In Closing

Since receiving the information contained in this book, and quietly spreading the word about it, I have answered many inquiries, both about how it was received and about the dialogue itself. I honor every inquiry, and the sincerity with which it is made. People simply want to know more about this, and that is understandable.

While I wish I could take every phone call and personally respond to every letter, it is just not possible to do that. Among other things, I would be spending a great deal of time answering essentially the same questions over and over again. So I've thought about how I could interact with you more efficiently, and still honor each inquiry.

I decided to write a monthly letter to those with questions or comments regarding this dialogue. In this way it is possible for me to respond to all the inquiries which come in and to react to all the commentaries, without having to write many, many individual letters each month. I know this may not be the best way to communicate with you, and it certainly is not the most personal, but it is what I am now capable of doing.

The monthly letter is available upon request to:

Postal Drawer 3547
Central Point, Oregon 97502

In the beginning this letter was made available at no fee, but we never dreamed so many would ask for it. Because of the mounting costs, we are now asking for a minimal donation of twenty-five dollars per year so that we can continue to reach as many people as possible. If you are unable financially to help us with these costs, please ask for a scholarship subscription.

I'm glad you have been able to share this extraordinary dialogue with me. I wish you the highest experience of life's rich blessings, and an awareness of God in your life that brings you peace, joy, and love through all your days and endeavors.

Neale Donald Walsch