1. (From left to right) Dad, me and Uncle Gordon in our uniforms. I idolized them both.
2. Enjoying firearms training during my time policing Gatwick airport.
3. Tim Phillips receiving aid from the emergency services after being shot by Dew and Cooke.
4. The Lighthouse Club, owned by George Teed.
5. Police searching Shoreham Harbour for evidence following the Lighthouse Club triple murder.
6. George and Hilda Teed.
7. David Teed.
8. Paul Teed.
9. Paul Teed (left) with Peter James.
10. (From left to right) Peter James, David Henty and me.
11. On the steps of Henty and Wake’s passport factory following their arrest, with printer Barry Cheriton behind.
12. Charlie Bloomstein, Justin Bishop, Andrew Barratt and Daryl Aldridge.
13. The pistol and ammunition found in the gang’s possession.
14. Anthony Robinson’s VW camper van being towed following the discovery of his body.
15. The ruthless Denis Mulder.
16. With Russell Brand filming a BBC TV documentary exploring drug rehabilitation in Brighton.
17. Career criminal Michael Fitzpatrick, who was shot by police.
18. The scene at Rock Place following the Fitzpatrick shooting.
19. Peter and I with the first ‘Peter James car’ that he sponsored for Sussex Police.
20. Activists besiege the EDO MBM factory – a carefully planned police operation ensured public safety.
21. My family at my retirement party in 2013.