“Save up to 50%, and More!” Between you and I. On accident. Somewhat of a. Kustom Kar Kare Autowash. “The cause was due to numerous factors.” “Orange Crush—A Taste That’s All It’s Own.” “Vigorex: Helping men conquer sexual issues.” “Equal numbers of both men and women opposed the amendment.” Feedback. “As drinking water becomes more and more in short supply.” “IMATION—Borne of 3M Innovation.” Point in time. Time frame. “At this point in time, the individual in question was observed, and subsequently apprehended by authorities.” Here for you, there for you. Fail to comply with for violate. Comprised of. From whence. Quote for quotation. Nauseous for nauseated. Besides the point. To mentor, to parent. To partner. To critique. Indicated for said. Parameters for limits and options for choices and viable options for options and workable solution for solution. In point of fact. Prior to this time. As of this point in the time frame. Serves to. Tends to be. Convince for persuade, portion for part. Commence to, cease to. Expedite. Request for ask. Eventuate for happen. Subsequent to this time. Facilitate. “Author’s Foreward.” Aid in. Utilize. Detrimental. Equates with. In regards to. “It has now made its way into the mainstream of verbal discourse.” Tragic, tragedy. Grow as non-ag. transitive. Keep for stay. “To demonstrate the power of Epson’s New Stylus Color Inkjet Printer with 1440 d.p.i., just listen:” Could care less. Personal issues, core issues. Fellow colleagues. Goal-orientated. Resources. To share. Feelings. Nurture, empower, recover. Valid for true. Authentic. Productive, unproductive. “I choose to view my opponent’s negative attacks as unproductive to the real issues facing the citizens of this campaign.” Incumbent upon. Mandate. Plurality. Per anum. Conjunctive adverbs in general. Instantaneous. Quality as adj. Proactive. Proactive Mission Statement. Positive feedback. A positive role model. Compensation. Validation. As for example. True facts are often impactful. “Call now for your free gift!” I only wish. Not too good of a. Potentiality for potential. Pay the consequences of. Obligated. At this juncture. To reference. To process. Process. The process of. The healing process. The grieving process. “Processing of feelings is a major component of the grieving process.” To transition. Commensurant. “Till the stars fall from the sky/For you and I.” Working together. Efficacious, effectual. Lifestyle. This phenomena, these criterion. Irregardless. If for whether. As for because. “Both sides are working together to achieve a workable consensus.” Dysfunctional family of origin. S.O. To nest. Support. Relate to. Merge together. KEEP IN OWN LANE. For whomever wants it. “My wife and myself wish to express our gratitude and thanks to you for being there to support us at this difficult time in our life.” Diversity. Quality time. Values, family values. To conference. “French provincial twin bed with canape and box spring, $150.” Take a wait-and-see attitude. Cum-N-Go Quik Mart. Travelodge. Self-confessed. Precise estimate. More correct. Very possible, very unique. “Travel times on the expressways are reflective of its still being bad out there.” Budgetel. More and more inevitable. EZPAY. RENT2OWN. MENS’ ROOM. LADY’S ROOM. Individual for person. Whom for who, that for who. “The accident equated to a lot of damage.” Ipse dixie. Falderol. “‘Waiting on’ is a dialectical locution on the rise and splitting its meaning.” Staunch the flow. AM in the morning. Forte as “for tay.” Advisement. Most especially. Sum total. Final totals. Complete dearth. “You can donate your used car or truck in any condition.” At present. At the present time. Challenge for problem, challenging for hard. Closure. Judgement. Nortorious. Miniscule. Mischievious. “Both died in an apartment Dr. Kevorkian was leasing after inhaling carbon monoxide.” Bald-faced. “No obligation required!”
Acknowledgements. To give off the impression. Instrumentality. Suffice to say. “The third-leading cause of death of both American men and women.” Positive for good. Alright. “This begs the question, why are our elected leaders silent on this issue?” To reference. To privilege, to gender. “DiBlasi’s work shows how sex can bring people together and pull them apart.” “Come in and take advantage of our knowledgeable staff!” “We get the job done, not make excuses.” In so far as. “Chances of rain are prevalent.” NO TRUCK’S. Beyond the pail. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Rule and Regulation Amendment Task Force. Further for farther. “The Fred Pryor Seminar has opened my eyes to better time management techniques. Also it has given real life situations and how to deal with them effectively.” Hands-on, can-do. “Each of the variants indicated in boldface type count as an entry.” Visualize, visualization. “Insert and tighten metric calibrated hexscrews (K) into arc (C) comprised of intersecting vertical pieces (A) along transverse section of Structure.” Creativity, creative. To message, to send a message, to bring our message to. To reach out to. Context. A factor, a major factor, a decisive factor. Myriads of decisive factors. “It is a federal requirement to comply with all safety regulations on this flight.” In this context, of this context. On a frequent basis. From the standpoint of. Contextualization. Within the parameters of this context. Decontextualization. Defamiliarization. Disorientated. “The artist’s employment of a radical visual idiom serves to decontextualize both conventional modes of representation and the patriarchal contexts on which such traditional hegemonic notions as representation, tradition, and even conventional contextualization have come to be seen as depending for their canonical privileging as aestheto-interpretive mechanisms.” I don’t feel well but expect to recoup. “As parents, the responsibility of talking to your kids about drugs is up to you.” Who would of thought? Last and final call. Achieve. Achievement. Excellence. Pursuit of a standard of total excellence. Partial completion. An astute observance. Misrepresent for lie. A long-standing tradition of achievement in the arena of excellence. “All dry cleaners are not the same.” Visible to the eye. Which for that, I for me. That which. With regards to this issue. Data as singular, media as singular, graffiti as singular. Remain for stay. On-task. Escalate as transitive. Community. “Iran must realize that it cannot flaunt with impunity the expressed will and law of the world community.” Community support. Community-based. Broad appeal. Rally support. Outpourings of support. “Tried to lay the cause at the feet of Congress.” Epidemic proportions. Proportionate response. Feasibility. “This anguishing national ordeal.” Bipartisan, nonpartisan. Widespread outbreaks. Constructive dialogue. To appeal for. To impact. Hew and cry. From this aspect. Hayday. Appropriate, inappropriate. Contingency. Contingent upon. Every foreseeable contingency. Audible to the ear. As for since. Palpably quiet. “The enormity of this administration’s accomplishments.” Frigid temperatures. Loud volume. “Surrounded on all sides, my workable options at this time are few in number.” Chaise lounge, nucular, deep-seeded, bedroom suit, reek havoc. “Her ten-year rein atop the competition? The reason why is because she still continues to hue to the basic fundamentals.” Ouster. Lucrative salaries, expensive prices. Forgo for forego and vice versa. Breech of conduct. Award for meretricious service. Substantiate, unsubstantiated, substantial. Re-elected to another term. Fulsome praise. Service. Public service. “A tradition of servicing your needs.” “A commitment to accountability in a lifetime of public service.” I thought to myself. As best as we can. WAVE ALL INTEREST FOR 90 DAYS. “But I also want to have—be the president that protects the rights of, of people to, to have arms. And that—so you don’t go so far that the legitimate rights on some legislation are, are, you know, impinged on.” “Dr. Charles Frieses’ theories.” Conflict. Conflict-resolution. The mutual advantage of both sides in this widespread conflict. “We will make a determination in terms of an appropriate response.” Impact, to impact. Future plans. Don’t go there! PLEASE WAIT HERE UNTIL NEXT AVAILABLE CLERK. Fellow countrymen. Misappropriate for steal. Off of. I’ll be there momentarily. At some later point in time. I’m not adverse to that. Have a good one. Luv ya. Alot.