/* HIDDEN ICONS FOR ADE - CITY GUIDE Please note: This stylesheet is not for all icons, it's only for hidden icons. Whatever is placed in here will be replaced before being output to Mobi because Mobi has a limit on supressed chars using display:none property. */ .cat-overview h1 .font-icon { display: none; } .font-icon-lge { font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; display: none; } /* Hidden for ADE devices */ .walking-tour .bullet { display:none; } .itinerary-morning, .itinerary-afternoon, .itinerary-evening { display:none; } /* Hidden for ADE */ .icon-eating { display: none; } /* Hidden for ADE */ .disc-icons { display: none; } h1.sleep-head samp.font-icon { display: none; } /* hide for ADE devices */ .neighbourhoods-at-a-glance .numbered { font-size:115%; color:#0065B3; padding-right:.2em!important; display: none; } .list-a .numbered { font-size: 130%; display: none; } h2 .font-icon { display: none; /* hide for ADE devices */ } .script { display: none; } .font-icon { font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; display: none; } /* Hidden for ADE devices */ .font-prac-icon { font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; display: none; } /* Hidden for ADE devices */ .bullet_arrow { font-weight:normal; margin-right:.2em; color:#E42118; font-size:.7em!important; display: none; /* hide for ADE devices */ }