Conversations with God has become one of the most compelling series of books in modern publishing, with over 1.5 million hardcovers sold of Books 1 and 2, and translations into 24 languages to date. Neale Donald Walsch has presented a concept of God we can understand and accept, a God who answers clearly all the questions we have wanted to ask, about all the subjects that are fundamental to us—life and death, love and hate, good and evil, heaven and hell, the meaning of the soul—a God who makes sense, and gives us hope. You will find these books to be among the most important you will ever read, a new paradigm for human life and our relationship to the universe. Book 1 was originally published in trade paperback by Hampton Roads, but is now available in hardcover from Penguin-Putnam in New York (ISBN 0-399-14278-9, $19.95).

From Hampton Roads:

Conversations with God, Book 2
Neale Donald Walscb

The dialogue continues in this anxiously-awaited follow-up to the fastest-selling book in the company's history. Conversations with God, Book 2 resumes the dialogue where Book 1 left off, moving from personal issues to more global and political concerns. Included are questions about the nature of time and space and human sexuality, as well as geophysical and geopolitical considerations of worldwide implication. The dialogue in Book 2 is, in Neale Donald Walsch's own words, “…captivating, disturbing, and challenging…. In this book, God suggests nothing less than a social, sexual, political, and economic revolution that would help create the paradise on Earth we all seek.” Just as fascinating and compelling as Book I, Conversations with God, Book 2 will take you to new and more expansive understandings, to greater and more universal truths—until, of course, The Dialogue Expands…

images hardcover, 288 pages, ISBN 1-57174-056-2, $19.95

Conversations with God, Book 1 Guidebook
Neale Donald Walscb

The success of Conversations with God, Book 1 is even greater than anyone imagined! Church and individual study groups have formed all over the nation, and many have written to the author, requesting that he create a workbook to help guide them through the material. Walsch has responded to the demand and has created the Conversations with God, Book I Guidebook–a step-by-step guide and exercise manual for those seeking to apply the truths in Book 1 to their daily lives. Whether it be for practical application or just to further one's understanding of the dialogue, the Conversations with God, Book 1 Guidebook is an excellent and indispensable aid. It is written so that people who have not even read the other books can still understand and work with the concepts.

6 × 9 trade paper, 216 pages, ISBN 1-57174-048-1, $12.95