiping Rebellion
Takeshita, Ben
Tarne, Edward
Television, Spanish language networks
Terman, Lewis
Terrorism; Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, during Reconstruction
Texas, anglo land hunger in, Cortina rebellion, Hernandez v. Texas, Jim Crow-type hierarchy in, Mexicans as original inhabitants of, “skinning wars” in
Texas Rangers
Texas Revolt
“The Black Revolution” (Malcolm X)
Thernstrom, Abigail
Thind v. United States
Third World Strikes
Thomas, W. I.,
Thorne, William
Thurston, Lorrin
Tin Pan Alley
Tompson, Benjamin
Tongs and huiguan
Torres, Anastacio
Torrey, Jesse
Town meetings, Commission on Race
Trade goods and exports; ceramics, chinoiserie, cotton, furs, rice, sugar, tea, textiles, tobacco
Trail of Tears
Transportation revolution
Travels by His Highness Duke Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach Through North America in the Years 1825 and 1826
Treaties. See Legislation affecting civil rights or immigration; Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock on
Treaty of Greenville (1795)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
Treaty of Paris (1783)
“Triple melting pot” theory
The True History of Maria Monk (Stone)
Truman, Harry S
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Turner, Nat
Tuskegee Institute
Twain, Mark
Two Years Before the Mast and Twenty Four Years After (Dana)
Tydings-McDuffie Act of
Union League militias
United Farm Workers
United German Benefit Society of Philadelphia
Univ. of California v. Bakke
“Universal Ethiopian Anthem”
Universal Negro Improvement Association
Urban League
Urban Task Force
Ursaline convent burning
U.S. Constitution
Uyematsu, Amy
Van Renssalaer, Kiliaen
Vaquerano, Carlos
Varela, Felix
Virginia, act defining the status of mulatto bastards, Bacon’s Rebellion, black schoolteachers’ equal pay, cooperation between black and white servants in, indentured servants in Chesapeake, Jamestown, “Notes on the State of Virginia” (Jefferson), Scotch-Irish in, Virginian identity in
Voting Rights Act of
Wagner Act
Wahunsonacock, letter of to John Smith
Walker, Francis A.,
Walker, John
Walker, Margaret
Wallace, George
Waller, Fats
Wanborough, Illinois
Waring, John
War of
Warren, Earl
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes. See also Race riots and mob violence
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes (1600–1700); Bacon’s Rebellion, Dutch colonies vs. Swedish, English vs. French in North America, King Philip’s War, King William’s War, Leisler’s Rebellion, Pequot massacre, precolonial intertribal, Virginia colonists against Powhatans
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes (1701–1788); settlers vs. Iroquois, slave uprisings
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes (1789–1836); Black Hawk War, Napoleonic Wars, Nat Turner’s slave revolt, Seminole Wars, Ursaline convent burning
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes (1837–1877); Anglos/Tejanos against Mexican government, Civil War, Cortina War, El Paso Salt War, gold rusher campaign against Indians, Indian resistance, Little Bighorn, Mexican American War, Opium War, Sand Creek, Colorado, Taiping Rebellion
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes (1878–1899); Little Big Horn, Philippine American War, Red River War, “skinning wars,” Spanish American War, U.S. Army vs. Plains Indians, Wounded Knee
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes (1901–1929), World War I
Wars, rebellions, and skirmishes (1930–1964), World War II
Washington, Booker T., “Atlanta Compromise,” DuBois on, lunch with Roosevelt
WASP elite
Waterman, T. T.,
Waters, Ethel
Wayne, Anthony
Webster, Noah
Weitz, Martin
Welfare programs
Wells, Ida B.,
Wendell, Barrett
West Indians
West Indies
“What Is an American?” (Crèvecoeur)
Wheeler-Howard Act of
White Citizen’s Council
“White City”
Whitefield, George
“The White Man’s Burden” (Kipling)
Whiteness and white ethnic identity; to avoid degradation of blackness, black competition and, in claims of Spanish/Castilian blood, of dark-complexioned immigrants, Ellis Island Whiteness, and ethnic holidays as big business, ethnic studies programs and, for European immigrants, impact of 1790 census on, of Irish and Italians, of Jews, of Mexicans, multiculturalism vs., Novak on, as optional ethnicity, political parties’ use of, Protestant Establishment and, in pursuit of advancement, In re Rodriguez on, as resistance to minority power and assertion of ethnic pride, slavery and strengthening of, unmeltable ethnics and, WASP elite and, white ethnic revival and, white solidarity and, WWII opposition to colored groups and, of yeoman farmers
“Why Talk of the White Man’s Burden?” (Grit)
Wille, Lois
Wilson, Pete
Wilson, Woodrow
Winham, Thomas
Winslow, Edward
Winthrop, John
Women; advantages for working class, as Americanizing agents, black, devaluation of, black, garden production of, as buttresses for husbands, Chinese, in domestic service, freedom/independence of, freed slave, gender roles and, Irish, Japanese “picture brides,” matrilineality and, Mexican, Mexican prostitute lynched, middle class, midwives, Native American, slave, sexual abuse of, working outside the home
Wooden Leg
Workingman’s Party
World’s Columbian Exposition
World War I, DuBois on
World War II
Wounded Knee massacre
Wounded Knee occupation
Wright, Richard
X, Malcolm
Yellow Identity Conference
Yellow peril
Yellow Power
Yerkes, Robert
Yiddish language, newspapers
Young Lords
Zangwill, Israel
Znaniecki, Florian
Zoot Suit Riot (1943)