1929 …
Word came by way of a couple of disillusioned cowboys that spring. They had left the 101 after yet another show season with heavy losses. Knowing that many of the old gang were in Hollywood, they had come, looking for jobs.
The crowning bit of bad luck back at the ranch: George Miller, manager and bookkeeper, the stabilizing influence of the operation itself, was dead. One of his favorite extravagances, a powerful Lincoln roadster, had been his downfall. He had been drinking and playing cards with friends at the Arcade Hotel in Ponca City until past midnight. Driving too fast on icy highways, en route from Ponca City to the 101, he had gone off the road. He was found the next morning by a couple of local men. Miller had apparently been thrown clear, but his head was crushed beneath a front wheel. He was only forty-seven.
Matters worsened considerably in October of the same year, with the crash of the stock market and the onset of the Great Depression.
The 101 Ranch Wild West Show had again experienced a losing season on the road. Creditors were pushing to be paid, prices on farm products were dropping, but expenses rising. The ranch was mortgaged to the extent of $500,000 just to stay afloat.
Again, there were whispers about the Ponca “curse.”
1930 …
“Naw, you gotta swagger a little … . Swing yer arms and sort of walk with a swing in yer stride … Like this … .”
Yakima Canutt strolled a few paces, turned, and stalked back, a swing in his step. He paused to speak to the approaching John Buffalo.
“Howdy, John. Just coachin’ a friend, here. Marion, this is John Buffalo, the horse trainer.”
The lanky young man stuck out his hand in greeting.
“Haven’t I seen you around?” John asked.
“Yeah, probably. I’ve spent some summers here,” said the other. “Marion Morrison.”
“He’s from Iowa,” Canutt said. “College football player. Been spendin’ the summers here, playin’ an extra, some odd jobs. Couple o’ stunts, but he’s like you—not really into the stunt thing. He’d really like to act. Play a cowboy.”
John reflected that there were a great many young people with such an ambition.
“He’s got a shot at it,” Canutt went on. “John Ford’s recommended him to Raoul Walsh, who’s directin’ a picture called The Big Trail.”
“You a friend of Ford’s?” John asked.
“Sort of,” Morrison said. “Met him here a couple of years ago. He likes to talk football.”
“Trouble is,” said Canutt, “he’s playin’ a cowboy, but he don’t walk like one. Walks like … well, like he’s from Iowa!”
“I am from Iowa.”
“Yeah … Well, anyhow, I’m showin’ him some pointers about ridin’ a horse an’ how to walk so’s to look like a cowboy. Oh, yeah! He don’t think Marion Morrison sounds like a cowboy’s name, either.”
He turned to Morrison.
“You and Ford decide on that name yet?”
“Pretty near,” said the young man. “I’m about settled on ‘John Wayne.’ Now, lemme try this walk some more, Yak. Like this?”
He swaggered a few steps, turned, and swung back toward them.
“Yeah!” said Canutt. “Now, that’s comin’ along. You’ll be lookin’ like a cowboy, yet!”
Someone once observed that the days pass slowly, but the years, quickly. It was true in John Buffalo’s life. He was busy. It was also true that the deceptive climate made it difficult to distinguish the season. There was a certain sameness the year round. John never quite became accustomed to the fact that in April, when the prairie grasses were greening and preparing to grow to six feet and taller, the California hills were becoming dry and yellow. They would remain so until October, when greening again began in the hills behind Hollywood.
1931 …
The worst year yet for the 101. John read about it in the papers. The 101 Ranch Wild West Show had closed forever, on the road, in Washington, D.C. August third was their last parade. Rising bills and falling attendance made further struggles useless.
In September, the ranch was placed in receivership. The land would be divided and leased to individuals to farm. Personal property would be auctioned off.
1932 …
The auction occurred in March. Zack Miller, sick and suffering from a “nervous breakdown,” referred to the auction as “legal robbery.” He was arrested and confined for a short while after firing a shotgun over the heads of approaching lawyers.
Less than a month later, Bill Pickett was dead. He lingered two weeks in a Ponca City hospital after being kicked in the head by a 101 horse which he was breaking.
Pickett was buried on the ridge near the resting place of White Eagle, the Ponca chief—he who had voiced the pronouncement that became known as the “curse.”
One of the old cowboys gave a left-handed compliment to his long-time friend.
“If ever there was a good nigger, it was Bill Pickett.”
John Buffalo would have made the trip to Oklahoma, to attend the funeral of the man who had been a good friend, but learned of Pickett’s death too late, after the funeral was over.
Also in 1932, Zack Miller negotiated with the Capone family of Chicago to buy the ranch. Al (Scarface) Capone was still in federal prison for tax evasion, but the family was negotiating seriously. News reports and rumors were rampant.
The ranch, it was said, was to be divided into forty- and eighty-acre plots. It would be used for truck farming in a cooperative farm, run by Italian immigrant families in hundreds of co-op units.
The deal finally fell through, after months of haggling, and Zack Miller again faced disaster. In addition, Zack’s recently divorced second wife, Marguerite, filed suit for overdue child support, lawyer fees, and alimony. Zack was jailed briefly at Newkirk, Oklahoma, for contempt of court.
1933 …
Miller managed to put together a troupe of cowboys and cowgirls who performed under the banner of the 101 Ranch at the Century of Progress exhibition in Chicago. Frantically, he tried various schemes to keep the 101 alive.
He tried to interest Babe Ruth, the New York Yankee slugger, to invest in the operation as a partner. Zack envisioned the show back on the road, with the great baseball icon putting on an act and autographing baseballs after each performance. The “Bambino” was not particularly interested.
1934 …
The country was still in the depths of the Depression, but Hollywood was in another world.
For a nickel or a dime, the American public could escape their troubles for a couple of hours in the movie theater. There, anonymous in the darkness, they could escape their own tawdry existence for a little while to live the adventures depicted on the silver screen.
Talking pictures had been a reality for several years now. After starring in a number of films as the strong and upright cowboy hero, Tim McCoy had finished a cowboy serial. It would be in twelve episodes, each to consist of two reels, which ran twenty minutes. One episode would be shown each week, with a cliff-hanger finish, a la The Perils of Pauline. The title of this first talkie serial was The Indians Are Coming.
John Buffalo was doing well. His work was held in high regard. While the rest of the country suffered from the Depression, Hollywood seemed exempt. There was usually money from somewhere if someone needed it to make a picture.
But John was restless. He was past forty, and still felt that his life had no sense of direction. He could see the years passing at an ever-increasing speed. He had no family. He was neither a hermit nor a ladies’ man, though he had had some relationships of convenience from time to time. Though he realized that the industry in which he found himself was suspected of debauchery, most of the people with whom he worked were good, upright citizens, with homes and families.
Yet he had none, and there was an empty spot in his life.
He was walking down Sunset Boulevard when a voice called his name.
He turned. There were a lot of people whom he knew, but it took him a few moments to place this man. It had been many years.
“Mac? Coach McGregor?”
The two clasped hands warmly. Mac had aged some. He was balding, and the fringe of hair over his ears had changed from brown to gray.
“You’re in the movie business?” he asked. “I thought you’d be coaching.”
“Didn’t work out,” said John. “But you?”
“Still coaching. On a vacation just now. I’m taking a year off. Lost my wife last winter.”
John was somewhat embarrassed that if he had ever known anything about Mac’s family life, he couldn’t remember.
“I’m sorry, Coach.”
“It’s okay. I’m doing better now. Our kids are grown and gone. It’s a good time for me to see the world. You married, John?”
“No, sir. I was … Lost my partner, too.”
“Sorry … Guess that makes us a sorry pair.”
A flash of an idea crossed his face.
“Say, John, why don’t you go to the Olympics with me? Like old times!”
“You’re coaching them again?”
“No, no. I’m just going as a spectator. No responsibilities. Berlin … It’ll be like old times, but with no cares and troubles … . Just to watch …”
It did not take long to decide. Maybe this would be just what he needed, to shake the uneasy wanderlust out of his system.
“I’ll do it!” John said.